RM3 #357?

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Yeah, yeah...we all saw that you got the weed direct from the source....sheesh!

That's the thanks I get for tossing you a softball. You know....setting it on a tee and all but swinging the bat for you.

I definitely came to these conclusions on my own, am not being coerced, and neither were the people that tried it. It was the same reaction every time. But believe what you want. Some people are cynical, I suppose.
For the record you only paid for 2 packs and are receiving 5, plus we sent another how many for free? you have received both of my Canadian packages that I have personally sent, you are just waiting for Gnomes package, and he is backing any mash ups of his personally..

for the record Gnome also put his very own HU seeds into the donation to make it happen, as the rest were in transit to me at the time, and it hasnt even been 8 weeks since the send date, its been 5 going on 6 only.

here is what you said after I sent you my very own HU seeds, like from my own collection of seeds..among some other gifts.. and heavy discounts on all our gear plus RG Gear at cost, anything we have in Canada we opened up to you at below staff rates. But ya here is what you said to me the day you received my second package..

Hey Don;
Your package arrived today. Upset, pissed off doesn't even begin to explain how I feel. I've been very patient with you, jumped through all the hoops you asked me to, and still you've screwed up my order. No breeder packs? Wtf is that. I Don't accept these are the bbeanz you say they are. 1/2 pack Heidi's unicorn? I Ordered a full packs. And where the fuck is my stray fox gear?
Don, you need to reply to this asap and settle this or I unleash on social media. I'm so angry. You really fucked me over.
1 pack Heidi's unicorn
1 pack ctf
1 pack green warrior
1 pack smoking mirrors.
This is what I want, This is what you told me, I want the breeders packs. -Chef
Good I've got your attention. I won't post all your emails to me with constant excuses for your mistakes. You sent a catalogue of items you didn't have. After we settled on my order, which h had to be changed from what I initially wanted, I sent payment.
Obviously you were expecting a shipment and for whatever reason it wasn't what you thought it was and it was delayed. In rhe meantime you get whomever in the US to ship the order. That was on April 20. You accepted payment April 4.
Now that package is 6 weeks out and god knows where. I get that you don't want to lose a whole order, but either you honour our contract or you don't.
The said package I did receive was broken packs packaged for stealth although I've had weed shipped from BC and there's no need for stealth.
At this point, after 5 weeks from the 20th, so almost 8 weeks from the date you accepted payment, that's all I had received. It's a fraction of what we had agreed upon. Upset? Of course I was upset.
After I sent that email you said I should be thanking you because those were all freebies in addition to my package. What package???

I did received my heirloom tomato seeds after 3 weeks. I ordered 3 packs of heirloom for $15 US and you sent me 4 kinds appr 15 seeds each and threw in 10 beans and some borage. This was acceptable to me.
If two months is acceptable to wait for delivery than I'd appreciate for other forum members to let me know to chill and I will.
You advertised on social media, that's how I found you. You asked me al through the process to post positive reviews for you on IG and I did. Although I had only received my tomato seeds. I've been an excellent customer and a very patient one for 2 months.
All I wanted was some honesty and all you did was tell me Jah relax ja 'all fix everything etc.
All I wanted was RM3 and Stray's gear.


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lol, yeah Chef, I'm here.

had you not automatically swore that day and instead asked nicely whats up with the free gifts, maybe I would have refunded the 200 and gave you gifts pon gifts, let you keep all 6 packs for free, but now, I'm out of my own HU seeds and you're crapping on Jah like we haven't tried to appease you in every way imaginable.

those courtesies include:
free companions
50 off RG Gear all year
30% off all seeds all summer
free Sunshine Daydream F2 seeds
free packet of HU seeds..
free pack of Stray fox gear
free upgrade to 15 packs in your order
cost on any special merchandise

Pretty amazing stuff. We're not talking 5 or 10 % off here, folks. These are heavy deep discounts that last a long time, thats HUGE

.. We told you we have it set up so Canadians get from Canada, and US from US, etc etc but you opted to take the extras and the risk and not wait til everything landed here . . understandable

So now you have many gifts and freebies on the way via snail mail that a lot of people would pay good money for. Like hundreds of dollars worth, as I've told you, we put in extra packages and made ten packs into 15 packs etc, so yeah, swearing aside, thanks for all the pointers on how to run my business and so on. Best of luck with your final package arriving. You didnt opt for tracking upgrades or anything which we offer at cost so its up to the border at this point.

Many people wait 8 weeks for things to get out of the states and into Canada, me included whenever I ordered from OES last year.

For the record, snail mail takes 8 days to get to the US (just 8 days, not business days) and about 8 weeks to get from US to Canada..

Snail mail from Canada to EU UK AU etc takes about 14 days flat, not biz days, just days

Its how it is.. you mentioned you were ripped off by two other companies, how did you treat them I wonder, did you take everything as insults there too and treat them like shit in the face of adversity?

Thanks for posting some of the freebies I sent you, I see that pack is worth about 165 us and that you have another 200 worth coming for free with your snail mail pack.
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There was never an option to wait or whatever, you had that pkg sent from the US on your own because it had been 3 weeks from payment . If you had been honest from the start then I would have waited for your pkg to arrive and have it sent domestically.
Tracked shipping was never an option. I can post your catalogue.
Best of luck with your final package arriving. You didnt opt for tracking upgrades or anything which we offer at cost so its up to the border at this point.

I don't want to get involved here, but I have to point out how this comment came across. It really sounds as though you're saying that you are not going to complete the order and that you are going to use customs as the "scapegoat" because there isn't any tracking to prove that it was shipped, or where it got "hung up".

Order what you want from a restaurant, your entree never arrives, but you got a bunch of free bread, a free garden salad, and 50% off your next visit. I need to find this place on Yelp.
well, order was completed on my end, proof photos were taken. if someone starts yelling and swearing threatening and cursing and basically spitting and freaking out when the free food/bread comes out before the meal, the patron should get bounced out to say the least, and is lucky to have such discounts persist, let alone to still have his food delivered at home where that behaviour belongs, with free desserts and treats to boot.. quite fortunate actually, imo, considering the bossy sweary threat type behaviour. A temporary to Permanent ban would the norm, at a bar or concert, it would be a one man restraint and escort off the premise, a quick "now fack off don't come back tonight" but Because its a Seedbank I gave him $350+ in free stuff I repeat $350 in free stuff plus hundreds in discounts and perks. Had he not treated me like shit I would have offered the full refund too plus gifts.
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well, order was completed on my end, proof photos were taken. if someone starts yelling and swearing threatening and cursing and basically spitting and freaking out when the free food/bread comes out before the meal, the patron should get bounced out to say the least, and is lucky to have such discounts persist, let alone to still have his food delivered at home where that behaviour belongs, with free desserts and treats to boot.. quite fortunate actually, imo, considering the bossy sweary threat type behaviour. A temporary to Permanent ban would the norm, at a bar or concert, it would be a one man restraint and escort off the premise, a quick "now fack off don't come back tonight" but Because its a Seedbank I gave him $350+ in free stuff I repeat $350 in free stuff plus hundreds in discounts and perks. Had he not treated me like shit I would have offered the full refund too plus gifts.

You have got to establish credibility and value before you can claim what your "free stuff" is worth.

You also have to have a satisfied customer before your claims of giving "free stuff" to the customer in question mean a thing.

Only someone who made a mistake and won't admit it would take this avenue and pretend it is customer service.

You also made a wise ass statement to me about where I got my samples and seeds. I told you and you didn't even respond.

Because you were wrong.

You don't seem to have the temperament, knowledge or honesty to do well in sales sir.
well, order was completed on my end, proof photos were taken. if someone starts yelling and swearing threatening and cursing and basically spitting and freaking out when the free food/bread comes out before the meal, the patron should get bounced out to say the least, and is lucky to have such discounts persist, let alone to still have his food delivered at home where that behaviour belongs, with free desserts and treats to boot.. quite fortunate actually, imo, considering the bossy sweary threat type behaviour. A temporary to Permanent ban would the norm, at a bar or concert, it would be a one man restraint and escort off the premise, a quick "now fack off don't come back tonight" but Because its a Seedbank I gave him $350+ in free stuff I repeat $350 in free stuff plus hundreds in discounts and perks. Had he not treated me like shit I would have offered the full refund too plus gifts.
The thing you gotta see as a Swedbank is that as the customer meaning US when we gift you a payment through PP or any other type of payment you get our money asap. And by the way you articulate yourself I know you know through paypal gifting a payment is damn near impossible to get a refund. So if I gift you a payment and I haven't received my order withing a week inside the states and say 2 weeks outside the states we get worried. It only takes 15 minutes to pull up to a PO fill out shipping labels and mail it off. So I would've swore at you and cursed to if I didn't get what I paid for in a timely manner. You're a brand new Swedbank so you should feel where the brother is coming from. Yea freebies is cool but that's not why we pay for. We want what we pay for. One thing you gotta learn is business THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT EVEN WHEN THEY ARE WRONG!!! Follow that practice and you'll last a long time.
Just reading the last few posts my 2 cents is that ordering seeds, or actual drugs, by mail is always a risk. That's why you don't put more money into one transaction than you can write off. Anything from postal workers with sticky fingers to authorities seizing it can happen. You apparently told the sender that it didn't arrive and he gave you some other stuff to make up for it. No point being rude to the sender, because what could you possibly gain from that? Do you expect him to say oh, he clearly is angry, I better get right on this? That won't happen. He'll feel offended and then why the hell would he want to do anything to help you out? So the solution is to simply be very polite and to the point and then if nothing happens to satisfy you then you simply don't order from them again and give bad reviews if you want, but that's the end of it really. Going on and on about a bad order is just not worth the effort. If you risked hundreds of dollars on an unproven source then I guess you learned a valuable lesson about being a sucker.
Just reading the last few posts my 2 cents is that ordering seeds, or actual drugs, by mail is always a risk. That's why you don't put more money into one transaction than you can write off. Anything from postal workers with sticky fingers to authorities seizing it can happen. You apparently told the sender that it didn't arrive and he gave you some other stuff to make up for it. No point being rude to the sender, because what could you possibly gain from that? Do you expect him to say oh, he clearly is angry, I better get right on this? That won't happen. He'll feel offended and then why the hell would he want to do anything to help you out? So the solution is to simply be very polite and to the point and then if nothing happens to satisfy you then you simply don't order from them again and give bad reviews if you want, but that's the end of it really. Going on and on about a bad order is just not worth the effort. If you risked hundreds of dollars on an unproven source then I guess you learned a valuable lesson about being a sucker.
I appreciate the feedback. What I didn't post, nor Don, were the appr 20 emails before and after that I sent asking nicely and calmly about my order.
I admit my language and tone weren't very nice, but this is after 2 months of being told a myriad of excuses.
We're in cannabis 2.0 and with legalization and attitudes changing these seed banks and businesses have to go mainstream. I'm my opinion that means that sending money and keeping your fingers crossed is no longer acceptable.
Should it matter that I'm on disability and that was 1/2 my seed budget for the year? To me, yes. I'm not quite sure if he thinks I received the order and am trying to get free seeds but as stated if it was tracked he'd know either way. I even offered to send back the extra order if it arrived so Don wouldn't have to take the loss.
Yeah I'm a dick.
Snail mail does not take 8 weeks to get from USA to Canada. I order from USA often(snail mail) and it takes an average of 2 weeks from USA to Canada, sometimes a little faster.

what a steaming pile of bull.... and I'm in buttfuck alberta. Nowhere near an entry point to Canada. It always comes through ON, QC or BC.
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He only has a 3x3 and I sent him 25 seeds from my personal collection to tide him over until his 50+ seeds arrive which I though was nice (200usd normally covers 20 seeds at regular price, yet he's getting 75)

Thanks for the good feedback though, folks

Like I said, Chefy, unless you have Tourette's, please apologize for the threats and swears, and I be happy to extend you all the courtesies we can... you never know what a persons special needs are but I think we should all try be nice.
simple enough I think.

Things we normally do that other companies don't normally do:

1. Offer worldwide stealth shipping for free on MMJ seed orders (99.6% success rate and counting)
2. Upgrades to tracked shipping and overnight mail at true COST (no markup, most companies double or triple shipping costs to make profits there too)
3. Free stickers and art pieces from our art store in Canada
4. Free testers from our world wide group of breeders
5. Resend once or twice to friends/people who are nice and didnt receive/get tracking

(.. even have proof we've done this more than once, even sent prizes and tracked them, cause they were so grateful and cool, and also have hundreds of happy testimonials, I've saved em all lol)

The thing you gotta see as a Swedbank is that as the customer meaning US when we gift you a payment through PP or any other type of payment you get our money asap. And by the way you articulate yourself I know you know through paypal gifting a payment is damn near impossible to get a refund. So if I gift you a payment and I haven't received my order withing a week inside the states and say 2 weeks outside the states we get worried. It only takes 15 minutes to pull up to a PO fill out shipping labels and mail it off. So I would've swore at you and cursed to if I didn't get what I paid for in a timely manner. You're a brand new Swedbank so you should feel where the brother is coming from. Yea freebies is cool but that's not why we pay for. We want what we pay for. One thing you gotta learn is business THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT EVEN WHEN THEY ARE WRONG!!! Follow that practice and you'll last a long time.

Thanks for the advice good sir. Perhaps everyone that gets two packs at regular price can even get free express with tracking from now on. But we gave him a package worth over $400 retail for only $200 so thats why we didnt pay for tracking, plus he has now received a package worth $166 retail plus testers / personal beans..so yeah, not just free art pieces these were beans that are in high demand with fair market value that I paid good money for.

So tracking was on him at that point, however, I guess what happened is he thought every single transaction got free expedited tracking, based on a promo we ran on our Entire Spring Collection of heirlooms, which isn't true since can spend $55 on tracking alone, especially if airmail/overnight. Plus I pay upwards of $5us per seed, not a measly $1 like most Canadian companies get away with, so when I take losses its a loss, bro, not a dinky little loonie or two, right? Meaning at that rate, if sold on promo I could lose $50 per pack/ per person or more.. 100 sales in a wknd promo could sink 5k loss overnight almost.

That said, I do feel where the brothers are coming from, I care for everyone and want them happy, but threats is where I draw the line in who I see as a brother. Im in this to serve the masses, not get reamed out by the asses. Anger is understandable but staying angry when I have gone out of my way to send free gifts in between time, I feel unappreciated now.

Just so you know I'm out over $500 on this and haven't seen, touched or spent 'his money' yet.. it takes days and days if not weeks to get in to accounts, we don't withdrawal every transaction daily, and if we did, it still has to clear a couple processes.. usually between one and 3 weeks actually so most people receive before me, actually, not to over correct you :). Chef is a rare exception, and don't ship from USA to Canada now cause of him anymore.

on special case exports the rule was wait 8 weeks after the send date then issue a full refund, but he swore etc etc and took it public before that, for the record, we we sent it 6 weeks ago now. Average time for receiving packages in Canada from the USA, this time of this year, is about 8 weeks, which sucks I know, its due I think to all the overlapping acts and bs of 2 countries being in newer established political parties going thru drug changes. This is why we cut the border out. Especially moving up is a bitch, sending down is easy.

That said, we are giving away a shit tonne of gear this next week to kick off summer..
If anyone needs seeds on Jah !
Snail mail does not take 8 weeks to get from USA to Canada. I order from USA often(snail mail) and it takes an average of 2 weeks from USA to Canada, sometimes a little faster.

what a steaming pile of bull.... and I'm in buttfuck alberta. Nowhere near an entry point to Canada. It always comes through ON, QC or BC.


Im not in an entry province either
.. but ask Ditch Farmer if you think I'm lying eh. He's the one who got the email from customs explaining it all. I can prove it took OES 8 weeks to get me my order too, lol. I receive mail every week from UK or AU but US, usually takes me mad time.. them prairies have been getting nailed with 8 week times on average, my word, cross my heart. Its been molasses in that direction for some reason, I think they are screening packages twice for some reason, that itself takes an extra month for some reason.
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