Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

"...based on intercepts of communications between known Russian intelligence officials and key members of Trump’s campaign, in which they discussed methods of damaging Hillary Clinton."

It will be argued that in and of itself, that is not a crime (just wildly inappropriate)

Russian election meddling is just an inroad to something much larger though
And another week goes by ...

Fine by me, the more GOPers cling to this oompa loompa, the more they will be branded by him... these things dont happen fast, unless roles were reversed and yawl wudda impeached hillary already. But the real stuff takes time. How long did watergate take?...

And how can anyone on this sitevstill support him after the compliment he gave D-bag from Philippines on his drug war? Jeff sessions dream! Just shoot the stoners...
holy fucking shit...netanyahu has an expression on his face like "is this real, a fucking baboon is potus/"

Dude, I saw it live:lol:..any day I fully expect to get in my car during work and hear the emergency broadcast system..this is NOT a test.

We have Amber and Silver alerts in should be in a place where many other people are and it goes off on everyone's cell at same time and louder than EBS. I jump every time. Scares the shit out of me.

What I'm really worried about is..have you ever been home on a holiday or when school is out and notice the slowdown or no service? @SneekyNinja care to comment on why this is?
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