So who among you can make a legitimate argument for no government?


Well-Known Member
Why does humanity need to be governed is the better question. Are people really that evil?

When was there a time when human beings lived on earth and there was no government? What do we know about that time period?

Thinking society could exist without government is fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Tampee would stand under the running water of a shower and say he's not wet. That's the equivalent of what you're saying about Sheriffs. Typical from a cop, though.

A few years ago I knew an active duty Army officer who was anti-government. I said, "dude, you are the GOvERNMENT." He then tried to convince me that the U.S. Military is not the government.


Well-Known Member
Human nature shows that we are self-interested to a fault. It's all about survival. and out of that interest, we are capable of doing very horrible things if not checked by some coercive power.

Who on this Earth was given the authority to decide on how everyone else is supposed to behave?


Well-Known Member
Who on this Earth was given the authority to decide on how everyone else is supposed to behave?
Lots of folks. Usually, those with some kind of power decided that, like religious figures, people who amassed arms and food. Religious rules were the first form of "government" in human history.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Without Government there is nothing more than mob rule. Therefore the fellow who commands the biggest mob in the neighborhood has established a de facto government, so much for not having one.

Corporations have been created for centuries around the idea of bringing people and resources together for a common purpose and thereby creating more value than people working alone. A government is exactly the same idea, in their case the values created include security, opportunity, and mutual support.

Therefore government is a good idea. HOW that Government is operated and managed matters a great deal, of course- but the basic idea is sound and necessary. A village in the woods doesn't need much government, but a council of elders and/or a headman is a pretty universal feature of even the most primitive groups.

The larger a group of people gets, the greater the need becomes for an organization to protect the rights and serve the needs of this group. Again, it's not the basic concept but rather how it is done that matters most.

Nations of millions need a well developed governmental system for a myriad of reasons. It was the lack of such well organized and socially responsive government apparatus and business structures that was very likely the main reason the ancient world did not experience an Industrial Revolution around 1AD, give or take a century. Archeologists have confirmed that the necessary basic technologies certainly existed.

Today, the question is not at all whether we need government, but rather how it should be managed and how it should be held accountable to the people it is meant to serve.


Your unabashed worship of the central scrutinizer leads to unintended consequences. Can you say "empire" ?



Well-Known Member
I would say that any government should have no more right to do anything than an individual person has, since it is mathematically impossible to do otherwise. If anybody can disprove that, I'd really be interested in seeing the proof.


So, the first question is, what are (should be) the limitations any person has to run another persons life ?
Let me ask my mom and dad.


Well-Known Member
Where did you fuckers go to school? Are all you guys from the Deep South where school is another word for "football"?

I'd think you western fuckers would have benefited from a better education. Guess you trumpers were all home schooled.


Well-Known Member
Human nature shows that we are self-interested to a fault. It's all about survival. and out of that interest, we are capable of doing very horrible things if not checked by some coercive power.
So you are fine with the police state that is worse than Nazi Germany??