WTF is wrong with California

By the way it is very different for you than your buddy. He took actions against me. You are just an idiot who doesn't know when he is over his head and keeps on talking.
I'm wondering why you are trolling the politics section. Surely it's not because you want to talk ballasts.

So, about that wall and expansion of ICE -- do you like it?. Are you bothered by other Trump policies? How are you going to feel about voting for Trump after Sessions cracks down on growers?

Your governor, should be locked up for his bungling of Flint water safety. Any state official involved should be but most definitely Synder. Him first. All of his wealth should be confiscated and put into a fund for the kids whose lives he ruined.
Idiots like you are responsible for the Trump administration. An adminstration that is against the the very nature of this website, Gfy hypocrite.

Yes. I am somehow responsible for the entire administration for stating an opinion about the lead candidates and our electoral college.

But I also stated I didn't vote for him. Or her.

And I think I'll stay a while. Maybe you will learn what a hypocrite is.

And realize it's you.
Yes. I am somehow responsible for the entire administration for stating an opinion about the lead candidates and our electoral college.

But I also stated I didn't vote for him. Or her.

And I think I'll stay a while. Maybe you will learn what a hypocrite is.

And realize it's you.

Not voting, or voting for any besides Hillary was a vote for Trump. I believe He only won by ten thousand votes in Michigan. So yeah, you are responsible. You said yourself it's the lesser of two evils, you failed miserably in your choice, sweetheart.
Calm down, you're getting all emotional, and shit...maybe some day you can grow a two pounder in a five gallon bucket for pennies on the dollar, too.

My meds quality, numbers and budget are still continually improving week by week and I have posted plenty here and on other sites showing proof of the results.

And overall even if he was consistent (instead he is shut down for his ego) he doesn't match my production with way more wattage, expense and complicated style.

And he can't grow his own seed plants to find his own favorite plants.

We have proof from doctors that our meds are healing disease as well.

What do you do other than defend him?
My meds quality, numbers and budget are still continually improving week by week and I have posted plenty here and on other sites showing proof of the results.

And overall even if he was consistent (instead he is shut down for his ego) he doesn't match my production with way more wattage, expense and complicated style.

And he can't grow his own seed plants to find his own favorite plants.

We have proof from doctors that our meds are healing disease as well.

What do you do other than defend him?

Dude nobody cares about your flash light grows, this is the politics section. I just told you to calm down, and you just got even more emotional. Take five, honey.
Not voting, or voting for any besides Hillary was a vote for Trump. I believe He only won by ten thousand votes in Michigan. So yeah, you are responsible. You said yourself it's the lesser of two evils, you failed miserably in your choice, sweetheart.

No again. I did what I thought was right at the time.

You had no idea either.

Your continued dwelling on the past is all you seem to do so since.

How do you help?
Dude nobody cares about your flash light grows, this is the politics section. I just told you to calm down, and you just got even more emotional. Take five, honey.

Why would I listen to your commands?

And you brought up the growing. And then you prove yourself even more predictable.

I thought this might be challenging.
Right at the time? So you admit you were wrong, that's good.

I help by being an educated voter.

You know nothing of me or my background but what I tell you.

And of course I can see how the numbers ended up. But they would have likely changed those or come up with anything. Like a Bush election.

So you are still just speculating.
Nope, you brought your flashlight forum over spill into the politics section. Don't attack me for pointing it out, sweetheart

Actually I clicked on a link in the new posts list and then agreed with someone briefly about someone who isn't you.

The rest is just entertaining. Why do you keep doing it?

This is a growing site isn't it?

And again. You alone brought it up. And about some else. You are sad and lonely. Maybe an anxiety patient?
I'm not to big on political discussion in a public forum. I have stated I believe the answers lie in the middle and are not considered.

Discussing what could have been is pointless in my opinion.

This is the politics forum. You think we want to talk about ballasts? Or you ongoing love for tty?

I'm wondering why you are trolling the politics section. Surely it's not because you want to talk ballasts.

So, about that wall and expansion of ICE -- do you like it?. Are you bothered by other Trump policies? How are you going to feel about voting for Trump after Sessions cracks down on growers?

Your governor, should be locked up for his bungling of Flint water safety. Any state official involved should be but most definitely Synder. Him first. All of his wealth should be confiscated and put into a fund for the kids whose lives he ruined.