Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

So what? He's gone, who cares what they thought?


trump is still whining about getting flynn back. even knowing he's a compromised foreign agent.

we denied an attack on raqqa that turkey didn't want because flynn is on turkey's payroll. that is fucking treason.

go ahead and pretend it's no big deal though as they empanel the grand juries and the subppoenas go flying, dipshit.
Reported yesterday was Trumps inability to focus. He's good for about 2-4 minutes and when they put out briefings, they must put his name in areas on the report where it wouldn't necessarily be. He won't read about anything if he doesn't see his name on them.

It was also thought he may have ADD.

It's pneumonia.
lol its not happening,even your own party idiots are backing off now.except the 2 retards watters and green .but they have been emotional since election night hahahaha.