First grow

Blackmagic Products?

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Ok because I see white clear hairs and wasn't sure if it's flowering or not and if it is what can I do to help the flowering process?
If all you are seeing is a few white hairs, I don't think you are really in early flower. Looking at the picture, I think you will be fine.
My god man..mow and edge that lawn.
I'm glad you can't see my yard. I made tall grass short in exchange for money for too long for me to give a damn about what it looks like at the house. Now if I was to put in a little nine hole golf course on the back 40, I might get back to caring.
What do I cover it with?
A lot of guys here use a tarp of some sort. You could also use black visqueen which can be bought at a hardware store.

In all honesty, I've never done this, so I'm out of my depth. Check out some the light deprivation threads here in the outdoor forum for ideas.
Cover it in the evening so that it only gets 12 hours of light. You'll need to keep all the light out when covering.
Dont do this..u have like 60 days or more or less till ripe...You want to do that every night? fk no.

Light dep is used to induce flowering early, not keep a plant in flower (unless ur really close to finishing).

Just let it do its own thing. It will either continue to flower or reveg.

And ur an outside grower so forget 12/12- it dont apply.
I use trash bins for light deprivation. Shhh
I would love to bring back that thread of the cat growing under trash cans. It had all the makings of a masterpiece. Right up there with the kid growing in a glass bowl with a paper reflector for his light. He was sure to grow fire.
Dont do this..u have like 60 days or more or less till ripe...You want to do that every night? fk no.

Light dep is used to induce flowering early, not keep a plant in flower (unless ur really close to finishing).

Just let it do its own thing. It will either continue to flower or reveg.

And ur an outside grower so forget 12/12- it dont apply.
Oh ok thank you so to much sun won't hurt my nuggets?
I've used black magic soil, he warned its a hot soil. Watch your plants and be careful with nutes at first.
Young rooted cuttings and nicely developed seedlings will not need anything but straight decent 0.5 EC 7.5 pH (or less of both) water (most municipal tap waters east of the Mississippi River) for the first 3 to 4 weeks in Black Magic potting soil. If you read the bag its heavily amended with organics that establish a strong root system with nothing but decent water that isnt too hard. Easy folks. Dont overthink it. Largely depends on how aggressive and vigorous your particular cultivar is and the lighting overhead its canopy and the overall temeprature and humidity (climate) the crops are in. Generally speaking though....BM Potting soil is quite similar to the heavily amended soils from the hydroponic shops such as Aurora or Ocean Forest but not nearly as hot. About like a nicely but not to hot blend from Sunshine if your familiar with that brand. Again...plant freshly rooted cuts and decent 3 to 6 node seedlings in a one gallon or less pot of the mix and straight water. Let it dry down fairly decently until the next water and get a little runoff out the drain holes when you water again. After a few weeks...the leaves (color especailly) will tell you when they need a light dose of nutrient solution. Follow the Black Magic lines directions if your clueless. Thats what they are there for.
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