Given what I know now, I wouldn't have jumped on the legal train.....I'm tired of this shit.
Do what you need to do, under the radar works, just keep it very tight and quiet. Absolute need to know basis, don't sell and you'll be fine. People get pinched because they let their guard down and become complacent. Otherwise... happy growingI feel for you. I procrastinated so long that by the time I decided to go for it the price for a grow license became unreachable for me. So I am still flying under the radar for now and I be damned if I am going to let the government run that part of my life.
I feel for you. I procrastinated so long that by the time I decided to go for it the price for a grow license became unreachable for me. So I am still flying under the radar for now and I be damned if I am going to let the government run that part of my life.
depends on what your GP is all about.what was the price to get licensed.
fucking christ thats bullshit beyond bullshit. My dr is a great guy. doesn't take a charge for that shit. Says he doesn't believe in that. He lets me pick any LP I want and is really happy that my home growing is going good. When i told him that my address amendment wasn't here and probably wouldnt be for a while he just said "I don't think anyone's going to bother you. You have the paperwork there."The best price I found last year was $300. That had to be paid up front and there was no guarantee that the doctor would even write a script, and if he did it would be only 3 grams/day. Trying for 5 or 10 pushed it up to around $500 or more so I said fuck it. My family doctor is not even willing to discuss it. My wife's doctor will not give anyone a grow license because she thinks it is to dangerous. She is just a Tweed promoter. She will not give my wife the original document so she can pick her own LP. I wanted my wife to get the original document then send it to HC with the appropriate paperwork, but in hind sight I am happy the way it is now.
HC received mine Dec 12, paper in hand almost exactly 18 weeks later. 1.5 grows complete while I waited. Please don't wait if you need it.
Ya kinda confusing time to become a medical patient.
first off If you join the ACMPR and then by the PM's own admission, last night during a televised event, you will be lumped into the
I'm using the Medical system to get my recreational weed for fun smoking.
I guess then all doctors must also be complicit this thinking...and are giving away mostly recreational prescriptions?
So lets then say are a legit medical patient and require clean cannabis, and need to grow your own to ensure you don't end up buying legal
but somehow tainted or maybe recalled mmj.
Then you Must enter The ACMPR....and all of its pitfalls and delay's.
then there is also the chance cannabis will become you could wait for that.. and the same mmj mentioned above will become recreational cannabis...
then still requiring you to grow your own or have someone you know grow it for you to ensure a clean and uninterrupted supply of medicine at an affordable price.
and will 4 mini plants be enough....of course not.
oh and you might want to wrestle with the fact...the government at any time... once you become a medical mmj user....could just cough out all your info
on a local level to expose you everyone in the community ....oh by say a letter with a huge window....and your info displayed there...
these have become some of the toughest times ever to become a legit medical patient ...the barriers to access are all still there....and a few new ones added in.
I'm not sure I would have taken part knowing what I do now...
Welcome back! And thanks for sharing your story. I'm mmar, so I haven't really paid attention to the application process for the acmpr, but what's the deal with waiting 3 months to grow? If you have a dr. script to purchase, possess and consume, why does the dr. need to approve a grow? My (limited) understanding is the current forms are a registration of the grow and not an application...a doctor can't dictate which pharmacy you buy your antibiotics at.....I completely agree with this. Just read the entire thread. Lots of different opinions on here. About 6 years ago I filled out MMAR and asked my doctor. He refused to have anything to do with it. I haven't been on RUI for a long time but still home grow off and on. Maybe one 18plant dwc crop every 18 months in my BCNL Producer on average. I work a lot and don't always have time but always can afford to buy it. it's always available on the street around here. some times it is really good and sometimes awful.
After August 24 I heard about natural health services and it sounded awesome so I booked an appointment in late September '16. The Sherwood park clinic didn't pan out and my appointment got cancelled 3 days before I was supposed to go. Had to wait for Edmonton clinic to open. Could have went Calgary but it is 7 hours away. Edmonton is only 3. Got appointment late November. Got a script for 2gpd. The bud genius pushed hard for me to go with Aphria. I asked her about acmpr home production and said I had to do that on my 3 month checkup. So I gave Aphria a more than fair try. Tried probably 10-20g's of at least 12 strains. Most burn terrible. Far from clean ash. When I grow, my product burns clean, white ash from cherry to filter. This shit burnt hot and barely stayed lit. Harsh AF. The only strain I could stand in a joint was Kusawa: their version of Sour Diesel.
At my three month appointment dr asked if 2gpd was enough and I said yes. He upped it to 3 anyway and sent me to the bud genius. Different one this time, a pretty nice guy. I told him I didn't like Aphria and he suggested Tilray. I told him I wanted to register for acmpr and had an appointment in the afternoon. He said OK but still wanted me to go with Tilray. I said I would like to try Aurora or Redecan. He put me down for Redecan and said for the acmpr I had to print & sign forms off HC website after I fill it out. I asked if I could print it there but he said no. So I had to go to the Edmonton public library lol cuz I'm 3 hours from home. Came back later. He said he had problems signing me up to Redecan so he put my other choice Tilray. I said it was actually Aurora. He apologized but assured me it was better than Aphria. All my appointment was is he checked over the forms and mailed it with the dr script. Only cost $22. That was February 8. Nothing in the mail so far.
Tilray is far better than Aphria but not as good as home grown. Island Sweet Skunk is the best so far but very expensive. In my heart I know I can grow better in dwc. This isn't just ego. I'm sure some of you get what I mean and others probably think it's nonsense. But truthfully that's how I feel.
I really want to be legal but I cant pay these LP's for the half assed grown overpriced bud. Probably start buying street grass in between grows. I got enough jars from Aphria or bags from Tilray to carry it in to seem legal. Sorry for the long story, pretty stoned on some home grown I've been savoring from last fall. I'm really glad I read this thread today and I felt inspired to post my experience so far. I feel like I truly understand everyone's opinions about this. this issue is so complicated on so many dimensions and every person from every region is experiencing this differently. I am not chronically ill, I did this for legality only. But I don't partake any pharmaceuticals, hard drugs or abuse alcohol and think maybe that's why I'm healthy in the first place.