Well-Known Member
molasses is bad very bad bad bad bad. I tryed it and today when I check on the gurls it was a horrible sight.
I used organic unsulferd black strap molasses 2 tsp per/gal with a hydro set up and there was crud and crap all in my shit
it was about to kill my babies. I just spent 2 hours flushing and rinsing the resuvuar and roots!!!! and I had a drain and water hose!!!! and it took a good 2hours just getting the crud out man I didnt see many threads about molasses being used in hydro and guess what??
dont ever do it
shit i wouldnt even do it in soil but hey im pretty tramatized

molasses is bad very bad bad bad bad. I tryed it and today when I check on the gurls it was a horrible sight.
I used organic unsulferd black strap molasses 2 tsp per/gal with a hydro set up and there was crud and crap all in my shit
it was about to kill my babies. I just spent 2 hours flushing and rinsing the resuvuar and roots!!!! and I had a drain and water hose!!!! and it took a good 2hours just getting the crud out man I didnt see many threads about molasses being used in hydro and guess what??
dont ever do it

shit i wouldnt even do it in soil but hey im pretty tramatized