doublejj's Big 2017 Adventure...Wildwood Farm

The loan process is slow as f*ck. just killing time right now until we can get started working on the land. I do have seedlings started in my carport, but they are not much to look at. We are very close & should close by the end of this month. We are very anxious to get started.:hug:
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The loan process is slow as f*ck. just killing time right now until we can get started working on the land. I do have seedlings started in my carport, but they are not much to look at. We are very close & should close by the end of this month. We are very anxious to get started.:hug:
I couldnt even get a land loan on mine. Glad the owner financed for me. Cant wait to see you all up and running.
Banks seldom lend (30 years at current rate on raw property), I am sure they have whatever reasons but it seems odd that they don't.
hard to re-sell if foreclosed ......
All about risk for them, they need assurances to the point of ridiculousness as they want to come out way ahead if things go South. I have looked into purchasing Bank R.E.O's ( real estate owned)and they never negotiate on foreclosed property. If it is sold on the court house step through auction They start bidding at the reserve cost to cover any loss. They simply refuse losses and they hold all the cards.
Yeah mine was cause its doesnt have a documented easment. If not i was going for a usda land loan:lol:
yeah this land doesn't either. But none of the land parcels out here have documented easement, miles of "private road" that crosses many different pieces of private land. But I understand that any access that has been used for over 7 years is considered legal easement.