Dead republicans make me happy

The type of right winger i have a problem with loves hating.

They dress it up in various forms, such as racism, but it's a love of hating.

How do you differ?

How are you better than them?

Have you not judge an entire group according to your internal value system and discriminated against them?

You are the same beast
Just sayin'.
Seriously, how could you get mad at me for bringing up a fine song like "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo" when you can dish it out like this? It just does not make sense to me. Now please understand that I don't mind you doing it at all it just puzzles me why you got so pissed at me.
Fuck you. Trump voters are sub-human and should not have the rights of humans, or even animals. They should be tortured and forced to watch their familes suffer, like the families they've injured by voting for Hitler. I truly hope you die very soon, and all your children, too.

I suggest, based on the above, if anyone is sub human then you are a contender.

What makes you think I'm a trump supporter?
I suggest, based on the above, if anyone is sub human then you are a contender.

What makes you think I'm a trump supporter?
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