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Let me tell you, North Louisiana sucks balls, totally. Everyone here is really sluggish. People here are not very smart at all. I call the population here "sludge." Not really human, but human like, and they're like a slow-moving mass. Shit closes here on Wednesday afternoons at 12-noon, and nothing's open on Saturdays and Sundays. Everyone goes to church, all the time, or youth athletic events. Everyone's got a gun, too. Slung over their shoulders while shopping at the grocery. Weird. Sad.
Let me tell you, North Louisiana sucks balls, totally. Everyone here is really sluggish. People here are not very smart at all. I call the population here "sludge." Not really human, but human like, and they're like a slow-moving mass. Shit closes here on Wednesday afternoons at 12-noon, and nothing's open on Saturdays and Sundays. Everyone goes to church, all the time, or youth athletic events. Everyone's got a gun, too. Slung over their shoulders while shopping at the grocery. Weird. Sad.

Haha haha, yeah that would suck. Upstate SC is much more progressive than where you are, I admit I'm a Trump voter who does own a few guns that never go slung in public. Just habit from my old work. Don't want to get political though. Good luck in Louisiana buddy, stay safe and hope for good growing!
Haha haha, yeah that would suck. Upstate SC is much more progressive than where you are, I admit I'm a Trump voter who does own a few guns that never go slung in public. Just habit from my old work. Don't want to get political though. Good luck in Louisiana buddy, stay safe and hope for good growing!
A toker who likes Trump, huh? Well get used to 1987-style prohibition again because Trump's appointment of Sessions as AG sets the legalization movement back 30 years.
A toker who likes Trump, huh? Well get used to 1987-style prohibition again because Trump's appointment of Sessions as AG sets the legalization movement back 30 years.

I hear where you're coming from and believe me, I disagree with many his issues and appointees. When it comes to legalization we both live in the "deep south" we're screwed for another 10 years regardless of who's in office. Until Its federally legalized we don't stand a chance. And national federalization is, in my opinion still a decade away unfortunately.
I'd say hell freezes over in the Deep South before one ex-Confederate state legalizes. Louisiana and Mississippi have that bullshit medical law--states that cannabis-based meds for certain conditions are acceptable--but also says that it's illegal to sell those meds in those states.

Mississippi's state-level decriminalization is also misleading. The state issues tickets, but local communities throw your ass in jail. Most Mississippi prisoners do time in county lock up for small potatoes weed possession.

In the South, legalization is never-never land. Yep, we're screwed.
I'd say hell freezes over in the Deep South before one ex-Confederate state legalizes. Louisiana and Mississippi have that bullshit medical law--states that cannabis-based meds for certain conditions are acceptable--but also says that it's illegal to sell those meds in those states.

Mississippi's state-level decriminalization is also misleading. The state issues tickets, but local communities throw your ass in jail. Most Mississippi prisoners do time in county lock up for small potatoes weed possession.

In the South, legalization is never-never land. Yep, we're screwed.

Yep, it's pathetic!
its kind of humorous to me, how we're all against racism and sexism, but its ok to say people from the south are ignorant rednecks. there are ignorant rednecks living in the south....and the north, and the east and west, and they'll probably be on the first few shuttles to the lunar colony....so according to the magic map, liberals live in the north east, gays all live in san francisco, mafiosos all live in new jersey.....and apparently there are no colleges, or universities, south of the mason dixon line, except the ones with football teams....
its kind of humorous to me, how we're all against racism and sexism, but its ok to say people from the south are ignorant rednecks. there are ignorant rednecks living in the south....and the north, and the east and west, and they'll probably be on the first few shuttles to the lunar colony....so according to the magic map, liberals live in the north east, gays all live in san francisco, mafiosos all live in new jersey.....and apparently there are no colleges, or universities, south of the mason dixon line, except the ones with football teams....
Clemson grad here!!
Hello everyone im new to this site and i just started my first grow three days ago. Ive been a long time reader and here goes with my first post and grow. Ive learned alot so far from this site and hopefully I can help someone els along the way. I have a BCNL Bloom Box im getting started with.
Hello everyone im new to this site and i just started my first grow three days ago. Ive been a long time reader and here goes with my first post and grow. Ive learned alot so far from this site and hopefully I can help someone els along the way. I have a BCNL Bloom Box im getting started with.
Good luck with your first grow buddy!
Hello from Guam USA guys. My names ric. Recently started my first grow. Started from seed don't know strain of seeds just threw em down few months ago been doing research like I should since I'm novice at growing for now. I do have some questions but I think it be best if I show pics but the site Says they're working on fixing that exact issue. Been in flowering for a bit and I'm not sure exactly what's going on with the flowers. Need advice but I know it's best if I just show pics. Has nothing to do with pests, mold,its the bud growth not sure it's normal or what. I have been growing in a decent size pot for personal use outdoors. I have her in organic soil been using organics etc.. I'm on a budget.. it gets up to 90 plus degrees. Fuck I just need to post pics lol. I did the whole LST early on, idk if it's called supper cropping but I did that as well where you bend the stem and let it stand back up but giving time in between for the girl to recover, as well as having LST. During veg. And right before flowering I just let her grow didn't top her just combo of the two. I feed her every 2 weeks since she eats a Little bit. Flushed her with some water before flower I read it somewhere. Etc I'm just rambling trying to explain probably sound like a fool. But we start at the ground up. Hopefully I can upload picks of the bud sites she's been flowering for 4-5 wks. I probably fucked up somewhere, and growing isn't legal yet Guams actually try to legalize for rec and fix they're shitty medicinal laws hopefully the green rush happens soon as I use the beautiful girls for my chronic pain from my scoliosis which eventually led me here sorry for the bs on my post just looking for help is all.
give em a day or two to fix the pic thing, its practically impossible to diagnose a problem from a description. try again in the plant problem forum. people there will be glad to help if you give them a couple of decent pics under normal lights
A toker who likes Trump, huh? Well get used to 1987-style prohibition again because Trump's appointment of Sessions as AG sets the legalization movement back 30 years.
just to let you know... Obama raided 270 legal medical marijuana dispensarys in his first 4 years in office.. so.......
Does anyone know if the LED lights made by Growlush or ones made in China that cost about $200 are any good? I've bought two 600W and one 300W and want to know what to hang in my 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 meter tent. And can you do a lumen test using an App?
Does anyone know if the LED lights made by Growlush or ones made in China that cost about $200 are any good? I've bought two 600W and one 300W and want to know what to hang in my 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 meter tent. And can you do a lumen test using an App?

Should be fine in the tent with that set up. No app to test lumens. You can go on EBay and get a digital lux meter for like $15...good luck with your grow!