Donald trump's culture of cruelty


Well-Known Member

Donald Trump's presidency makes clear that the elements of totalitarianism are still with us in the 21st century and have crystalized into new forms.

These include the accumulation of power in the hands of the financial elite, the crushing of dissent, the frenzied appeals to national greatness, the reckless expansion of military power, the appeal to law and order, the cult of the saviour, and the demonization of individuals on the basis of their race, country of origin, and religious beliefs, among other practices.

But totalitarianism also has another underside that amounts to the merging of an ideology of hardness and a culture of cruelty.

In a culture of cruelty, policies are produced that treat the most vulnerable with contempt, relegating them to zones of social abandonment, and forcing them to inhabit a society increasingly indifferent to their misfortunes, deprivations and human suffering.

Under the Trump administration, the repressive state and market apparatuses that exercised cruel power and produced a culture of cruelty in the 19th century have returned with a vengeance, producing new levels of aggression, hardship and extreme violence.

A culture of cruelty has become the mood of our times — a spectre of insensitivity and lack of compassion that hovers over the ruins of democracy.

Under Trump's administration, the culture of cruelty has taken on a sharper edge as it has moved to the centre of political power, adopting an unapologetic embrace of nativism, xenophobia and white nationalist ideology, as well as an in-your-face form of racist demagoguery.

Focusing on a culture of cruelty as one register of authoritarianism allows us to more deeply understand how bodies and minds are violated and human lives destroyed.

For instance, Trump's 2017 budgetary proposals, much of which written by the hyper-conservative Heritage Foundation, will create a degree of imposed hardship and misery that defies any sense of human decency and moral responsibility.

This is a demolition budget that will inflict unprecedented cruelty, misery and destitution on millions of citizens and residents.

Moreover, Trump's populist rhetoric collapses under the weight of his efforts to make life even worse for the rural poor who will have $2.6-billion cut from infrastructure investments largely used for water and sewage improvements as well as federal funds used to provide assistance so they can heat their homes.

Trump's mode of governance is no longer modelled on "The Apprentice." It now takes its cues from "The Walking Dead."

Poor students will be budgeted out of accessing to higher education as a result of a $3.9 billion cut from the federal Pell grant program, which provides tuition assistance for low-income students entering college.

Federal funds for public schools will be redistributed to privately run charter schools, while vouchers will be available for religious schools.

Medical research will suffer and people will die because of the proposed $6 billion cut to The National Institutes of Health.

Trump has also called for the elimination of The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the Institute of Museum and Library Service — making clear that his contempt for education, science, and the arts is part of an aggressive project to eliminate those institutions and public spheres that extend the capacity of people to be imaginative, think critically and be well-informed.

Yet, simultaneously, Trump does nothing to lessen or eliminate the corporate control of mainstream media, insuring that it functions largely as a propaganda machine for the financial elite and major corporations.

The $54 billion removed from the budgets of 19 agencies designed to help the poor, students, public education, academic research and the arts will be used to increase the military budget by $54 billion and build a useless and expensive wall along the Mexican border.

Militarization, security and fear become the toxic rationales and legitimating registers for draining money from programs that benefit the public good, providing much needed aid in the form of loans, federal aid and basic resources.

The winners will be the Departments of Defence, Homeland Security, the private prison industry, and the institutions and personnel needed to expand the police state.

What Trump has provided in this budget proposal is a blueprint for eliminating the remnants of the welfare state while transforming American society into a "war-obsessed, survival-of-the fittest dystopia."

The moral obscenity and reactionary politics that inform Trump's budget are tantamount to a declaration of war against the basic ideals of justice and compassion central to a democracy.

Donald Trump's presidency makes clear that the elements of totalitarianism are still with us in the 21st century and have crystalized into new forms.

These include the accumulation of power in the hands of the financial elite, the crushing of dissent, the frenzied appeals to national greatness, the reckless expansion of military power, the appeal to law and order, the cult of the saviour, and the demonization of individuals on the basis of their race, country of origin, and religious beliefs, among other practices.

But totalitarianism also has another underside that amounts to the merging of an ideology of hardness and a culture of cruelty.

In a culture of cruelty, policies are produced that treat the most vulnerable with contempt, relegating them to zones of social abandonment, and forcing them to inhabit a society increasingly indifferent to their misfortunes, deprivations and human suffering.

Under the Trump administration, the repressive state and market apparatuses that exercised cruel power and produced a culture of cruelty in the 19th century have returned with a vengeance, producing new levels of aggression, hardship and extreme violence.

A culture of cruelty has become the mood of our times — a spectre of insensitivity and lack of compassion that hovers over the ruins of democracy.

Under Trump's administration, the culture of cruelty has taken on a sharper edge as it has moved to the centre of political power, adopting an unapologetic embrace of nativism, xenophobia and white nationalist ideology, as well as an in-your-face form of racist demagoguery.

Focusing on a culture of cruelty as one register of authoritarianism allows us to more deeply understand how bodies and minds are violated and human lives destroyed.

For instance, Trump's 2017 budgetary proposals, much of which written by the hyper-conservative Heritage Foundation, will create a degree of imposed hardship and misery that defies any sense of human decency and moral responsibility.

This is a demolition budget that will inflict unprecedented cruelty, misery and destitution on millions of citizens and residents.

Moreover, Trump's populist rhetoric collapses under the weight of his efforts to make life even worse for the rural poor who will have $2.6-billion cut from infrastructure investments largely used for water and sewage improvements as well as federal funds used to provide assistance so they can heat their homes.

Trump's mode of governance is no longer modelled on "The Apprentice." It now takes its cues from "The Walking Dead."

Poor students will be budgeted out of accessing to higher education as a result of a $3.9 billion cut from the federal Pell grant program, which provides tuition assistance for low-income students entering college.

Federal funds for public schools will be redistributed to privately run charter schools, while vouchers will be available for religious schools.

Medical research will suffer and people will die because of the proposed $6 billion cut to The National Institutes of Health.

Trump has also called for the elimination of The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the Institute of Museum and Library Service — making clear that his contempt for education, science, and the arts is part of an aggressive project to eliminate those institutions and public spheres that extend the capacity of people to be imaginative, think critically and be well-informed.

Yet, simultaneously, Trump does nothing to lessen or eliminate the corporate control of mainstream media, insuring that it functions largely as a propaganda machine for the financial elite and major corporations.

The $54 billion removed from the budgets of 19 agencies designed to help the poor, students, public education, academic research and the arts will be used to increase the military budget by $54 billion and build a useless and expensive wall along the Mexican border.

Militarization, security and fear become the toxic rationales and legitimating registers for draining money from programs that benefit the public good, providing much needed aid in the form of loans, federal aid and basic resources.

The winners will be the Departments of Defence, Homeland Security, the private prison industry, and the institutions and personnel needed to expand the police state.

What Trump has provided in this budget proposal is a blueprint for eliminating the remnants of the welfare state while transforming American society into a "war-obsessed, survival-of-the fittest dystopia."

The moral obscenity and reactionary politics that inform Trump's budget are tantamount to a declaration of war against the basic ideals of justice and compassion central to a democracy.

it'll be time to run when he starts carrying a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
Looks like this particular base ball bat was a deluge of tomahawks, what's he got lined up for nk?
Wishful thinking I'm afraid

How do you know? You don't..I'm going to say for the same reasons he personally is under investigation, he didn't get the access he thinks he you think Obama was that fucking stupid? Remember this guy got in on a technicality and while there needed to be unepeded change of leadership for show, cooler heads prevailed behind the scenes.

I'd place money on it and I never bet money.

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He's the "you're fired" guy. That's why that show was so popular because Americans are mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks--and to see them on TV while they eat little debbies and doritos. People loved the guy who fired idiots who couldn't win a silly, contrived game on TV, and people loved that shit.

Trump's voters wanted him to be president so he could be cruel all day long every day and they'd get a boner for it.
He's the "you're fired" guy. That's why that show was so popular because Americans are mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks--and to see them on TV while they eat little debbies and doritos. People loved the guy who fired idiots who couldn't win a silly, contrived game on TV, and people loved that shit.

Trump's voters wanted him to be president so he could be cruel all day long every day and they'd get a boner for it.

Precisely. The rightie human condition is mean spirited..I've got mine mentality regardless of 'the how' they got it quite justified.

But see someone else? They follow them around the supermarket or look in their garbage in order to justify their own 'how'.

They're the true dregs of society.
How do you know? You don't..I'm going to say for the same reasons he personally is under investigation, he didn't get the access he thinks he you think Obama was that fucking stupid? Remember this guy got in on a technicality and while there needed to be unepeded change of leadership for show, cooler heads prevailed behind the scenes.

I'd place money on it and I never bet money.

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I don't know, I merely implied that I was fearful he does. It seems more likely that he does than not, I am basing this presumption on the fact he is potus and supreme commander of all military.
He's the "you're fired" guy. That's why that show was so popular because Americans are mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks--and to see them on TV while they eat little debbies and doritos. People loved the guy who fired idiots who couldn't win a silly, contrived game on TV, and people loved that shit.

Trump's voters wanted him to be president so he could be cruel all day long every day and they'd get a boner for it.

Germans have the best words.

They know fascism when they see it, too.

Germans have the best words.

They know fascism when they see it, too.

Had to look that one up.

It also seems that the alt-right don't just find pleasure in the misfortune of others, they feel pain when these others succeed. An immigrant has a good job turns into "an immigrant is taking MY job".

Taking away budget money from groups that benefit the most needy of the population is fucking disgusting. And then more money for military and homeland security? If the people of your country are uneducated, sick and dying, what the hell are you protecting?

And I keep reading articles where trump supporters are finding out that these new budget cuts will take away programs that have saved or benefited their lives in the past. Yet thy still support trump and will do so in the next election. What the fuck?

Had to look that one up.

It also seems that the alt-right don't just find pleasure in the misfortune of others, they feel pain when these others succeed. An immigrant has a good job turns into "an immigrant is taking MY job".

Taking away budget money from groups that benefit the most needy of the population is fucking disgusting. And then more money for military and homeland security? If the people of your country are uneducated, sick and dying, what the hell are you protecting?

And I keep reading articles where trump supporters are finding out that these new budget cuts will take away programs that have saved or benefited their lives in the past. Yet thy still support trump and will do so in the next election. What the fuck?
Massive con game run against America white working class.
He's the "you're fired" guy. That's why that show was so popular because Americans are mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks--and to see them on TV while they eat little debbies and doritos. People loved the guy who fired idiots who couldn't win a silly, contrived game on TV, and people loved that shit.

Trump's voters wanted him to be president so he could be cruel all day long every day and they'd get a boner for it.
how many of the nearly 319 million of us have you met?
"mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks"

a couple words come to mind here
speculation and supposition
However we do share the same sentiments about Trump.
Donald trump's culture of personal responsibility
more accurate description. naturally, pussies crumble....cuz they're pussies and have been taught they cant have a life they want unless the Dem's give it to them
He's the "you're fired" guy. That's why that show was so popular because Americans are mostly cruel people who want to see shitty things happen to folks--and to see them on TV while they eat little debbies and doritos. People loved the guy who fired idiots who couldn't win a silly, contrived game on TV, and people loved that shit.

Trump's voters wanted him to be president so he could be cruel all day long every day and they'd get a boner for it.
i dont doubt someone out there thought that. just like the ones thought obama would buy them a car. this country is full of morons of all walks of life (see nearly all your guys emotionally charged posts that are somehow "facts"). but if you think that is why he won, you're just lying to yourself. do you tho bro