My aim is to get over 12 lbs off 6 plants

Well just put the first lot of netting on and will put the next one on in the next day or so. I all so put a old mother plant in it just got to big for my small cloning room. its burnt to shit but I'm hoping it be alright.DSC01990.JPG DSC01991.JPG DSC01992.JPG
View attachment 3871729 View attachment 3871730 View attachment 3871731 View attachment 3871732 View attachment 3871733 View attachment 3871734 Well its 4.6 weeks in and they are looking pretty good. Had a very hot week of weather and some very hot nights. They have come though it well I did turn the controller down to 100% for a few days. They are back up to 115% now
OMG those buds are unreal. Killer work dude you are very very clearly making the best of your space and climate. It doesn't even look think any hairs are dying back at all the things wanna be pineapples!!!
There is over 5000cfm of fans in there 4 very large fans
I do hvac for my 9-5 and I work for my fathers business so it runs in the family you could say. Point being so many of the growers I know lack on the air flow. Your average home grower wouldn't even have 2 8in (one intake one for out) in that set up. A/Cs do work obviously but electric cost, installation cost and many other thing can make a/c impractical. On top of that like you have said you do t have to worry about mold, there for you can grow way bigger thicker plants and have almost zero light wasted on your floor which imo is a huge part of getting over a lb per light 2lbs in your situation
So, been following this thread a while now. Very impressed with the amount of plantage going on, but I'm going to have to agree with Lukio on this grow reeking of PGR. If this bud isn't for consumption you got some nice 'monster' bud pics, but if it is getting smoked it's gonna be headache alley. I can honestly say 90% of street green is PGR. Since I've started smoking my own grow the difference is night and day. The main reason I say this stuff is PGR is those thrichs are way too uniform in size and spacing. Trichs on good organic bud are a jungle not a procession of carefully laid pieces.....
Fully agreed
Yes, but why bother? The answer is, to extract more taxes. That's what's going on now; the middle classes get bled dry for the benefit of the rich few.

It's this polarization of income that creates the instability in the first place, because the money will seek to protect and perpetuate itself at the expense of the larger system.

If extreme wealth can be eliminated and money removed from politics, then we won't have an upper class bent on controlling the rest of the country to the benefit of only a few.
Nicely put brotha
Around 4 weeks
Just went through the whole feed. You have a lot of great knowledge your sharing and overall impressive grow. I love how much air you move and how that plus the master control allows you to grow with gavitas with 7' ceiling. I as well use 6 gavitas in a bedroom and I know how dangerous to your plants they can be. Great job but that being said I truly think the pgrs had a affect here. The room with the 9x 600s and no pgrs did look the same and I think it's truthful statement but if that's the case why use the pgrs at all? I know you got the DE so the plants can't get as close as 600s but they look within 6in in height on both grows, I could just be getting the wrong perspective through the pic tho? I started growing 2009 in Colorado and the guys who taught me grew up growing in the 90s out here and most of them (besides my boys that are organic or die type growers) have used pgrs extensively in experiments and that being said non of them currently use them not only cuz of possible danger but they tweaked there recipes and environments over the years to the point of perfection. All these guys get 1.5-2.5 on the right strains and as far as stretching goes extra silica will help that. I'm not hating and I have taken away knowledge from this feed so thank you. I very much would look forward to seeing you try it without the hulk with your big buds. I'm confident you got the skills do get 2 per light without.
Cheers mate
Just went through the whole feed. You have a lot of great knowledge your sharing and overall impressive grow. I love how much air you move and how that plus the master control allows you to grow with gavitas with 7' ceiling. I as well use 6 gavitas in a bedroom and I know how dangerous to your plants they can be. Great job but that being said I truly think the pgrs had a affect here. The room with the 9x 600s and no pgrs did look the same and I think it's truthful statement but if that's the case why use the pgrs at all? I know you got the DE so the plants can't get as close as 600s but they look within 6in in height on both grows, I could just be getting the wrong perspective through the pic tho? I started growing 2009 in Colorado and the guys who taught me grew up growing in the 90s out here and most of them (besides my boys that are organic or die type growers) have used pgrs extensively in experiments and that being said non of them currently use them not only cuz of possible danger but they tweaked there recipes and environments over the years to the point of perfection. All these guys get 1.5-2.5 on the right strains and as far as stretching goes extra silica will help that. I'm not hating and I have taken away knowledge from this feed so thank you. I very much would look forward to seeing you try it without the hulk with your big buds. I'm confident you got the skills do get 2 per light without.
Cheers mate
As i said i have done a lot of grows without the hulk with the same result. But with a 7 foot ceiling and using gavitas i can not let them get to high. And by using the hulk they will stop growing in 2or3 days and thats the only reason i used it. For the next grow i will not use it and show that there is no difference i may get a small amount of bleaching if i let them get to big that all. Anyway here the one that im pulling now and it to will go way over 12 lbs as well. The last two pictures are of the holy grailDSC02046.JPG DSC02047.JPG DSC02048.JPG DSC02049.JPG
I have 3 cats and one of them love to get in and drink the nutes. i have been trying to stop her but she is a sneaky little cat. She has been drinking it for around 6 years now and is fine. I can not stop her