Trump is Losing His Base

misleading title.

only 2% of trump voters disapprove of trump now.

of course, that 2% of people who decided to vote for trump would tip florida, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan the other way, resulting in a 310+ EV victory for an opponent, ceterus paribus.
Nice analysis. I want to believe he's losing his base, but you must be right, and he probably won't lose much more than that no matter what happens from here on out. His peeps are a stupid, stubborn bunch.
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don't go to the strip club on a monday afternoon. that's just not a good idea.

Hmmm? Monday is as good a day as any. I do it in style, as well - sweatpants/loose cotton trousers, flask of booze, plenty of singles.

There is a spot in this neighborhood that is always a fun time....the theme is gaucho/cowboy, meh, but I'm not there for the dumbass hats and steer skull motif - the place employs some of the finest Mexican and Guatemalan 'around the way' girls I've ever seen.
Harlem and the Bronx included.

Exile him to Mexico.

:peace: con permiso senor - soy mexicanoo_O

A este cabron hijo de puta pinche de mierda,...............,........., presidente :o - no le quieremos ni vivo - ni muerto - ni por mucho dinero que nos pagen por su exilo. :spew: Aunque.....pensando ? :roll: ... la tia de mi madre tiene hijo - y el amigo de su hijo conoce otro tio que tiene un gran tanque de acido atras de su campo de frijoles - y cobra 5000,-$ :p por el gran asylante rubio - y tambien dice que los rubios son el mejor abono para frijoles :dunce::dunce::dunce::o ...(: llaman frijoles naranja y dice que son lo mejor para cagar - y sus hijos tambien


: Peace: with permission senor - soy mexicanoo_O This bastard son of a bitch fucking shit, ..............., ........., .............. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........ of president: or - we do not want him alive - or dead - or for much money to be paid for his exile. : Spew: Though ..... thinking? : My mother 's aunt has a son - and her son' s friend knows another uncle who has a big acid tank behind his bean field - and charges 5000, - $: p for the great blonde asylante - and also says that blondes are the best fertilizer for beans: dunce :: dunce :: dunce :: o ... (: ... they are called orange beans and say they are the best to shit.
:peace: con permiso senor - soy mexicanoo_O

A este cabron hijo de puta pinche de mierda,...............,........., presidente :o - no le quieremos ni vivo - ni muerto - ni por mucho dinero que nos pagen por su exilo. :spew: Aunque.....pensando ? :roll: ... la tia de mi madre tiene hijo - y el amigo de su hijo conoce otro tio que tiene un gran tanque de acido atras de su campo de frijoles - y cobra 5000,-$ :p por el gran asylante rubio - y tambien dice que los rubios son el mejor abono para frijoles :dunce::dunce::dunce::o ...(: llaman frijoles naranja y dice que son lo mejor para cagar - y sus hijos tambien


: Peace: with permission senor - soy mexicanoo_O This bastard son of a bitch fucking shit, ..............., ........., .............. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........ of president: or - we do not want him alive - or dead - or for much money to be paid for his exile. : Spew: Though ..... thinking? : My mother 's aunt has a son - and her son' s friend knows another uncle who has a big acid tank behind his bean field - and charges 5000, - $: p for the great blonde asylante - and also says that blondes are the best fertilizer for beans: dunce :: dunce :: dunce :: o ... (: ... they are called orange beans and say they are the best to shit.


We'll try North Korea.
Trump's been losing votes since the day after the election.

Like the way a new car devalues when you drive it off the lot and bang it into every obstacle in it's path.

He's turning the office into a beater car.
well all the idiots bought a lemon.. its like a dumbass kid buying a 1995 honda civic with 300k miles because it has a spoiler and some stickers on it. thats what you get for not doing any research
misleading title.

only 2% of trump voters disapprove of trump now.

of course, that 2% of people who decided to vote for trump would tip florida, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan the other way, resulting in a 310+ EV victory for an opponent, ceterus paribus.

Right 2%, first time in the two months since inauguration..hence, losing his base as opposed to lost his base..

Everyone's a critic,'s hard to come up award winning titles with innuendo..most here don't get it and then they don't click it.

Give Trump another week or two..he won't let us down.

Impeach Trump!!!..Make America Great Again!!!
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Nice analysis. I want to believe he's losing his base, but you must be right, and he probably won't lose much more than that no matter what happens from here on out. His peeps are a stupid, stubborn bunch.

His low is historic levels and you wish him the best? WTF?:lol: