Please can I get good advice


Well-Known Member
"Please can I get good advice"

Sure, love- not a great idea to show a pic of your face on a cannabis forum.



Well-Known Member
Lol I don't think you can compare the penetration of the sun to a 600 HPS and burple led panels
How about grow your plants to fit your lights? Don't over grow plants then cut them back because you don't have enough light. Doesn't make sense to spend the time vegging just to cut it off. Don't have a canopy thicker than about 16" for a 600, about 20" for a 1000. I've grown sog, scrog ands trees, only time I take leaves off is during high humidity to keep good ventilation in the canopy. That is the ONLY valid reasons to remove leaves.

If you need to trim the bottom of your plants to stop larf, grow shorter plants. You should have rock hard buds top to bottom if your growing within your lights effective range.


Well-Known Member
I didn't compare the two.

If you think cutting a bunch of leaves of is good then you are silly. Period.
You do what works for you man every one has there own preferred way to do things. Defoliation works, and is another tool you can use if you know what you doing. I've gotten great results with it and thats all that matters to me personally.


Well-Known Member
thank you for all your advice , good people :) I will leave the leaves alone and not trim them now it doesn't feel like the right thing to do , I have just separated all the stems as much as poss to give each bud sight its own few inch of light , I have got chicken wire but I have realised it is too late to scrog as they are not growing upwards anymore at mid late flower ?, and I think I have less light than I need for ten 5 gal pots I did not expect them to grow so big and bushy as I did lst them but I topped them like 6/7 times each . i have 3x600 watt hps lights and 2 leds one is 450 one is 600 i have my pots lined up in a line of 2 like this ( : : : : :) and the lights run through the middle , i think i have enough strength but worried that the lower sites are not receiving enough , the ones under led are so frosty , others are slightly . is this the strain or light ? and lastly do i need sugars with the canna coco line would this help the frost ?


Well-Known Member
I didn't compare the two.

If you think cutting a bunch of leaves of is good then you are silly. Period.
Comparing industrial scale outdoor farming to indoor personal cannabis grows is silly. Even if it were beneficial it is highly unlikely that it will be cost effective for a farmer. A personal grower on the other hand is a completely different story.


Well-Known Member
Comparing industrial scale outdoor farming to indoor personal cannabis grows is silly. Even if it were beneficial it is highly unlikely that it will be cost effective for a farmer. A personal grower on the other hand is a completely different story.
what does this mean is that an answer to the canna question?

Raging Stalk

Active Member
You are fine, just leave your plants be. The others are just bantering back and forth.

As for defoliation, let me ask you this, if you cut a finger off would your hand work as well? How about a foot, or an arm, or a leg?

Those leaves are mega-factories making carbs and other reactions. The only time you should remove them is to improve something else that is a problem such as disease or poor air flow. For air flow it is better to just get more fans.


Well-Known Member
I tried an experiment with two identical clones of LA Confidential. The one from which I removed fan leaves stopped growing and the other doubled in size.

Sometimes I will remove big fan leaves on indoor plants to keep them from sticking to other leaves and causing PM.


Well-Known Member
Comparing industrial scale outdoor farming to indoor personal cannabis grows is silly. Even if it were beneficial it is highly unlikely that it will be cost effective for a farmer. A personal grower on the other hand is a completely different story.
Its basic botany dude. Leaves make fruit. If any light hits the soil it is wasted. Leaves don't block light.

If I am wrong show me where you have done side by side with identical clones and the ones with removed leaves did better. Show me a pic of a plant you removed leaves from and lets see how it did.

Maybe one from under your bed.

Seems you like to put together a little project and then arguing with the guys been doing it for a while.

I do know you have a lot to say, lets see some pics to back it up.
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Well-Known Member
I tried an experiment with two identical clones of LA Confidential. The one from which I removed fan leaves stopped growing and the other doubled in size.

Sometimes I will remove big fan leaves on indoor plants to keep them from sticking to other leaves and causing PM.
Id say if your plant stopped growing you went overboard never had that happen.


Well-Known Member
Its basic botany dude. Leaves make fruit. If any light hits the soil it is wasted. Leaves don't block light.

If I am wrong show me where you have done side by side with identical clones and the ones with removed leaves did better. Show me a pic of a plant you removed leaves from and lets see how it did.

Maybe one from under your bed.

Seems you like to put together a little project and then arguing with the guys been doing it for a while.

I do know you have a lot to say, lets see some pics to back it up.
Leaves do block light. have you never seen the bud sites at the bottom who are shriveled, light green and pale looking because they aren't getting any light? Remove a leaf or two that's blocking the light and expose it to air and light and watch how it turns around.