"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

But where is all the predicted events
Never going to rain, so the leftie governments go and build desal plants, only to mothball them at great cost for years
And all the rest of the shit that never happened and wont
Life will go on no matter what, you believers think may happen
Its good to see Al Gore giving up the lifestyle for the cause
Get out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, only a couple of thousand years to go
Wow. That was completely impenetrable. When I get crushed in a buzz, I don't hit send.
Its quite sad that no real proof of "manmade global warming" exists
Till it does I suppose, I will just have to enjoy the nice weather
Pass the sunscreen please
If you lose an argument here, it just shows how juvenile you are when you come into my grow thread and start shit.

Grow up. And while you're at it, study up. It's painfully obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
Got you of ignore, good, don't hang shit on me with giving me a chance to give it back
Lets not let it happen again, and move on
Haven't lost any argument here
Still waiting for some real independent proof
Till then wait for the next ice age, it will be here
What is quite sad is that you are too goddamned stupid to know that there is an abundance of empirical evidence.
In my country in the 1920s they had a heat wave that lasted 160 days with temps over 100
In your country you have had worse heatwaves in the past than now
But believe what you want, I don't even care, the warmer the better
In my country in the 1920s they had a heat wave that lasted 160 days with temps over 100
In your country you have had worse heatwaves in the past than now
But believe what you want, I don't even care, the warmer the better
Yeah, and if your uncle had tits he'd be your aunt. What in the fuck does 160 days of unusually high atmospheric pressure nearly 100 years ago have to do with empirical evidence showing the human impact on climate change? You do understand the difference between weather and the climate, don't you, dicksplat?
In my country in the 1920s they had a heat wave that lasted 160 days with temps over 100
In your country you have had worse heatwaves in the past than now
But believe what you want, I don't even care, the warmer the better