Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

everything looks hard left when you're a nazi shitbag:

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how fucking dumb are you? serious question.

It's not so much that you lost and play victim. It's that you'd gladly use Govt. to take from me to help sustain your rekt existence. You're a kid without kids. If you were wise like me, which you're not, you could have chosen a worthwhile degree or trade to support yourself. You chose to let wifey do that and spend your days railing on the www.
It's not so much that you lost and play victim. It's that you'd gladly use Govt. to take from me to help sustain your rekt existence. You're a kid without kids. If you were wise like me, which you're not, you could have chosen a worthwhile degree or trade to support yourself. You chose to let wifey do that and spend your days railing on the www.

literally everything you just said was bullshit.

you have been outed as a nazi and a cop whose dick doesn't work, whose wife left him, and who has to rely on everyone else to pay for his cancer treatments, while railing against the very concept of the insurance that saved him.

not only that, you get a free government check just for existing and have literally no skills in life besides being a dickhead authoritaryan cop.

go back to the daily stormer you worthless nazi.
Outed, lol.
You're so ignorant you've got an unskilled job where unskilled labor isn't in demand. Sad. How much cash do you "borrow" from wifey?
When you marry for money you'll earn every penny dipshit.

i wouldn't call getting paid $400 for 5 hours of work unskilled labor, and if you've checked help wanted ads in denver lately, you'd know that i am very much in demand.

but ya know, being a cop and getting a free government check every year, like you do, is also a thing. just not a thing that anybody really respects at all.

ditto your status as a hate-filled, limp-dicked, neo-nazi whose wife left him flat.
i wouldn't call getting paid $400 for 5 hours of work unskilled labor, and if you've checked help wanted ads in denver lately, you'd know that i am very much in demand.

but ya know, being a cop and getting a free government check every year, like you do, is also a thing. just not a thing that anybody really respects at all.

ditto your status as a hate-filled, limp-dicked, neo-nazi whose wife left him flat.

Wow, four hundred whole dollars you earned all by your big self. That's a lot for a skinny butt sucking wood butcher. I'm a little proud for you.
Wow, four hundred whole dollars you earned all by your big self. That's a lot for a skinny butt sucking wood butcher. I'm a little proud for you.

go ahead and add up what you'd gross in a year by installing one door a day (a $400 job), 5 days a week, for 50 weeks a year, and you'll have some idea of what i make when i work in the trades.

it's about the same amount i make sitting on my ass and growing pot.

we can't all be nazi cops with limp dicks who get piss drunk at 7 pm on a monday like you.

why did your wife leave you?
go ahead and add up what you'd gross in a year by installing one door a day (a $400 job), 5 days a week, for 50 weeks a year, and you'll have some idea of what i make when i work in the trades.

it's about the same amount i make sitting on my ass and growing pot.

we can't all be nazi cops with limp dicks who get piss drunk at 7 pm on a monday like you.

why did your wife leave you?

You don't get double time? Can't pyramid overtime? That sucks.