Unfortunately I do believe that big business will end up pricing most anyone out of business that doesn't have the immense start up $ to have a large scale fully automated system. Once the industry learns its ins and outs, they will simply be able to do everything a home grower can do, only much cheaper and easier. They will figure out how to produce the highest quality with the smallest margin of error and will simply set their prices lower than the small grower could even get their cost. 95% of people will opt for the cheapest they can get that gets the job done and the remaining 5% will be able to keep only a very very small and few in business.
I really hope I am wrong, but if if follows the path it seems to be on, I sadly expect to be spot on

We, as a nation, really only (generally) care about who can get us what we want faster and easier... at any cost... we can save 1$ on jeans? Sure send a few hundred jobs away to those that can do it cheaper and easier... we want our crops and livestock on our plate 3 days from birth/hatched... no problem.. pump em full of hormones and they will be ready to go by next week!!
Not saying I don't love some benefits of big business but it is a scary monster, and most anyone who thinks they will be able to continue making good $ in the industry for years to come... maybe don't get that mortgage just yet.. time will tell and I do hope I am wrong.