could pot be worthless in 2 years?

Your hired, when can you start. im paying $2 a pound to trim.
I hire a chef to cook flown in from Japan that cooks when I harvest so the trimmers get good organic vegan stir fry, Miso, Sushi, Nori, Wantons,

Its a noble profession but $2 a pound you cant even get a seat at my table.

The future of $2 a pound weed is Huminure and untrimmed.

Im not being troll or angry we need to grow pot in untreated human sewage. AKA Huminure

And dont trim it, a little of the poo will be in the leafs you can just choke it down.
That's a shitty vision of the future.
Unfortunately I do believe that big business will end up pricing most anyone out of business that doesn't have the immense start up $ to have a large scale fully automated system. Once the industry learns its ins and outs, they will simply be able to do everything a home grower can do, only much cheaper and easier. They will figure out how to produce the highest quality with the smallest margin of error and will simply set their prices lower than the small grower could even get their cost. 95% of people will opt for the cheapest they can get that gets the job done and the remaining 5% will be able to keep only a very very small and few in business.

I really hope I am wrong, but if if follows the path it seems to be on, I sadly expect to be spot on :(
We, as a nation, really only (generally) care about who can get us what we want faster and easier... at any cost... we can save 1$ on jeans? Sure send a few hundred jobs away to those that can do it cheaper and easier... we want our crops and livestock on our plate 3 days from birth/hatched... no problem.. pump em full of hormones and they will be ready to go by next week!!

Not saying I don't love some benefits of big business but it is a scary monster, and most anyone who thinks they will be able to continue making good $ in the industry for years to come... maybe don't get that mortgage just yet.. time will tell and I do hope I am wrong.
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There is a paradigm shift towards legalization but it doesn't include those places ran by a moral majority.
I don't see the federal government or states like Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Missouri and others with draconian mj laws going legal anytime soon, much less in two years. Therefore, marijuana will remain expensive contraband in most of the USA for years to come.
Unfortunately I do believe that big business will end up pricing most anyone out of business that doesn't have the immense start up $ to have a large scale fully automated system. Once the industry learns its ins and outs, they will simply be able to do everything a home grower can do, only much cheaper and easier. They will figure out how to produce the highest quality with the smallest margin of error and will simply set their prices lower than the small grower could even get their cost. 95% of people will opt for the cheapest they can get that gets the job done and the remaining 5% will be able to keep only a very very small and few in business.

I really hope I am wrong, but if if follows the path it seems to be on, I sadly expect to be spot on :(
We, as a nation, really only (generally) care about who can get us what we want faster and easier... at any cost... we can save 1$ on jeans? Sure send a few hundred jobs away to those that can do it cheaper and easier... we want our crops and livestock on our plate 3 days from birth/hatched... no problem.. pump em full of hormones and they will be ready to go by next week!!

Not saying I don't love some benefits of big business but it is a scary monster, and most anyone who thinks they will be able to continue making good $ in the industry for years to come... maybe don't get that mortgage just yet.. time will tell and I do hope I am wrong.
It will happen, but it will take time.
I went to the dispensary to pick up some CBD oil yesterday. (still have not got a high CBD low THC strain growing) and was surprised to see bud selling for $119-$200 per ounce and baking shake going for $75 an ounce. prices are already falling rapidly
Reading all this I'm glad it's illegal in the UK! Prices are top dollar and always go up. People all over the UK paying £10 / $12.30 for 0.7 grams.

Ounces go from £200 / $245.91 if it's average. Or £240 / $295.09 if it's proper dank.

Nice to have top dollar prices and be able to give it away for free to people with cancer. Best of both worlds!

The trouble is when the government are behind anything, they squeeze every extra £/$ they can get from everybody and everything. What the hell made anybody think it was every going to be a good deal for you all?
Reading all this I'm glad it's illegal in the UK! Prices are top dollar and always go up. People all over the UK paying £10 / $12.30 for 0.7 grams.

Ounces go from £200 / $245.91 if it's average. Or £240 / $295.09 if it's proper dank.

Nice to have top dollar prices and be able to give it away for free to people with cancer. Best of both worlds!

The trouble is when the government are behind anything, they squeeze every extra £/$ they can get from everybody and everything. What the hell made anybody think it was every going to be a good deal for you all?
Respectfully, I think your position is selfish.

Nothing compares to the warm feeling of satisfaction I get from seeing those in real medical need get relief from my medicine.

It needs to be universally available and CHEAP, so those in need have to barriers to access.

Yeah, even if it means putting closer pot farmers out of business.

You can still grow for yourself, you know.
Plus hundreds of new farms each year?
Local counties are talking about fazing out mom and pop farms in 5 years with a cap on new farm sizes for now.
However these groups put in 4X corporations on subdivided lots = 1,000 plants! That's TWENTY TIMES and 50X "Cottage grows"

I dont understand how a guy can sit on 5,000 pounds and not drive the price down to a loss after expenses and tax, (I do not have 5000 pounds Im just saying these HUGE grows do)
Plus hundreds of new farms each year?
Local counties are talking about fazing out mom and pop farms in 5 years with a cap on new farm sizes for now.
However these groups put in 4X corporations on subdivided lots = 1,000 plants! That's TWENTY TIMES and 50X "Cottage grows"

I dont understand how a guy can sit on 5,000 pounds and not drive the price down to a loss after expenses and tax, (I do not have 5000 pounds Im just saying these HUGE grows do)
'economies of scale'

It works for everything from corn to Ford pickups.
Respectfully, I think your position is selfish.

Nothing compares to the warm feeling of satisfaction I get from seeing those in real medical need get relief from my medicine.

It needs to be universally available and CHEAP, so those in need have to barriers to access.

Yeah, even if it means putting closer pot farmers out of business.

You can still grow for yourself, you know.

I understand what you are saying. In fairness I did give away 20+ ounces of weed from my last grow for free + made the oil with it for a lady with stage 4 cancer + am still doing this for her. But yeah, overall I know what you are saying. Available to everybody!

I have ptsd and only grew in the 1st place because it wasn't available for meds, so I am in fact a victim of the system. The system is set up the way it is and it forced me to grow to get meds!

I don't have a job as I'm disabled, there is no other way of making sure I have the things I need like a campervan and a sportscar and constant money to piss.

Though you may think I'm selfish, you are sorely mistaken. I make many peoples lives better everyday! I grow organic high cbd weed for a handful of people with mental illness too.

I'm more like an illegal caregiver than a drug dealer I'd say! If I couldn't make money from weed, I'd have a shit life being poor and so would my family! I've made my choices and I did the right thing for myself and many others!

The lady I help with cancer is living past the 3 months she was given... She doesn't think I'm selfish. She thinks I'm very generous and she's amazed I'm helping her for free!
I understand what you are saying. In fairness I did give away 20+ ounces of weed from my last grow for free + made the oil with it for a lady with stage 4 cancer + am still doing this for her. But yeah, overall I know what you are saying. Available to everybody!

I have ptsd and only grew in the 1st place because it wasn't available for meds, so I am in fact a victim of the system. The system is set up the way it is and it forced me to grow to get meds!

I don't have a job as I'm disabled, there is no other way of making sure I have the things I need like a campervan and a sportscar and constant money to piss.

Though you may think I'm selfish, you are sorely mistaken. I make many peoples lives better everyday! I grow organic high cbd weed for a handful of people with mental illness too.

I'm more like an illegal caregiver than a drug dealer I'd say! If I couldn't make money from weed, I'd have a shit life being poor and so would my family! I've made my choices and I did the right thing for myself and many others!

The lady I help with cancer is living past the 3 months she was given... She doesn't think I'm selfish. She thinks I'm very generous and she's amazed I'm helping her for free!
Expand your generosity to include all of society then.
Expand your generosity to include all of society then.

Most of society is so brainwashed, they wouldn't know what good medicine was/is!

There are so many people that need help, one man like myself couldn't help them all! However, I can help my family and friends! I can make a difference to the people I know and the people I care about.
Most of society is so brainwashed, they wouldn't know what good medicine was/is!

There are so many people that need help, one man like myself couldn't help them all! However, I can help my family and friends! I can make a difference to the people I know and the people I care about.

I truly understand and respect your opinion, but I also don't think personal profit is not wrong. My self, and many other growers that may earn a living from smaller scale operations (legal or otherwise) will likely have to reconstruct their entire lives as prices fall.
And I will be the first to admit, yes, I am "greedy" in the sense that I want to make as much income as I can any way possible. One shot at life and I dont want to have a list of what ifs and wish I could haves.
Heard on NPR today that by 2020 the cannabis market is expected to be as large as if not larger than our manufacturing industry (factories, warehouses, and textiles) I can easily see people in the industry earning 10$/hourly unless your in a very socialistic area/state. Once big business prices it down to 1$/gram who else can compete?