Well-Known Member
I've been using General Hydroponics MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom for years with acceptable results.
I use gun powder scales to measure 7 grams, then place into small containers for future use.
Today, I finished off the 1 KG bag, thus opened a brand new bag to fill the remaining containers.
I immediately noticed the colour had changed, as the new batch is not as "red" as the previous bags.
I also observed there is no change to the packaging, and no mention of the altered formula on the GH website
Now, it's not like I'm upset because it's not as red, but I don't like any company changing their products without a notification..... at least a "New & Improved Formula" on the packaging
It's been rumored that Monsanto purchased GH, but this is not mentioned/confirmed on their website
Now we all know that Monsanto makes the Dr. Evil corporation look like a bunch of school girls, so my first thought is the bastards have altered the formula for some unscrupulous reason.
I just hope the new MaxiBloom is as effective, but I do believe I'll be looking for a replacement product in the future, just based on principals.
New on the left...old on the right

Now I will have to admit that the "red" is so strong it actually impregnates into the blender & it may be a good thing to reduce the "red"...but have the balls to admit you have finger poked the formula

I use gun powder scales to measure 7 grams, then place into small containers for future use.
Today, I finished off the 1 KG bag, thus opened a brand new bag to fill the remaining containers.
I immediately noticed the colour had changed, as the new batch is not as "red" as the previous bags.
I also observed there is no change to the packaging, and no mention of the altered formula on the GH website
Now, it's not like I'm upset because it's not as red, but I don't like any company changing their products without a notification..... at least a "New & Improved Formula" on the packaging
It's been rumored that Monsanto purchased GH, but this is not mentioned/confirmed on their website
Now we all know that Monsanto makes the Dr. Evil corporation look like a bunch of school girls, so my first thought is the bastards have altered the formula for some unscrupulous reason.
I just hope the new MaxiBloom is as effective, but I do believe I'll be looking for a replacement product in the future, just based on principals.
New on the left...old on the right

Now I will have to admit that the "red" is so strong it actually impregnates into the blender & it may be a good thing to reduce the "red"...but have the balls to admit you have finger poked the formula

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