Me expressing myself is a "breakdown" huh? Sf - you're a constant trainwreck, in and out of hospitals.
Still don't understand what I meant when I reffered to you as, child-farmer?
think hard
because I have a few kids? you realize me and my baby moms are perfectly fine AND I SEE MY KIDS WHEN THEY ARE IN ONTARIO
again you misrepresenting my life and how I act.
for the record
abe is talking about how I have 2 kids and 1 that thinks of me as a father.
She then left to go to Manitoba to be with her family and I was in legal trouble at the time. I have talked about how this situation hurt me greatly, I have no power over what is happening.
I fell in good love with my baby moms sister btw abe. you should express the entire truth little buddy.
or is this because I knew a pedo off this forum? thats a story I will not divulge but I am allowing you to say your share.
dude you don't even try to know me or what I do let alone what is happening.
btw my kids are doing great and I see them on mothers day next, we are all going out to dinner with her sister. I might even travel to Manitoba to stay for a while.
cum at me harder you try hard
tell the truth if you want to try and hurt me or I will tell it for you.
I told tou I have no qualms speaking about things I mention. dont bring up pm\s or I will smash this thread with your own gems