Justin Bieber is coming to Australia! Whose excited?


Well-Known Member
David we missed u buddy.. how's thug life been treating you? Who you running with now? How's the lambo? Did you go to juvi again? So many questions.. don't leave us for this long anymore, we have been worried bout you.. we thought you fell victim to the game.

Missed you guys on here too! Thug life is not so good man. Two of my close homies are locked up 10 years each for extortion and attempted murder. I am now running with MS13, but still hang out with some of my cripz homies. Also I was away for a while because cops raided my home and seized all my computers. I had to lay low for a while but im back
Missed you guys on here too! Thug life is not so good man. Two of my close homies are locked up 10 years each for extortion and attempted murder. I am now running with MS13, but still hang out with some of my cripz homies. Also I was away for a while because cops raided my home and seized all my computers. I had to lay low for a while but im back

The cops took all your computers Hugh ...........they shouldn't find much on your government issue cell phone david ...........I watch a lot of crime type shows and usually cops don't take computers unless your doing terrorist things or looking at illegal porn ........smh