Bye Bye Marijuana State Laws

I may legally cultivate in retirement for easy supplemental income. Ran the #'s and to profit I'd need to harvest twice what can be had black market. Point is govt. regs have doubled the cost of production. I lobbied hard during the initiative phase and many growers wouldn't sign the initiative citing same. All said I'm content it's finally legit and legal here. If that changes, folks will happily carry on as before.
I may legally cultivate in retirement for easy supplemental income. Ran the #'s and to profit I'd need to harvest twice what can be had black market. Point is govt. regs have doubled the cost of production. I lobbied hard during the initiative phase and many growers wouldn't sign the initiative citing same. All said I'm content it's finally legit and legal here. If that changes, folks will happily carry on as before.

what a piece of shit you are.

go defend this cannabis crackdown on a cop forum.
Oh really. Do tell. Why do you question the existence of the Holocaust?
Because Hitler is responsible for 6 million deaths and exactly 3 million Jews I believe the number is rounded up probably way up. I'm sure a lot of Jews where killed probably more so in the labor camps plus their are 2 sides to every story and the Nazi party isn't telling their side. Also why would a Jew (Sanders) be for Socialism? The Nazis where Socialists. I honestly don't believe the US government or it's allies.

Did you know that the US government said marijuana makes negros and Mexicans rape white women? They also said "We now know that smoking one marijuana cigarette gives you the equivalent brain damage as being on Bikini Atoll during a hydrogen bomb blast" Yeah, believe everything the government tells you if you like. I question everything personally building 7 was not hit by an airplane but free fell like demolition. I seen plenty of WW2 documentaries while bombs (BOMBS) fucked them buildings up I didn't see a single one go down like demolition. Guess they should have used airplanes they are more effective than bombs apparently they level buildings they don't even touch. :lol:
LOL So, you can't take a bit of fun poked at you. What a weak shit.

I was just making my point, Tampee. I agree that you will be OK under Trump's stepped up enforcement. The drug war was never about stopping the use of drugs. It has always been used as a political and social control tool. Assholes like you think you aren't affected. That is, until the GOP decides to use you as an example.

Look at the larger picture and maybe you'd see that a lot of people who aren't "stupid" will get rounded up. Especially minorities and political opposition to Trump. You can expect people to be arrested by snitches who plant drugs on the persons of political enemies of Trump too. This is all so obvious and has happened before.
That shit was going on under Obama their was a video not too long ago during Obama's presidency anyway they had an informant bring crack into a head shop placed it on the counter a cop then walked in and arrested the owner it didn't hold up though since it was all on the stores security camera.

Obama did nothing for us weed is still a schedule 1 drug a simple possession charge is still punishable by 1 year in jail and a $2,000 fine under federal law! Gee wiz thanks Obama you really give a fuck about us. I'm with Tupac....

Would you liberals be happy to know I'm just as down for a revolution as when Obama was in office. I'm against the US government as a whole only voted Trump because they all hated him and I hate them all.
Because Hitler is responsible for 6 million deaths and exactly 3 million Jews I believe the number is rounded up probably way up. I'm sure a lot of Jews where killed probably more so in the labor camps plus their are 2 sides to every story and the Nazi party isn't telling their side. Also why would a Jew (Sanders) be for Socialism? The Nazis where Socialists. I honestly don't believe the US government or it's allies.

Did you know that the US government said marijuana makes negros and Mexicans rape white women? They also said "We now know that smoking one marijuana cigarette gives you the equivalent brain damage as being on Bikini Atoll during a hydrogen bomb blast" Yeah, believe everything the government tells you if you like. I question everything personally building 7 was not hit by an airplane but free fell like demolition. I seen plenty of WW2 documentaries while bombs (BOMBS) fucked them buildings up I didn't see a single one go down like demolition. Guess they should have used airplanes they are more effective than bombs apparently they level buildings they don't even touch. :lol:
Damn, you are one ignorant, anti-social fuck.
so will private prisons....
Federal prison for sure I heard a news report about a year ago saying the federal prisons are at the lowest levels since the 80's I imagine before Reagan's ramped up drug war. Plenty RICO charged marijuana prisoners coming to fill that void. Dispensary employees will probably even be charged as being gang affiliated or something of that nature.

I saw it coming GW/Bayer/Monsanto they dominated the medical marijuana industry if they can buy Monsanto which has deep connections with the Federal Government they most certainly can buy enough votes in congress to make marijuana a schedule 2 drug. The problem with a schedule 2 drug is it can not even be grown on US soil and the only way to obtain a schedule 2 drug is with a prescription from a doctor for an FDA approved drug.

GW already has a vaporizer medical marijuana medicine in the works, Sativex and a wonder drug for epileptic children you won't be smoking wax or even joints for cancer no brownies they have pills and sprays. Veritas Pharma Inc. is also a big player they are working on a marijuana drug for GW and 2 other pharma companies. They also obtained the first USPTO patent on a marijuana plant and are working on GMO marijuana varieties. I'm actually thinking about buying stock it's very cheap right now and when the hammer drops it will go up like a mother fucker.

Germany is already on board they legalized medical marijuana but they ain't smoking buds or hash they can only use the pharmaceutical marijuana. I knew most of this shit in like 2012 Sam The Skunkman and Robert Clarke straight fucked us GW would have found someone else to be a sellout but them two are probably the most knowledgeable people on marijuana.
Because Hitler is responsible for 6 million deaths and exactly 3 million Jews I believe the number is rounded up probably way up. I'm sure a lot of Jews where killed probably more so in the labor camps plus their are 2 sides to every story and the Nazi party isn't telling their side. Also why would a Jew (Sanders) be for Socialism? The Nazis where Socialists. I honestly don't believe the US government or it's allies.

Did you know that the US government said marijuana makes negros and Mexicans rape white women? They also said "We now know that smoking one marijuana cigarette gives you the equivalent brain damage as being on Bikini Atoll during a hydrogen bomb blast" Yeah, believe everything the government tells you if you like. I question everything personally building 7 was not hit by an airplane but free fell like demolition. I seen plenty of WW2 documentaries while bombs (BOMBS) fucked them buildings up I didn't see a single one go down like demolition. Guess they should have used airplanes they are more effective than bombs apparently they level buildings they don't even touch. :lol:
Why change the subject? Are you really denying the holocaust in the face of an entire building's worth of Nazi documents saying otherwise? So, you read a blog and decided it was more accurate than the witnesses and documentation gathered at the end of the war and take that as truth? Man that is weak thinking.
What do you expect, Man? You're asking a guy who says he broke his leg, and didn't need to go to a doctor.

So then, how does he know he broke a leg bone? He's delusional enough to think that a bruise is a broken bone.

I don't go to the doctor for a little bruise either! :lol:

What do you expect, Man? You're asking a guy who says he broke his leg, and didn't need to go to a doctor.

So then, how does he know he broke a leg bone? He's delusional enough to think that a bruise is a broken bone.

I don't go to the doctor for a little bruise either! :lol:

I haven't gone to a doctor since I broke my leg 15 years ago. Reading comprehension.....
I haven't gone to a doctor since I broke my leg 15 years ago. Reading comprehension.....
I'm still interested in how you can deny massive amount of evidence created by the Nazi government that clearly states their intent and execution of their "final solution".

Right wingers are so full of themselves that they make a statement of belief as if that's all they need to do to convince somebody. Intellectually lazy.
They also said "We now know that smoking one marijuana cigarette gives you the equivalent brain damage as being on Bikini Atoll during a hydrogen bomb blast" Yeah, believe everything the government tells you if you like.

that was based on a study where reagan had researchers suffocate monkeys with smoke, you dumbass. anyone with critical thinking skills can see that.

just like anyone with critical thinking skills can see that you are a braindead nazi who shits his pants at the mere mention of the existence of jewish people.

your crackpot neo-nazism is pathetic, holocaust denier.
that was based on a study where reagan had researchers suffocate monkeys with smoke, you dumbass. anyone with critical thinking skills can see that.

just like anyone with critical thinking skills can see that you are a braindead nazi who shits his pants at the mere mention of the existence of jewish people.

your crackpot neo-nazism is pathetic, holocaust denier.
Yet you are a Trump supporter. I don't get it.