Conservatism is decrepit and xenophobic, not to mention that those who espouse the ideology have done exactly nothing to make the world a better place, even for themselves. They've only made it better for those in power, who don't happen to be conservative.
Conservatism is decrepit and xenophobic, not to mention that those who espouse the ideology have done exactly nothing to make the world a better place, even for themselves. They've only made it better for those in power, who don't happen to be conservative.

no, conservatism is the new counter culture!

the daily stormer thinks milo is a nazi pretending to be a gay jew?

gonna need some citation on that one, jew hater.

"Neo-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer has declared a “Holy Crusade” against Breitbart Tech editor and professional troll Milo Yiannopolous, calling him “the single greatest threat to our movement at this time.”

Sounds like the little protesters and yourself now doesn't it?
There's the trail, fulfill your own needs doofus.
"Neo-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer has declared a “Holy Crusade” against Breitbart Tech editor and professional troll Milo Yiannopolous, calling him “the single greatest threat to our movement at this time.”

Sounds like the little protesters and yourself now doesn't it?
There's the trail, fulfill your own needs doofus.

so no citation that they think he is a nazi who is playing the role of a gay jew. got it.

i think they are more on board with your view that civil rights were "not a good idea" because you'll "just hate 'em more now".
so when you posted and defended jews wearing the nazi star of david, that was just a delusion?

i have the screenshot ya know.

fucking nazi.

@abandonconflict it was revealed that this nazi's dick doesn't even work. how sad is that?

Wow, you have a screenshot! You delude yourself then double down at every opportunity. Whirling dervish in circular doors reason clearer than you do.
what is your reason for coming here every night and pretending that you are not a nazi?

Do you support the constitution, specifically the first amendment? Citizens that weren't happy with the country or its direction spoke at the ballot box. That voice you refused to hear then and now is still speaking. Reason. That's a good word. Instead of masterdebating you might get somewhere using it.
Do you support the constitution, specifically the first amendment? Citizens that weren't happy with the country or its direction spoke at the ballot box. That voice you refused to hear then and now is still speaking. Reason. That's a good word. Instead of masterdebating you might get somewhere using it.

This is not what those idiots voted for, what happened to drain the swamp?