Well-Known Member
Incorrect I have plenty of money
then why can't you afford obamacare?
why are you using free socialized government health care instead?
Incorrect I have plenty of money
we already discussed this im not doing it againthen why can't you afford obamacare?
why are you using free socialized government health care instead?
Ok simpleton. Let's walk through this one together.
Omar Mateen shot those innocent people. Fact.
Omar Mateen then pledged his allegiance to ISIL. Fact.
ISIL is a socio-conservative far right leaning islamic militant faction of a quite conservative religion. Fact.
You're a dumbshit. Fact.
Thanks and have a nice day. And on your way out, go make my god damn sammich.
lol. I missed it.we already discussed this im not doing it again
Oh ok, those are erect penisesGet a box of tampons, pussy boi
Tell us more about the 'purples'
if you want to compare which states are more violent, we can do that. the most violent states are always red states. blue states with strict gun laws are always the least violent.
if you want to compare politically motivated massacres, we can do that too. i think a lefty killed someone while trying to free a makeup testing rabbit once, but nothing on the scale of sikh temple and holocaust memorial and planned parenthood massacres pulled off by the right.
and finally, if you want to compare the violence of native born folks to refugees, we can do that too. so far, the count stands at refugees: 0, non-refugees: all of it.
I would not eat anything those pale, clammy hands touched.Ok simpleton. Let's walk through this one together.
Omar Mateen shot those innocent people. Fact.
Omar Mateen then pledged his allegiance to ISIL. Fact.
ISIL is a socio-conservative far right leaning islamic militant faction of a quite conservative religion. Fact.
You're a dumbshit. Fact.
Thanks and have a nice day. And on your way out, go make my god damn sammich.
Nope. You said American Right. So now look at the numbers from the American Left. You won't though, yet again. So good luck with that.
Fact is if we just made it illegal for Democrats to own guns, mass murder would be almost non existent..
you're desperate to conflate separate issues. it's cute.
red states are more violent than blue states.
right wing nutjobs commit more politically motivated massacres.
and refugees are the most peaceful group we have in america.
Not independent, borrowed.
Nope. American right wingers have killed more than refugees, that's what you said. Exempting American left wingers, of course.
Tell me again how a hate crime is not politically motivated.
Like all your 'assets'?
I could buy and sell you 100 times.
I don't rely on gov't. checks like a single mom.
you're way too desperate to "but chicago!" this non-argument about how peaceful our 700,000+ refugees are.
and it's not like we don't know why, either.
if we make you serve the purples, you'll just hate 'em more now.
Illiterate. Clearly I said "but Orlando".
Whatever it takes to elevate your self esteem big boy. Say, does buying and selling human beings and viewing all single mothers as welfare check receivers still elevate you like it did a moment ago?
i get that you are trying to conflate refugees with those scary muslims who make you piss your pants. you need a safe space away from them in your little bubble. i get that.
Muslims were mentioned? Nope. Democrats. A Democrat was responsible for the largest hate crime and mass murder in American History.
http://www.lifecoach-directory.org....7-things-high-self-esteem-people-dont-do-1215My self esteem is through the roof, republican trailer boi.
Sharpen some knives, you have a double electric bill to catch up on.
i get that you are trying to conflate this with politically motivated killings even though it was not.