US War with China


Well-Known Member
if China, North Korea, or Iran launched a preemptive strike on the US (ala Pearl Harbor), you wouldn't even be surprised at this point....self preservation.
Some years back I bought several mosin-nagants and numerous spam cans of ammo.

Simple bolt action built like a tank. Yes it is slow but very reliable and very accurate. I used to shoot bowling pins at 350-400 yards with the stock peep sights with elevation adjustment.

Thought I would mention for those that need to pick up something cheap and reliable.

7.62x54r is a hell of a round.
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
if China, North Korea, or Iran launched a preemptive strike on the US (ala Pearl Harbor), you wouldn't even be surprised at this point....self preservation.
China does not want war. Trump is the one talking war.

China is disorganized at the moment with the rise of the middle class. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Millionaires being made every day. Hong Kong is the top free economy in the world (US is at 11 by the way, Australia at 5) Free public health slowly being rolled out across the country (no mean feat for such a huge population).
Sure there economy has slowed from the rush they had over the last 10 years but they havent got time for war. They are busy becoming a hugely successful economy and country.


Well-Known Member
China does not want war. Trump is the one talking war.

China is disorganized at the moment with the rise of the middle class. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Millionaires being made every day. Hong Kong is the top free economy in the world (US is at 11 by the way, Australia at 5) Free public health slowly being rolled out across the country (no mean feat for such a huge population).
Sure there economy has slowed from the rush they had over the last 10 years but they havent got time for war. They are busy becoming a hugely successful economy and country. president Bannon will bully talk them into it.....


Well-Known Member
in his old VLOG he talked about going into libya and taking half their oil, calling it "spoils of war" instead of its proper term, "international war crime".

Now he's calling refugees" illegal immigrants" this guy is off his fucking rocker, probably needs a diaper change.


Well-Known Member
Trump and his cronies come from a genetic make up of not being able to feel empathy. They won't change their minds about any of this shit, they are not capable of it. It's a waste of time trying to reason with them and it's only going to get much worse. I feel sorry for all the families that are going to loose family members in the coming wars. Wonder how long it will take them to institute the draft, I bet enlistments have dropped drastically.


Well-Known Member
US War with China ? likelihood in 5-10 years 33%

US War with Ru ? likelihood in 5-10 years 13%

Iran War with Israel ? likelihood in 5-10 years 73%

China War with India ? likelihood in 5-10 years 28%

China War with Ru ? likelihood in 5-10 years 20%

Where's the CIA when you need them

:clap: Very insightful and thought provoking post. There's a real chance that we could end up at war with most of them simultaneously. That would suck.


Well-Known Member
China isnt strong enough militarily or economy wise to go to war with the U.S. ...In 10 years they may be... But the shear trillions of dollars America spends on over double what any other nation spends. Why is America so scared all the time? Why do they continue to invade countries and then not win?
China does not match the American military in size or spending. It will, however, be a bigger economy in less than 10 years, and of course there's 4 times as many of them so upside potential is pretty big.

Lastly, America spends what the next dozen largest nations spend on their defense... COMBINED. Friend or foe, this basically means that America's defense budget alone nearly equals the rest of the world's.

If you wonder why, and why Americans start so many wars we don't finish, follow the money; the defense industry uses the Federal government to tax our citizens. We foot the bill for a three trillion dollar fighter plane program guaranteed to disappoint. That's a program that's ballooned in cost almost ten times the original estimate, and when it was signed it was the largest defense contact in history! And then of course there's the rest of the defense department.

For the record, we aren't at war; we are fucking with foreign lands at our leisure, there's no defense of our homeland or security going on at all. All the shit on the teevee is just for show, votes and PROFITS.


Well-Known Member
Americans, from a foreign perspective, are immature paranoid bullies always looking for a fight. A nation of racist pussies so scared of their own shadow that they'd impoverish their grandkids to build the greatest military machine ever seen...

It's not my perspective, but you can certainly see how they might get that impression.


Well-Known Member
I certainly hope we don't fail but humans tend to not learn from history and doomed to repeat it.

Every great nation has failed in history. At one time or another different powers have controlled almost the whole world at times. Nothing but dust and stories in a history books now.

Maybe if we take the time for some self reflection we will see the error of out ways.
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I certainly hope but humans tend to not learn from history and doomed to repeat it.

Every great nation has failed in history. At one time or another different powers have controlled almost the whole world at times. Nothing but dust and stories in a history books now.

Maybe if we take the time for some self reflection we will see the error of out ways.
Yea, look at Portugal and Mongolia now. No disrepect ment to those who may be from there. Portugal is in fact one of my most fav placers.
England is still a world power. Not in military might but certainly economically when you take into account their Commonwealth.
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