US War with China

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
they need to work together for this bird to fly....but the right wing is broken

Are you in favor of the USA ending it's foreign empire by ending military occupation of most of the world?

Are you cool with the USA leaving Hawaii too?

I sure hope we are smart enough to quit fighting, We certainly don't need anymore wars.
Excellent point. War is mankinds folly.

One of the problems with a warfare / welfare state such as the USA is it uses fear to maintain a base of support for military interventions. It also strategically places "good defense industry" jobs all over the country so people will continue to support the war machine, even when their conscience and their brain tells them war is horrible.


Well-Known Member
Are you in favor of the USA ending it's foreign empire by ending military occupation of most of the world?

Are you cool with the USA leaving Hawaii too?

Excellent point. War is mankinds folly.

One of the problems with a warfare / welfare state such as the USA is it uses fear to maintain a base of support for military interventions. It also strategically places "good defense industry" jobs all over the country so people will continue to support the war machine, even when their conscience and their brain tells them war is horrible.
Hawaii will likely join the Cal/Org/Wash alliance.....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hawaii will likely join the Cal/Org/Wash alliance.....

Oh I see, you guys get all the avocadoes AND all the Pineapples too, eh?

If individuals groups of people, "states" , have a right to chose their associations and separate from a large central authority like the USA, would you then agree that smaller groups within those "states" should be able to go their own way peacefully to?


Well-Known Member
Oh I see, you guys get all the avocadoes AND all the Pineapples too, eh?

If individuals groups of people, "states" , have a right to chose their associations and separate from a large central authority like the USA, would you then agree that smaller groups within those "states" should be able to go their own way peacefully to?
the us is now dysfunctional & desperate times call for desperate of luck my friend


Well-Known Member
Exxon put in a order to the (US Coast Guard???) for Ice breakers 10 years ago in anticipation of Arctic Oil....One ready one coming.

Turn off that Oil, see who squeaks the loudest.

4000+ American lives spent to secure Iraq oil for Exxon, only to be sold @ $2 barrel to price..$148

Mighty Patriotic Wall Street

Thanks State Dept./Dept of Energy!

War is not planned until the keystone pipeline is dry.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
the us is now dysfunctional & desperate times call for desperate of luck my friend

The USA has ALWAYS been dysfunctional, since it was formed on the idea that individual consent is not a valid concept. Assumed consent is doublespeak word abuse of the highest order.

I have no problem with separatist movements, I think decentralization has many benefits, so good luck to you.

So, I'll ask again, If individuals groups of people, "states" , have a right to chose their associations and separate from a large central authority like the USA, would you then agree that smaller groups within those "states" should be able to go their own way peacefully to?