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I swear.. does anyone else think we're living in the f*cking twilight zone? I swear, this is a dream... First, Fannie and Freddie- Merrill gets bought out by Bank of America, Lehman Bros. files bankruptcy.. now this.. (edit: the U.S. sector of Lehman has now been bought by Barclays)
Add to that the article on the front page of yahoo today..
Top Economist Americans Should Worry About Bank Deposits if Congress Doesn't Act: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
"That "run" could accelerate as people realize the FDIC fund has about $50 billion to "insure" about $1 trillion in assets at the nation's financial institutions, says Roubini. "They're going to run out of money" unless Congress acts soon to recapitalize the FDIC."
(oh but don't worry, "The banking system is safe and sound")
I really don't think people understand how f*cking bad things are.. all the dominoes are set.. and the first one is just tittering back and forth..
They're just rushing around trying to hold up a falling building with twigs..
I swear.. does anyone else think we're living in the f*cking twilight zone? I swear, this is a dream... First, Fannie and Freddie- Merrill gets bought out by Bank of America, Lehman Bros. files bankruptcy.. now this.. (edit: the U.S. sector of Lehman has now been bought by Barclays)
Add to that the article on the front page of yahoo today..
Top Economist Americans Should Worry About Bank Deposits if Congress Doesn't Act: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
"That "run" could accelerate as people realize the FDIC fund has about $50 billion to "insure" about $1 trillion in assets at the nation's financial institutions, says Roubini. "They're going to run out of money" unless Congress acts soon to recapitalize the FDIC."
(oh but don't worry, "The banking system is safe and sound")
I really don't think people understand how f*cking bad things are.. all the dominoes are set.. and the first one is just tittering back and forth..
They're just rushing around trying to hold up a falling building with twigs..