Flaming Pie Lies About CNN


Well-Known Member
It is fun to see Trump supporters spout "alternative facts".

Something tells me Donald is starting to have a religious awakening and truly believes that god is behind him. Lol. Or he knows his supporters believe in that shit despite a total lack of evidence.

Wow, that was the worst first couple of days ever for a new President. Sad.


Well-Known Member
It is fun to see Trump supporters spout "alternative facts".

Something tells me Donald is starting to have a religious awakening and truly believes that god is behind him. Lol. Or he knows his supporters believe in that shit despite a total lack of evidence.

Wow, that was the worst first couple of days ever for a new President. Sad.
When you have the Press Secretary coming out straight fucking lying on day one, you kind of know that this 4 years is going to be a doozy, This is about to top the Baby Bush years.
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Well-Known Member
When you have the Press Secretary coming out straight fucking lieing on day one, you kind of know that this 4 years is going to be a doozy, This is about to top the Baby Bush years.
Spicer will be sacrificed would be my guess. That was hilarious.

But of course, it was Trump who said that the rain stopped and the clouds parted and bluebirds made love to the daffodils when he started to speak. My only question is, does he believe this shit? I fear he might.

Incidentally, I am the world's greatest lover, period.


Well-Known Member
And Ryan will be vice president soon. Medicare and Medicaid going to state block grants. I hope the alternative facts aren't to hard on deplorables. They shouldn't depend on government anyway.
It would be nice to think that the Republicans would feel chastened by all this but they won't. They will double-down. The revolution just got much closer. I think this may end up a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Spicer will be sacrificed would be my guess. That was hilarious.

But of course, it was Trump who said that the rain stopped and the clouds parted and bluebirds made love to the daffodils when he started to speak. My only question is, does he believe this shit? I fear he might.

Incidentally, I am the world's greatest lover, period.
I was having a normal day and then that shit stain came on . I said then you can certainly tell the difference in the last admin opposed to this Nazi shit.


Well-Known Member
Maybe there will be republican deprogramming camps after?
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Actually I think they would try to do everything in their means to hold power. They know that the voter numbers are against them but they have Congress in their hands. They will rely on procedural methods in a way similar to what North Carolina did before the elected governor could take office. All eyes are going to be looking at the state legislatures in 2020. The new census is starting to crank up. The fight over the House of Representatives is key. Dems need to pick up a dozen or more seats in '18 to really get the ball rolling.

Or, the streets could erupt in violence and push things along. Such interesting times.


Well-Known Member
I remember Crosby Stills Nash and Young. Riots and protests in the 60's. Dam I'm proud of some of my generation. Such strange people these deplorables are. Want a gubment check.
Many of my friends in my yoot were radicals who held the '68 Dem convention as a seminal event in their lives. Most of them are dead now - but I think they will be pleased. I wonder what city has the unfortunate honor of hosting the 2020 RepubliCON?