The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

so you're only worried about the budget under obama, when republicans leave him a record setting deficit?

you're not concerned that the GOP just voted to add $9.7 trillion to the debt?

hypocritical, eh jew hater?

$9Trillion addition to Debt-Obama.
From $10 Trillion in 09 to $19Trillion today.
Almost doubled it, in two terms.
How is this "good"?
How is none of it Obama's?
Debt and defecit. Two different words. Two different meanings.
Obamas addition to the Debt-$9Trillion!

you can't get rid of the debt unless you kill the deficit.

obama reduced it by over a trillion, more than any president ever.

trum is asking for $9.7 trillion. he obviously has plans to run some massive deficits.

you will defend him, of course, because you are a racist hypocrite. and a jew hater with a dick that doesn't work.
It's telling that the left isn't able to acknowledge their own party's abysmal economic record.
Any wonder why the left is mocked as the inclusive party of tolerance and acceptance?
Any wonder why the left is now as powerless as it was 80 years ago?
you can't get rid of the debt unless you kill the deficit.

obama reduced it by over a trillion, more than any president ever.

trum is asking for $9.7 trillion. he obviously has plans to run some massive deficits.

you will defend him, of course, because you are a racist hypocrite. and a jew hater with a dick that doesn't work.

Your word salad is rich but has no umami. Obama nearly doubled this nations debt from 10 to 19 $Trillion in two terms. That's an impressively toxic amount of debt increase.
Your word salad is rich but has no umami. Obama nearly doubled this nations debt from 10 to 19 $Trillion in two terms. That's an impressively toxic amount of debt increase.

obama did nothing to add to the debt, only to lower it.

the blame you are trying to place is on the guy who came in with a surplus (thanks, bill clinton!) and left with the most massive deficit in american history.

if it makes you feel any better, trum is gonna run an even higher deficit. hence why he asked for a $9.7 trillion dollar debt ceiling increase.

limp-dicked jew hater.