What does Russia have on Trump?


Well-Known Member
"By now you’ve likely heard about the explosive report published by BuzzFeed that contained “leaked” “intelligence” about President-elect Donald Trump engaging in some rather disturbing activities, but it turns out that it’s all a prank from Internet trolls.

The documents contained in the BuzzFeed report are unverified, and they allege that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Russian hotel that Obama once slept in because Trump hates Obama so much. The documents also make that claim the Kremlin holds sexual blackmail material on Trump, which they would ostensibly use to control him during his tenure in the White House.

The explosive charges haven’t been confirmed and aren’t even believable, yet CNN, BuzzFeed and Cosmopolitan all ran with them anyway, likely because of their blind hatred for the incoming president. But as it turns out, the entire story was merely a scam from a 4chan user attempting to troll the anti-Trump crowd, and they were wildly successful.

More from the Gateway Pundit:

According to 4Chan these documents were created by a 4Chan user and sent to anti-Trumper Rick Wilson knowing he would act on this tip:

4Chan discussed this tonight:

** Political hacks emailed documents to #NeverTrump jackass Rick Wilson about Trump making people piss on a bed.
** Rick Wilson thought it was real and gave it to leftists at the CIA
** The CIA of the USA put this in their official classified intelligence report on Russian involvement in the US election
** Donald Trump and Obama were both given private sessions with the CIA to discuss this.
** The CIA concluded that the Russians plan to blackmail Trump with this story we made up"

ROFLMAO!!! How many liberal victims did 4chan claim with this one??? ROFLMAO!!!
Where was Obama born again?


Well-Known Member
"By now you’ve likely heard about the explosive report published by BuzzFeed that contained “leaked” “intelligence” about President-elect Donald Trump engaging in some rather disturbing activities, but it turns out that it’s all a prank from Internet trolls.

The documents contained in the BuzzFeed report are unverified, and they allege that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Russian hotel that Obama once slept in because Trump hates Obama so much. The documents also make that claim the Kremlin holds sexual blackmail material on Trump, which they would ostensibly use to control him during his tenure in the White House.

The explosive charges haven’t been confirmed and aren’t even believable, yet CNN, BuzzFeed and Cosmopolitan all ran with them anyway, likely because of their blind hatred for the incoming president. But as it turns out, the entire story was merely a scam from a 4chan user attempting to troll the anti-Trump crowd, and they were wildly successful.

More from the Gateway Pundit:

According to 4Chan these documents were created by a 4Chan user and sent to anti-Trumper Rick Wilson knowing he would act on this tip:

4Chan discussed this tonight:

** Political hacks emailed documents to #NeverTrump jackass Rick Wilson about Trump making people piss on a bed.
** Rick Wilson thought it was real and gave it to leftists at the CIA
** The CIA of the USA put this in their official classified intelligence report on Russian involvement in the US election
** Donald Trump and Obama were both given private sessions with the CIA to discuss this.
** The CIA concluded that the Russians plan to blackmail Trump with this story we made up"

ROFLMAO!!! How many liberal victims did 4chan claim with this one??? ROFLMAO!!!
Except that '4chan' is a known alt-right/cuckservative propaganda site and this entire 'admission' is an obvious stopgap in defense of their orange oligarch. :roll:
4chan: Are you an angry/sexually confused/dickless/sexless white kid that isn't quite ready for Breitbart and Stormfront? Stop by and receive your training!

Silly ANALEXCESS, tsk tsk tsk....now scurry back up the wall....

giphy (19).gif


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?

It should not be a big deal for legislators to deschedule marijuana given public opinion. Which part didnt YOU understand???
Why don't you call your rep and mention that^^^? I guarantee they will hop right on it.


Well-Known Member
Except that '4chan' is a known alt-right/cuckservative propaganda site and this entire 'admission' is an obvious stopgap in defense of their orange oligarch. :roll:
4chan: Are you an angry/sexually confused/dickless/sexless white kid that isn't quite ready for Breitbart and Stormfront? Stop by and receive your training!

Silly ANALEXCESS, tsk tsk tsk....now scurry back up the wall....

View attachment 3873628

Woooo hooo!!!! Another gif!!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you call your rep and mention that^^^? I guarantee they will hop right on it.
MMJ is legal in Arizona and almost 50% of people voted for the recent initiative. Not exactly like the culture is rabidly against it.

You do understand that changing the laws is the proper way to go about it right? Not just live under a bunch of rules enforced whenever a president decides to...


Well-Known Member
I just love 'pranks' too, don't you?

It doesn't have to be true to have an impact as we all know so well.

This is going to dog what little presidency he gets.

Just when you think things are hopeless..what goes around; comes around..that bitch Karma comes through:clap:
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Well-Known Member
MMJ is legal in Arizona and almost 50% of people voted for the recent initiative. Not exactly like the culture is rabidly against it.

You do understand that changing the laws is the proper way to go about it right? Not just live under a bunch of rules enforced whenever a president decides to...
I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you today:wink:..31 minutes and counting..


Well-Known Member
If I see it, I will admit I am wrong. Wait and see.
It is not about being right or wrong. It is about coming together behind an action you want the government to take.

Have you heard anyone here make an argument against descheduling marijuana? Yet the politicians and special interest groups have us at each others throat to the point that we cannot agree on anything.

Who benefits from the current condition?


Well-Known Member
It is not about being right or wrong. It is about coming together behind an action you want the government to take.

Have you heard anyone here make an argument against descheduling marijuana? Yet the politicians and special interest groups have us at each others throat to the point that we cannot agree on anything.

Who benefits from the current condition?
The Heartland. You know, the people who want to make America great again.

And yes, it is about being right or wrong. We are not discussing the merits or descheduling, we are talking about whether Congress will do it. You get distracted easily.