Russia didn't do it

The story contains basically two elements: (1) security agencies of the US government say there is overwhelming evidence that emails were hacked by the Russian government to effect the presidential election, but (2) those agencies have failed to deliver that evidence.
No one hacked anything that changed anything in the election.

I thought after the recount that the desperation would taper, and then Russia was on the front page a few mornings later.

Maybe after Jan 20th they will dial it down to hoping for an impeachment.
No one hacked anything that changed anything in the election.

I thought after the recount that the desperation would taper, and then Russia was on the front page a few mornings later.

Maybe after Jan 20th they will dial it down to hoping for an impeachment.

nah, he will remain fairly illegitimate. especially considering hillary's 3 million vote win overall. and the fact that he brought up wikileaks 164 times in the last month of the campaign.

weird to bring up foreign espionage 164 times in the last month of an election as your strong point.

kinda sounds more like treason. people go to prison for that sort of thing.
Department of Homeland Security / FBI Claim of Russian Hacking is Fake News

Donald Trump no longer denies that Russia orchestrated a cyber-attack against Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her party, according to his top advisers, who also blamed Democrats for the breach and falsely characterized the testimony of an intelligence chief to Congress.

Barack Obama says Donald Trump may have 'enough craziness' to be president

Trump’s incoming White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, told Fox News Sunday the president-elect “is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign”.

So trump is admitting it. Still think it's "fake" news?
I can hardly believe that this nimrod needs advisors to talk for him when he should be apologizing personally for his lies and mistakes; and they say things like "possibly" and still try to blame the DNC. What a fucking child.
And what is John McAfee's idea?
"Privacy is complex. It’s not as simple as ‘I’ve got nothing to hide therefore, I’ve got nothing to fear.’ If everyone knew everything about everyone else, there would be riots in the streets."

You mean that one? I'm not sure I see your point with regards to trump denying the hacking for weeks and now, finally, in a roundabout way admitting that the hack was Russian.
The whole thing is completely muddled.

Some people think the Russians hacked the voting in America which is completely untrue.

Some people think the Russians hacked the DNC. Now, the FBI says that it is true but they never got to look at the servers. They simply too someone elses word for it. Which seems kinda fucked up if you ask me... This is all politics as usual, I dont trust the info coming out of the government any more than I trusted it last month.

John Podesta allowed his e-mail to be hacked because he is a fucking idiot. The DNC got hacked because they had no security. Whether it was the Russians or a 14 year old doesnt matter.

Regardless, Hillary lost because people are tired of not having decent jobs and watching their healthcare premiums jump by double digits every year while their deductibles rise. Obama lied about keeping your doctor, he lied about healthcare being cheaper, and people are sick of it. Hillary didnt have any solutions it was just going to be business as usual.

How much more wringing of hands and crying is necessary before we can move on?
The whole thing is completely muddled.

Some people think the Russians hacked the voting in America which is completely untrue.

Some people think the Russians hacked the DNC. Now, the FBI says that it is true but they never got to look at the servers. They simply too someone elses word for it. Which seems kinda fucked up if you ask me... This is all politics as usual, I dont trust the info coming out of the government any more than I trusted it last month.

John Podesta allowed his e-mail to be hacked because he is a fucking idiot. The DNC got hacked because they had no security. Whether it was the Russians or a 14 year old doesnt matter.

Regardless, Hillary lost because people are tired of not having decent jobs and watching their healthcare premiums jump by double digits every year while their deductibles rise. Obama lied about keeping your doctor, he lied about healthcare being cheaper, and people are sick of it. Hillary didnt have any solutions it was just going to be business as usual.

How much more wringing of hands and crying is necessary before we can move on?
Trump said the Russians were not responsible for the hack or the vast amount of fake news and misinformation that tampered with the election.
You agreed with that.
Now trump is saying that he no longer denies Russian responsability for the "hacking campaign".
How do you feel about that? Has it changed your views or you're going to stick with Russia isn't responsible?
you are a traitor to America. Pack your shit and leave. You never did anything to help this great nation anyway. Only take take take.

Ah the mind controlled mantra. If only you could have your programming wiped and reinstalled with clean windows. This goes for both the repubtards as well. Politics is a lot like The Kardasians, a mind fuck distraction, while the those who rule over our 'democratically' elected officials do their bidding for a pittance.

Wake up people. All wars are bankster wars
I agree with trump supporters not having an open mind.
Hard go of it being unemployed. Too much time on your hands to watch fake YouTube news.

Trump supporters are well aware that going back at least 5 elections (crossing both party lines) laws and regulations have been enacted that made it difficult for big manufacturing to stay in america. Tax laws are so vile compared to the rest of the world) that they found shelter in offshore accounts and moved business to foreign countries. This has cost millions of businesses, jobs and families to go bust. Many reort to crime as the ony way to survive. Pretty clear evidence nether party gives a flying F about us, but are willing to support our military being the bully of the world- destroying cities, countries, at great loss of human life. We know about PTSD and the horrible suicides from our own returning soldiers. Now, imagine how the people living in those countries we have destroyed have been affected. For whom... for what?

IMHO, the jury is out on the donald, but he's the only president to tackle making 'merica prosperous- if they don't kill him first
That was interesting. Sort of felt like a 20 minute add for McAfee anti-virus software though.
I find it odd that he first made the point that you cannot tell where a hack comes from; and then later says when someone hacks his phone he tries to figure out who exactly hacked him.
This thread is about Trumps denial (and his supports denial) of the Russian involvement in hacking with regards to the election. All signs point to them doing it, including now statements from trumps team.
I never said who my enemy is. I was referring to ISIS is the enemy of both us and the russians.

Saudi commanders rape little boys. They also support ISIS and a dozen other violent radical muslim groups.

The guardian has been caught lying on more than one occasion.

Abu Ghraib anybody? What about OUR own soldier raping our own soldiers. This is NOT isolated