How to get money?


Well-Known Member
tis not as hard as you think. Just do it,

Whats the worst tht can happen? u become broke? ummmm? look at where ur at right now.
Ahahahah soo true really apreaciate it, im gonna go for it bro, hopefully things will brighten up soon I'm tired of being in the gutter I want my child to admire me and have someone to look up to!


Well-Known Member
Wow lmao I was looking up how to make easy cash and instantly some dark web shit came up saying you get paid to be a hitman or someshit... and you can get a blank ATM card that withdraws 50grand, yeah right I fuckin wish too good to be true


Well-Known Member
Y'all ever herd of the dark web? A buddy of mine orders his drugs off there using bit coins, said he can get anything from LSD to 400$qps and all kinda pills, some crazy shiznet out here I wasn't even aware of, but fuck that I'm no genius I'd probably get setup with a virus or feds if I tried to get in lmao...


Well-Known Member
Uhhohh lol it got quiet all a sudden after I mention the black web woops fuck the pigs ahahaha peace, thanks again for motivating me to get a move on love and peace to all of humanity goodnight world! I think... If this high will fuckin end... Sorry for being a worthless uninformative talkitive loser lmao... Maybe my girlfriends right...
I'll come up some day!
Then y'all gonna see me everywhere be like oh shiit that's that dude DQ