Do I flower now or risk it?! MUST READ


Active Member's my situation.

i have two plants right now. one is 9 inches and one is 7 inches. both looking real good.

this is whats fucked up...i originally planned on flowering when they reached 12 inches. but i just figured out that their second or third week of flowering(estimated) would be around which time i will be going back home from college for about a week.

if i put them into flower now i could be done by that time. if i don't flower and wait i will risk not caring for my plants for a week! i can get a timer for my lights but i don't have a water pump or watering system nor can i afford to buy/make one.


btw i am vegging and flowering with cfls


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and just flower now... If they're already that big you'll be fine. How long they been vegging? How many CFLs are you using? If you don't have that much light you're better off flowering now anyways since you won't have enough to properly flower a much bigger plant. Hope that helps... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you get everything down right, using both ends of the spectrum good. Still I wouldn't wait to much longer to flower, they should be 12 inches in a week or so anyway!


Active Member
thanks bro...yea i think im gonna start flowering the day after tomorrow. and pray for some ladies


Active Member
flower them? like start them right on a 12/12? i want to be done with all growing by thanksgiving break when i go home...then ill start up again when i get back...

hmm...well after you said something i might just see if they make it through break while im gone...why not right? but that means they would have to go 12/12 because i have no separate grow room


Well-Known Member
well if you're just going to toss them... lol, you're better off just leaving them to flower with the others. Hell you can flower 12/12 straight from seed, not saying you'll get much, but somethin is better than nothin :wink:


Active Member
got some exciting news...i now have 4 26w at 6500k and 6 26w at 2700k. thats the equivalent of 1000 watts! lol i know that really doesnt matter but i looks like a god damn christmas light show in my grow box haha. plan on going 12/12 tonight!

i was planning on using light green super bloom its something like 13-55-8 but i went to home depot and found some bone meal that is 1-11-0 that i think might work with a little less stress on the plants.

also real quick question...i picked up some molasses today at the store...i heard it does wonders for your plants during flowering...only thing is...i don't know how to use it or the quantity i should use...any help on this matter would be great


Well-Known Member
ive left my plants for 5 days before, i think i couldve quite easily gone another 2 days without any ill effects. (in soil, well watered before i left)