Johnny Boone

David Boggs

Well-Known Member
PLEASE go to the web sit.............. CHANGE.ORG............and help john get a pardon,All he ever did was grow pot and help the poor people in ky put food on there plats.IF Johnny don't get a pardon he will die in prison,so PLEASE SIGN THE PETISON TO HELP HIM GET FREE.thank you from the ky,,people.
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I hope you people looking at this is going to to sign and help john,thank you 4 help spread the word to help him.he was cought on the run in Canada 22 of December and is being brought to the states for growing
Post a God damn link damn it ! :p
Better yet why not post the petition. bugs me . I probably deleted it the first time . Lol:p
Does 15yrs in prison, accumulates 2 strikes then in 2008 gets busted with 2,421 seedlings.
Taking the piss abit no?
"70 Kentuckians were accused of growing 182 tons of "cornbread" on 29 farms in 10 states."
LOL 182 tons to feed 100 Kentuckians? Throw the fucking key away already.
No body should be in jail for growing " cornbread " .
I agree, but 182 tons and you're just fucking it for the rest of us trying to grow some medicine.
If you really want to mass produce the shit why not get the correct paperwork or move somewhere that allows cannabis cultivation?
I've heard of people losing there freedom to the 3strike system for alot less than this brother.
Best of luck to him and his upcoming legal problems but a lesson to us all, if you aint working for "the man", keep it small.
The commercial growers don't fuck anything for the small guys . If anything it keeps the heat off ya piss ant growers .
182 tons through 10 different states. Please tell me police will dedicate the same resources to catch the student growing 6 plants in his cupboard, those guys give cannabis a bad name. In this age where so many places around the world are on the brink of legislation why allow some money obsessed drug lords to screw it up for everyone?
And if you dont believe commercial growers have an impact, just look at the effect shanti baba and his boys had on swiss legislation. (and that was legal lel)
I agree, but 182 tons and you're just fucking it for the rest of us trying to grow some medicine.
If you really want to mass produce the shit why not get the correct paperwork or move somewhere that allows cannabis cultivation?
I've heard of people losing there freedom to the 3strike system for alot less than this brother.
Best of luck to him and his upcoming legal problems but a lesson to us all, if you aint working for "the man", keep it small.

Cannabis remains a schedule one drug according to the DEA dipshits. It's setup now that so they can fuck over whoever they want to, whenever they want to, while mostly "allowing" small growers to not get fucked with, "if they comply with their state laws etc. "

In other words the whole setup is a fucking contradictory farce.

There is no such thing as "correct paperwork" those are slave papers from massa which can mean anything massa decides they mean whenever massa feels like it.
182 tons through 10 different states. Please tell me police will dedicate the same resources to catch the student growing 6 plants in his cupboard. In this age where so many places around the world are on the brink of legislation why allow some money obsessed drug lords to screw it up for everyone?
And if you dont believe commercial growers have an impact, just look at the effect shanti baba and his boys had on swiss legislation. (and that was legal lel)

You contradict yourself in three sentences.
182 tons through 10 different states. Please tell me police will dedicate the same resources to catch the student growing 6 plants in his cupboard, those guys give cannabis a bad name. In this age where so many places around the world are on the brink of legislation why allow some money obsessed drug lords to screw it up for everyone?
And if you dont believe commercial growers have an impact, just look at the effect shanti baba and his boys had on swiss legislation. (and that was legal lel)
Alot of these guys were growing pot long before you were thought of . They are part of the reason we are where we are today financially and legally. Specially the Emerald Triangle. If it wasn't for the big growers everybody would still be in their cupboards growing.
182 tons through 10 different states. Please tell me police will dedicate the same resources to catch the student growing 6 plants in his cupboard, those guys give cannabis a bad name. In this age where so many places around the world are on the brink of legislation why allow some money obsessed drug lords to screw it up for everyone?
And if you dont believe commercial growers have an impact, just look at the effect shanti baba and his boys had on swiss legislation. (and that was legal lel)
Point exactly , so how are they screwing the little guy?