How to validate a stereotype, presented by Buzzfeed


Well-Known Member
Are you claiming you never said you blamed Clinton's loss on the Comey letter, "despite Russian involvement"?
i stated the fact that hillary was dominating, despite russian meddling, until the comey letter came out.

why don't you want to talk about your role as moderator of the "duct tape anal spread" subreddit?


Well-Known Member
i still haven't seen you quaote any post of mine where i expressed any degree of belief whatsoever in your childish conspiracy theory about the primary being rigged.

but i have noticed you desperately avoiding any and all mentions of your duct tape rape subreddit.


Well-Known Member
You keep saying spread I keep thinking your talking about like an anal jelly or Jam or something..

stay smokin'
i'm talking about spreading a woman's asshole apart using duct tape.

padawanbater runs a subreddit dedicated to it.

he is NOT a rapist.


Well-Known Member
i still haven't seen you quaote any post of mine where i expressed any degree of belief whatsoever in your childish conspiracy theory about the primary being rigged.

but i have noticed you desperately avoiding any and all mentions of your duct tape rape subreddit.
You said you believed Hillary Clinton lost the election because of the Comey letter "despite Russian involvement". "Russian involvement" of course referring to the DNC leaks. The DNC leaks exposed the fact that the DNC, the Clinton campaign and members of the mainstream media colluded during the 2016 Democratic primary in order to give the Clinton campaign an edge in winning the primary. "Despite Russian involvement" makes it clear that you believe exposing said DNC emails to the American public in which you've previously argued for months on end had no effect towards the outcome of the Democratic primary actually did have an effect on the outcome of the general election.

Now how could that be the case; that the DNC leaks had zero effect on the Democratic primary, but could have been a factor in the outcome of the general election?

If you blame Russia for Clinton's loss in any way, shape or form, you must accept the conduct by the DNC during the Democratic primary was unfair. Otherwise, what would there have been to leak?


Well-Known Member
You said you believed Hillary Clinton lost the election because of the Comey letter "despite Russian involvement". "Russian involvement" of course referring to the DNC leaks. The DNC leaks exposed the fact that the DNC, the Clinton campaign and members of the mainstream media colluded during the 2016 Democratic primary in order to give the Clinton campaign an edge in winning the primary. "Despite Russian involvement" makes it clear that you believe exposing said DNC emails to the American public in which you've previously argued for months on end had no effect towards the outcome of the Democratic primary actually did have an effect on the outcome of the general election.

Now how could that be the case; that the DNC leaks had zero effect on the Democratic primary, but could have been a factor in the outcome of the general election?

If you blame Russia for Clinton's loss in any way, shape or form, you must accept the conduct by the DNC during the Democratic primary was unfair. Otherwise, what would there have been to leak?


Well-Known Member
It was no big deal when it was working in their favor, HUGE FUCKING DEAL WHEN IT GIVES TRUMP THE UPPER HAND.

stay smokin'
Same thing with the electoral college, no big deal when they thought Hillary was going to pwn Trump. Hey, didn't Gore lose to W. in 2000 via the electoral college vote? Why didn't all these establishment Democrats who are voicing their opinions about it now that Clinton has lost do it then when Gore lost? Why didn't they bring it up to Obama when he won or keep it a pressing issue then? I agree with the popular vote, but why aren't these Democrats consistent? Bitching about it now makes them seem like sore losers. To take a play out of their book "Hey, you guys knew what the rules were before the election.. If you had such a problem with it, why didn't you work to change it before hand?"...


Well-Known Member
Same thing with the electoral college, no big deal when they thought Hillary was going to pwn Trump. Hey, didn't Gore lose to W. in 2000 via the electoral college vote? Why didn't all these establishment Democrats who are voicing their opinions about it now that Clinton has lost do it then when Gore lost? Why didn't they bring it up to Obama when he won or keep it a pressing issue then? I agree with the popular vote, but why aren't these Democrats consistent? Bitching about it now makes them seem like sore losers. To take a play out of their book "Hey, you guys knew what the rules were before the election.. If you had such a problem with it, why didn't you work to change it before hand?"...
Aggreed, you forgot to add "now let's go burn shit down and trash our cities because we are unhappy with the outcome"
I thought it was pretty crazy how they had the DNC guys on camera "project varitas" or something? Where they admitted to inciting violence at trump rallies.. crybaby bitches

stay smokin'


Well-Known Member
Primary - "What? Corruption? You're naive!
General - "CORRUPTION!!! RUSSIA!!!!!"
how do you get that out of "hillary was dominating, despite russian meddling" ?

yes, russia meddled in our election, beyond dispute. yes, trump probably colluded with them directly and will be tried for treason.

but it didn't really make any difference. the comey letter did however.

you are short on facts, duct tape anal spread.


Well-Known Member
Aggreed, you forgot to add "now let's go burn shit down and trash our cities because we are unhappy with the outcome"
I thought it was pretty crazy how they had the DNC guys on camera "project varitas" or something? Where they admitted to inciting violence at trump rallies.. crybaby bitches

stay smokin'
you mean the deceptively edited right wing propaganda that trump funded out of his own charity?


some people are stupid enough to believe anything.


Well-Known Member
Hey Welcher. Care to bet your membership on that? Again? You're a second class shit slinger at best.

on what? that russia interfered in our election? it's already been established.

sorry you don't like facts, rely on socialist redistribution, and will die alone.