second grow: closet cfl/hps


Well-Known Member
indeed... but patience is key in the cannabis gardening world... i wish i didn't have to tend to them daily and could just come back in a month or so and have it be done with

but then i again i do like playing in my garden


Well-Known Member
hoping for a whole o from the big one and atleast a half from the other three but thats dreaming big i think... well see i guess

and as long as i have a fan blowing on the bulb i dont really have that much heat issues with the hps... but the cfls help make it pretty hot but ive got it under control i think its fucking freezing cold in the apartment and i leave the door open during the day
so u dont use an air cooled reflector?? i was thinking of just having a fan blowing just on my 400 watt hps in a 2.5 by 3.5 closet. u think that will be good if i leave doors open?


Well-Known Member
no aircooled reflector i think... its a very economy grow light lol cheapest one you can buy

but yah if you go to walmart and get a high velocity fan under 10 inches and just have it blowing straight up into your bulb it stays alot cooler

the more powerful fan the better

and leaving the door open is almost a must when it comes to keeping the temps down


Well-Known Member
lol i wasnt alive yet

...what is that a quote from exactly?

*edit* i looked it up


Indeed it is. I only read it on assighnment, but its a good one none the less.
Ever heard of Big Brother?

Also, like your new pic. How bout those panthers today? 2-0 baby!!
Steelers are my third favorite following the eagles, which follows the panthers of coarse.


Well-Known Member
TELL me about it

i grew up in orlando but i was raised a pittsburgh fan cuz my whole familys from pittsburgh

now im back living in the burgh so its steelers all the way

that panthers game was EFFING CRAZY

did you see the chargers and broncos?

EVEN FUCKING CRAZIER denver coach has got sum BALLS


Well-Known Member
na, i missed all games except the panthers. Watched em, and turned off my tv.
:weed:MAN. I wish i was closer so i could buy some of that bud. It looks amazing already. :hump:
What did he do? Go for it on fourth and looooong?


Well-Known Member
a couple times, then they got the tying touchdown, but instead of kicking and going in tor overtime, they 2 point converted it and won instead

and thanks for the compliments... i have no actual buds to smoke right now, and my plants are just in there taunting me


Active Member
Hows it going man? I just started for my first time a few weeks ago I havent been taking exact notes as I probably should for learnig purposes but so far they are doing well. I started them in a window and I have a 250w hps and I do the same thing for the heat I leave the door open and have a strong small fan blowing all the time. Just last week I went from 24 to 18/6. I didnt even know you can do this without it starting to flower lol, maybe I should have done more research first. So far yours look amazing and im completely jelious. Keep up the good work, im going to follow your Journal cause I think its great your using the same setup as me and they look so good.

PS. Go Bills....


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by dmgd all i can say is that if your using nutes be afraid of them cuz its very easy to burn them... also watch over watering cuz that was another big problem i had.

thanks for the kind words and be sure to stay around to see the finished product!

bills? pfffffft


Well-Known Member
damn. wish i coulda seen it.
Im watchin the eagles right now, and its not looking too hot.
4th with 2:36 left. 37 to 41 dallas.
but its not over till its over i guess


Well-Known Member
damn that was one of the best football games ive watched in a long time

how about the dude throwing the ball down before he made it into the inzone?


cowboy steeler super bowl, mark my words