Yea, I'm going to start boycotting my grocery store because they don't give me bulk discounts on toilet paper, what kind of bullshit is that eh?!no LP's offer bulk discounts to patients. it's all straight up baby. says a lot about where they all stand
Buy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards. And they aren't cheap either unless you're buying pounds so.Uhmmm...because believe it or not, some of us patients are actually unable to work or are forced to work less and their meager pension or disability barely covers rent and hydro, much less over-inflated LP prices for medicine. A tax write-off might be great for someone making enough to use it, but that doesn't apply to a large percentage of members on this forum. Oh, and a few of us are still a little miffed at the lengths LP's went to try to prevent anyone else from growing a plant.
Buy from your local pot dealer - prices are cheaper as can be expected. Delivery is immediate. You can even see and smell BEFORE you buy.
DweebBuy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards. And they aren't cheap either unless you're buying pounds so.
Yea, I'll pass. I'm sorry I can afford my medicine.
Now attack me for some other reason.
Also I didn't realize so many users in this forum were below the poverty line, that would explain a great deal.
Why does someone have to be below the poverty line to be unable to afford meds? I have to make choices between heating fuel and cannabis. Not a difficult choice, but a choice all the same. And I suffer because of those choices. Is that reasonable to you? How long have you been a patient? You strike me as a new patient who went to his doc with a "sore thumb" and now you're giddy you'll legally have a script.Buy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards. And they aren't cheap either unless you're buying pounds so.
Yea, I'll pass. I'm sorry I can afford my medicine.
Now attack me for some other reason.
Also I didn't realize so many users in this forum were below the poverty line, that would explain a great deal.
Now attack me for some other reason.
Why don't you and your pal's stop reading scary stories in bed. ....Buy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards.
Buy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards. And they aren't cheap either unless you're buying pounds so.
Yea, I'll pass. I'm sorry I can afford my medicine.
Now attack me for some other reason.
Also I didn't realize so many users in this forum were below the poverty line, that would explain a great deal.
I have not read the thread yet, but segregation sucks. When I started here I "used ignore" for one user in the first hours of reading because their signature was an offensive coloring book. I since just turned off signatures and no longer ignore YOU. Perhaps you could take a minute to grow up and respect that everyone is different. We cannot grow and so we buy where ever we can get it. We are not here to bend to your will. People should be able to buy where ever it suits them without oppression from the law or their peers.Well it's become pretty obvious and rather boring here really.
We have two camps. LP supporters and LP non-supporters. IMO it's time to create or divide the Canadian section into those two groups.
The bickering and arguing is repetitive with those who do and those who won't. We rarely agree and it's pretty boring for both groups.
So would you like to see two sections. It's basically like we have two separate religions here and that really doesn't mix well.
We need a mmar supporters section and a LP supporter section. Or something to that nature that may be better than this mess.
LP buyers think they have the world by the let's indulge them in that in their own forum . Where they can schill away the hours. And they won't need to listen to folks like me bash their best LP dreams.
I'd like about you.
Seems good to me since I am in both groups!it's pretty boring for both groups
Ok, it my best troll voice...there's a rumour going around RIU that you got your MMJ script for menstrual this true? If true, what Lousey Producer strains works best for your tummy ache? Enquiring minds....
The mechanic you take your car to may or may not be connected to organized crime. "testing" and "quality standards" in relation to marijuana are Health Canada inventions. The world managed just fine for centuries without it. Ask yourself when the last case of 'marijuana poisoning' occurred from untested cannabis. What quality standards and testing is performed on broccoli? Which LP are you using that matches street price? An ounce goes for between $120 -$ 150 here...a little over $4.20/g for top-shelf. You can't get LP floor sweepings for that.Buy from your local drug dealer who may or may not be connected to organized crime, who won't have his product tested or conform to any sort of quality standards. And they aren't cheap either unless you're buying pounds so.
Yea, I'll pass. I'm sorry I can afford my medicine.
Now attack me for some other reason.
Also I didn't realize so many users in this forum were below the poverty line, that would explain a great deal.
Kinda like Sloth from the GooniesAnd i like my avatar, it really brings out my eyes.
Her work one has a hole cut out for her mouth....Kinda like Sloth from the Goonies
panties all bunched up in a knot.. she's over it now? and back for more...
Weren't you leaving last week in a tantrum anyway?
Direct attacks on the folks who made this deal in the first place is what the fuck is going on.For the small amount of users this Canadian section has the most bitching going on - lol
I vote for a single thread but people have to respect other's views. I've said it before, I despise the LP setup but it's not about the LP's themselves so much, they can't help it if they like money above compassion, that's what they're in it for, don't think there's any question or argument there.
For me it's about the system setup that puts money above everything else and an exclusive deep-pocket boyz club. The market should accommodate LP's of all sizes and let the open market forces sort out who the winners and losers are. It should not lock out the mom and pop shops who could provide some niche services/products that LP's won't be bothered with, particularly once it's ;legalized which seems to be the end game for the large LP's.
An open market would provide a lot of benefits to both patients and entrepreneurs. Small business creates more jobs than any other sector of the economy. Of course LP's will create jobs, but not as many as a bunch of smaller businesses would and likely better jobs than slave wages/part time positions which is clearly shown today in job creation stats.
Going the way of a closed market and large LP's will not only fail but perhaps even drive the black market. If getting rid of the black market is in fact one of the governments goals, this current path is bound to fail. And by failing I believe it will drive the black market further and continue to persecute those who are not in the exclusive boyz club. The people who will be persecuted will tend to be the one's who have driven this fight to where it is today, to me that's just wrong and unjust.
In the meantime, while the drama to legalization continues, we should all keep in mind that there are segments of the population who need meds and don't have either the ability to grow, access to BM weed, or in a position where they can't for other reasons like young families etc. LP's if they want to use them are their only legal option and they have the right to do that, whether others agree with it or not. Direct attacks on these folks is not only rude but childish.
Sounds like fun! lol!Maybe we can all have a slice of pie and hold hands and sing songs
You go play nice somewhere if you want. Here I'm gonna remind folks at whats at stake imo. You got yours ..I got mine.I have not read the thread yet, but segregation sucks. When I started here I "used ignore" for one user in the first hours of reading because their signature was an offensive coloring book. I since just turned off signatures and no longer ignore YOU. Perhaps you could take a minute to grow up and respect that everyone is different. We cannot grow and so we buy where ever we can get it. We are not here to bend to your will. People should be able to buy where ever it suits them without oppression from the law or their peers.
I was a forum moderator for three years and this is the sort of shit I had to deal with, whining babies that want everything their way. And politics, why do we even need that in a POT forum, it is divisive. I will say the same tired old line I use daily, if you do not like it stop reading and move on to topics that interest yoo.Go find some trolls, they love to fight all day
Seems good to me since I am in both groups!