Well-Known Member
You and I are reading the same words, right?
"it’s impossible to know whether systemic pro-Hillary Clinton bias at the DNC was decisive in the 2016 Democratic primary race"
The quote goes on to describe moral outrage. If you want to claim moral outrage then I'm sympathetic. The question I ask you is, so what? If you want to claim the election is invalid then obviously there is a higher standard of proof for that. In your own post, you say it can't be proven.
I don't even think we have a disagreement.
we agree the DNC willfully conspired to work against it's own candidate?
we agree that it could very well have had an effect?
we agree the leadership resigned because they were in fact guilty of this conspiracy?
we agree it's easier to run an effective campaign when your party is not working against you?
if we agree on this things, then we agree Bernie could have won had he not been betrayed by his own party. The losing margin was not too wide.
These are not complaints. These are rational thoughts that analyze those facts we agree on and conclude it could very well have effected the outcome.
If someone was saying that it is a fact that is the reason why he lost, that's not my argument. it's not a fact.
But it is a fact that having leadership view you that way is going to hurt you. and that hurt is incalculable.