Peak Weed

When the golden-haired one gets a real look at all the tax $$ the Feds are missing out on from legal MJ, never mind MMJ....he'll be the 1st one to scrap those darn UN drug treaties the DEA so treasures.
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What a tool, this guy is 31 years old, looks like he does not even use Cannabis. And look what I dug up about him, he is calming Mark emery is ruining a chance for small business, meanwhile he works for Tweed.

"At the same time, Adam Greenblatt has stepped down from his role at Quebec's leading medical cannabis clinic, Santé Cannabis, in order to further expand access for patients in Canada's second most populous province on behalf of Tweed.

"Adam's appointment is an important step in our commitment to fair and equal access to medical cannabis patients across the country," said Mark Zekulin. "In addition to his unparalleled wit on social media, Adam Greenblatt is a pioneer in the cannabis community and we are excited to have him join us here at Tweed."

In that video clicp, he says "Emery is a so called leader of this movement.....but not a good one" wtf. Like who the fuck is Adam Greenblatt???? What has this Adam guy done for the Cannabis community??? I bet you in 96' this guy was picking his nose and getting beat up at jr school.
like many of us have been doing for literally years and years....
maybe we are getting tired of waiting on people who do basically nothing....except bad mouth the culture....
he is connected to tweed....then say no more......obviously an extremely biased position....
we all know if Tweed could... they would also be setting up retail outlets...and they would be going all out and opening probably 10 shops daily....every day....
the only thing holding tweed back is..... they would be risking their license ...
Greed bags
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Lol, this is the same clown who claimed Tweed wasnt lobbying against patients. Meanwhile they were part of that coalition which represented LPs and were very much against home growing. Fucken knob. Yep that one degree of separation totally absolves Tweed of anything hamstringing patients efforts to access clean affordable cannabis. I.E growing your own

Chosen for his wit on social media, LOL. Basically, trolling. Wouldnt surprise me if he was one of the many LP schills who first appeared on here upon the MMPRs inception. Glad to see he met such rigorous qualification demands
Well just throwing this out there.....

Now this guy is a LP schill through and through..... pro ably came on here once or twice.... being such social media guru

FFS eh
Well just throwing this out there.....

Now this guy is a LP schill through and through..... pro ably came on here once or twice.... being such social media guru

FFS eh
And then I handed him his fucking ass...piece of shit blowerboy ball licker. I'll refute anyone who say good things about LP's
And then I handed him his fucking ass...piece of shit blowerboy ball licker. I'll refute anyone who say good things about LP's
Actually.... haha no your not worth it.... sorry I know ya wanna bitch at something but sorry Christmas time ... and we'll your getting long in the tooth... Yer kinda comming off as a troll lately
Actually.... haha no your not worth it.... sorry I know ya wanna bitch at something but sorry Christmas time ... and we'll your getting long in the tooth... Yer kinda comming off as a troll lately
A good reason never gets or not. There are people being arrested still...that's not merry to me
Maybe sucking up to the government is less cool...did ya think of that. Where's your pride? Where is your caring for other's fucked over patients and sick folks. Your just happy supporting Lp's and if you think there anything right about that...well your a blinded person.
I don't recall anything about being funny others paid douche
And yeah it works for me what about it..... your more fucking special somehow
Anyways merry time old bitch one