Who is your LP'S? What's your experience?

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Well-Known Member
Skywalker 20.3% in for ground
Rom diesel 16% THCA
Got from WMMC but yeah priced too high as per normal
Almost make little hash balls from the tips of the fingers after crunching this shit up
Flame on freaks


Well-Known Member
I dunno about that company but whistler does organic.... sounds good though lol
Don't have room or time to grow myself unless it's outside and let mother nature do it for me..... soon VAC will take home growing and even DG's off the menu and leAve it only lp.... how is that fair.....
Shitty all around


Well-Known Member
Task force recommends allowing home grows still and separate medical and recreational.
The designated grower thing has definitely been exploited so dickheads are ruining that, as expected.


Well-Known Member
nah I think they want it to be tested so the red tape can say ok that's medical.... Whoopi shit as long as it's not iradiated or poisoned with chemicals it should be good to go..... although having it with a bunch of numbers makes it seem like .... that should be killer weed or oh that's a good mellow one..... working that way for me anyway.... opps I'm schillin' I suppose... but the thing is if was shit tier than street weed I'd move on or buy street weed
But in that case I would just grow it rather than buy street shit.... no CCS around here .... oh mail order... sounds lp ish there too
I do like rotating around different strains once one gets too built up in the system switch out to something ya haven't had in awhile bang ...nice


Well-Known Member
I'm perfectly happy paying a regulated company rather than some (very often) dirt bag dealer. In the magically world some of these guys live in I'd go directly to my friendly neighborhood organic growers and purchase from them but last time I checked, they weren't advertising who they were yet.
I could grow for myself but I'm to much of an adult to risk a record and lose my house and car and other shit that goes along with a lengthy legal battle/jail. Kudos to those who want to risk it. I sleep better at night knowing my life isn't going to be totally fucked at any moment.


Well-Known Member
And really putting down anyone trying to gain knowledge ........well
I hope ya do see the hate does drive away people cause if your a patient then you got more important shit to worry about
More of a generalization of what I see

What's that saying about bees and honey .... shit im baked


Well-Known Member
And really putting down anyone trying to gain knowledge ........well
I hope ya do see the hate does drive away people cause if your a patient then you got more important shit to worry about
More of a generalization of what I see

What's that saying about bees and honey .... shit im baked
Catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Had to look it up after I bastardized it earlier in this thread (or a similar one).

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Had to look it up after I bastardized it earlier in this thread (or a similar one).
Yes you can...or you can grab a newspaper and smash the really annoying ones because you can be bothered educating flies.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I sleep better at night knowing my life isn't going to be totally fucked at any moment.
Are you sure it's not already from smoking the Corp Greed Schwaggs. How's the bank account looking after offering the taxes to Trudy. Did you tip the courier, or don't you tip?


Well-Known Member
The designated grower thing has definitely been exploited so dickheads are ruining that, as expected.
and you know this how?

I'm perfectly happy paying a regulated company rather than some (very often) dirt bag dealer. .
Of course you are. You dont know any better and are close minded.

"Dirt bag dealer?"
............you know this how?


cheers oh wanna be??? :-? .... what do you wanna be when you grow up


Well-Known Member
Some of the posts in this thread feel an awful lot like “trolling”.
  1. troll
    gerund or present participle: trolling
    1. informal
      make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.
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