Kyle420 man
I have a 16 foot area and just bought 4 of the g8 900s is it possible to have too much light in that amount of area cause I have to put in 6 of the 90watt red UFOs also.
For 1100 apiece I don't think so but thanks for the reply
For 1100 apiece I don't think so but thanks for the reply
I have a serious question. You obviously believed the shit you read about the light to be willing to pull the trigger on a 4grand purchase, I would think.
From the amazon page for it it states that one light can cover a 24sqft area... You have 16sqft to cover...
What made you think you needed 4 of them? Hopefully it "fell off the back of a truck"...
Threads like these make me seriously wonder why I dont go into the business of selling overpriced grow equipment.
I'm just imagining $4.5k in timber lights.. Oh my.Return the lights if you can. Get your money back. If you get the refund and want some really good lights, then I'd recommend Timber Grow Lights.
Yeah, like what are they even basing that award on? Do they have a couple of dozen grows on the go to test lights each year? Maybe they have a integrating sphere in the office.I don't think High Times has ever actually given a deserving LED award.