Rooftop SE Asia

I like sports I am good at, or was before I couldnt play anymore, tennis, bowling, basketball, gymnastics (womens ), track....
pah..........Cricket and football(the game ya play with ya feet, not ya hands) are the only sports worthy of note, ask the Jamaican's if ya don't believe me...........pmsl

On a side note, the nick name 'Don Brennon' is directly related to my inability to play football(long story):bigjoint:
pah..........Cricket and football(the game ya play with ya feet, not ya hands) are the only sports worthy of note, ask the Jamaican's if ya don't believe me...........pmsl

On a side note, the nick name 'Don Brennon' is directly related to my inability to play football(long story):bigjoint:
In school I was always the fastest runner.
I set the school record in 7th grade
I was tall and so thin then...6'1" and 135-140 lbs FFS
In school I was always the fastest runner.
I set the school record in 7th grade
I was tall and so thin then...6'1" and 135-140 lbs FFS
I was quick, there was always someone quicker.................But, I was the only fucker at school who could do the 'Fosbery Flop' properly, no chance I could do shit like that now, makes me dizzy thinking about it.
I was quick, there was always someone quicker.................But, I was the only fucker at school who could do the 'Fosbery Flop' properly, no chance I could do shit like that now, makes me dizzy thinking about it.
I learnt something ..never knew what a fosbery flop was lol
I was never good at speed running javelin and discus was where i made records for under 16
Least someone else likes cricket here :)
Cmon aussies
I never did high ump, but long jump I could do well.
They might say white guys cant jump, but I could!
I wasnt much good at B-Ball, but I could slam dunk and get my elbow over the rim

I got injured once trying a freethrow line dunk...I wasnt Jordan lol
I never did high ump, but long jump I could do well.
They might say white guys cant jump, but I could!
I wasnt much good at B-Ball, but I could slam dunk and get my elbow over the rim

I got injured once trying a freethrow line dunk...I wasnt Jordan lol
Ha..thats one sport im hopeless or never really tried
Gimme a beer pong ball ill slam it in everytime...gimme a step ladder and all the time in the world ill still miss from inside the 3 pt line
Ha..thats one sport im hopeless or never really tried
Gimme a beer pong ball ill slam it in everytime...gimme a step ladder and all the time in the world ill still miss from inside the 3 pt line
I was a professional drinker too.
Nobody ever beat me downing beer weather in a can cup or bottle.
I dont have tonsils and that might be why.
40 oz beer in one sip, like 18 seconds I think.
I dont drink much at all anymore though after best friend died in DUI accident
I was a professional drinker too.
Nobody ever beat me downing beer weather in a can cup or bottle.
I dont have tonsils and that might be why.
40 oz beer in one sip, like 18 seconds I think.
I dont drink much at all anymore though after best friend died in DUI accident
We were into these fucking monster funnels with like 4" tubes, that would hold a 12 pack of cans. Fucking ignorant shit now that I think back
I should slow down ..i drank 6 pack of beam cans and then 20 375ml full strength beers afterwards
Woke up slight headache that disappeared after 30 mins
Its not an everyday thing for me but its not uncommon for me to do that once a week on a saturday
We havnt and i accept responsibility of it to..we havnt giving our kids the tight mindset when it comes to drinking at early age because they see us parents get on it so want to do the same as they hit drinking age and just before
Holy fuck man an 18 second beer just one and I would be fuckin hammered
I pound a 40 once and got puled over running a red light sideways making a left turn in my 5.0 5 minutes later with suspended license, expired tags, no insurance and the sheriffs underage daughter in the car by 8 sheriffs while thy were investigating a murder that happened prior friday at that time.
They brought put her mom and she threatened to have her husband kill me.
They ended up letting me go after failing breathalyzer saying I wasnt intoxicated.
They didnt find the weed the daughter hid under the backseat.