From scratch only! No premixed bottles of "stuff"

I live in the desert. It is interesting that something such as a cacti needs a nurse plant/shade when they are babies. Do you need to be careful with those?
I live in the desert. It is interesting that something such as a cacti needs a nurse plant/shade when they are babies. Do you need to be careful with those?
yep, i have to start them under only warmth, then either hide under shade in the grow room or use a cfl houselight for the first few months. high humidity first few weeks.

the adults dont like full sun either but can handle alot more than the kids. I'v gotten them sun tanned purple a few times. they then go tan. still alive just uglyand pissed
so i know i promised mushroom and ill get there. i decided to waste a bunch of money on a dozen strains to play with. So i had a scoby that was in a tea that got too cold and a mold colony formed in a small area. So i drained the liquid into the compost because it is still probiotic, and fed the worms all but two of the scobys in the container. really just anything on the surface and the oldest looking withered bodies. So with two child scobys and a half cup of eme and molasses i incubated a regular otherwise batch of tea for idk a few weeks now. 3? whatever point is i waited until it evaporated almost entirely but it hardly had a surface body. it was like a film, but this film is a precursor to a full fruiting body so it (scoby) is indeed alive. Now a hungry colony of bacteria. I then simply added more tea and white sugar and two days later it is looking healthy. Still not going to drink from here yet, id like to thicken the scoby up to a half inch. Then redo once more in a fresh sterile fermentation pail. So jyst was, had a mold form, wanted to revive and starve out the mold so i used a concentrated probiotic. was it the best route i have no idea, seems like it took a while to want to form the solid surface body but it worked nonetheless.
Uppotted this bush, she's light stressed because i shifted her light schedule by 12 hours. im just doing this to heat the room at night without the AC running. but holy fuck this light is intensely strong. it radiates CIMG3185.JPG
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Serendipitous Collective adventure Of Bacteria and Yeasts sssscoby for the masses!

Dude, doing psilos is gonna be easier than baking cookies after hittin the score with these organisms:hump:

About your grow tent temps. The conversion of par to heat is pretty low inside plant tissues. It's longwave territory. A 150-250hps or whatever will support the acclimation to day/night temp shiftings much more better
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Harvesting forest microbes with a stocking and rice (as well as a traditional box) from a 100 year old oak. Bury the rice stocking a foot or two down at the base of the tree during late summer when the soil is warm and tie it off on a branch so you can find it a few weeks later. Take the stocking and empty the rice into a few gallons of water and loosly cover. Microbes will multiply greatly and after a few weeks or a month of monitoring, add 1:1 sugar.



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Harvesting forest microbes with a stocking and rice (as well as a traditional box) from a 100 year old oak. Bury the rice stocking a foot or two down at the base of the tree during late summer when the soil is warm and tie it off on a branch so you can find it a few weeks later. Take the stocking and empty the rice into a few gallons of water and loosly cover. Microbes will multiply greatly and after a few weeks or a month of monitoring, add 1:1 sugar.

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I have done this using cooked white rice and. Bamboo tube. Then after the rice tube is innoculated I used a clay pot with water AMD agricultural molasses at equal weight of the rice. Lastly newspaper rubber banded to the opening. Then after three weeks I bottled the liquids and used in a foliar spray cocktail of various EMe extractions. I didn't, however, think to use a tree's natural bacteria colonies. Im going to redo this next summer! Nice tek!
Serendipitous Collective adventure Of Bacteria and Yeasts sssscoby for the masses!

Dude, doing psilos is gonna be easier than baking cookies after hittin the score with these organisms:hump:

About your grow tent temps. The conversion of par to heat is pretty low inside plant tissues. It's longwave territory. A 150-250hps or whatever will support the acclimation to day/night temp shiftings much more better
That's not a bad idea, it's almost 80F at night in the tent now and buffers through the day temps of around 74F. I don't have an hps on hand though.... I do however have a 600W actual panel that ill break out in a bit when I flower my bush and sex these regs. My power bill is crazy low right now, it's looking like the grow is free lol
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I have done this using cooked white rice and. Bamboo tube. Then after the rice tube is innoculated I used a clay pot with water AMD agricultural molasses at equal weight of the rice. Lastly newspaper rubber banded to the opening. Then after three weeks I bottled the liquids and used in a foliar spray cocktail of various EMe extractions. I didn't, however, think to use a tree's natural bacteria colonies. Im going to redo this next summer! Nice tek!
I'm not positive if my understanding was correct, but I think the sugars will stop the reproduction and only starches should be used at first. The sugars I believe preserve them at the state they are, so sugars should be added just before bottling but I may be mistaken. Awesome Idea with the newspapers. Ill do that next time.
I'm not positive if my understanding was correct, but I think the sugars will stop the reproduction and only starches should be used at first. The sugars I believe preserve them at the state they are, so sugars should be added just before bottling but I may be mistaken. Awesome Idea with the newspapers. Ill do that next time.
It was pinoy tek from the locals. Went in pretty blind every ttimo_O
@NaturalFarmer hey Idk why I had no answer earlier, rule of fermentation is molasses is readily consumable by bacteria, granulated sugar is an inhibitor, starch is unstable but usable, and refrigeration is your friend. Tbh I knew all this but didn't think to share it that way since we were talking brewed indigenous microbes
Thanks @iHearAll. I wonder what the heck I brewed up then. It smelled good by the way with something alive..I guess yeast. Like sourdough and was moving around like pond water..Was just looking at Dr Cho's manual and you are exactly right. Im thinking jaggery didn't compute with me as sugar, sounds tasty though..
I wont claim to be an expert, but I think both are true of molasses, at the right concentrate it's an ideal food for the reproduction of bacteria, but at stronger concentrations it prevents the microbes from reproducing. Isn't this how Em1 or Lacto serum are stabilized so they keep in the bottle?
I wont claim to be an expert, but I think both are true of molasses, at the right concentrate it's an ideal food for the reproduction of bacteria, but at stronger concentrations it prevents the microbes from reproducing. Isn't this how Em1 or Lacto serum are stabilized so they keep in the bottle?
No in EM1 it's the food supply. after fermentation, the liquid taste like soy sauce-ish and completely not sweet. TThe two tablespoons used of Em1 grows into a new bottle full of bacteria like the mother bottle.

Kombucha for instance feeds on protein from the tea and white sugar but is an incredidbly complex system of bacteria. The end product is still sweet however.
mind checking the minimum inhibitory concentration mic' facing simple carbohidrates like dextrose and such.

That's not a bad idea, it's almost 80F at night in the tent now and buffers through the day temps of around 74F. I don't have an hps on hand though.... I do however have a 600W actual panel that ill break out in a bit when I flower my bush and sex these regs. My power bill is crazy low right now, it's looking like the grow is free lol
yess its like a 6 years deja vu^
anyway read this! Notes/Lecture 22 (thermoOsmo).htm the infamous q10 temp coefficient.
this is suggesting the energy of various organism changes with temperature correct? like placing an insect in the fridge?
Yeah that guy is a bit inaccurate on his science, I have a bunch of unresolved questions about the starchy bait too..

As far as temps go, it is known that different strains of microbes awaken and become active at different temperatures. The others don't necessarily die, but definitely go dormant. Well and if they're dormant, my guess is they won't colonize the bait much. So there'S probably a temperature where you get the broadest spectrum of active or kinda active microbes, and maybe 60°F is it ;)
Yeah that guy is a bit inaccurate on his science, I have a bunch of unresolved questions about the starchy bait too..

As far as temps go, it is known that different strains of microbes awaken and become active at different temperatures. The others don't necessarily die, but definitely go dormant. Well and if they're dormant, my guess is they won't colonize the bait much. So there'S probably a temperature where you get the broadest spectrum of active or kinda active microbes, and maybe 60°F is it ;)
Iv noticed my em produces more gas when the bottle reaches near 80F & 27C. But then a lager strain of yeast for instance likes to hang around 50F & 10C.
