Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad


Well-Known Member
yeah, i went to the "picture of yourself" thread and saw her picture.

View attachment 3834984

@cat of stupidity, is this really what you have to have sex with?



Explains sooooooooooo much.....

Wasn't she going on and on about (brown) immigrants and how they are "using up OUR resources"? Huh, she seems to have no trouble finding adequate state aide/food stamps....



Well-Known Member

Explains sooooooooooo much.....

Wasn't she going on and on about (brown) immigrants and how they are "using up OUR resources"? Huh, she seems to have no trouble finding adequate state aide/food stamps....

View attachment 3834987
yeah, she is as racist as it gets.

There should be a time limit on how long one can receive anything and these programs they have now are catering to minorities so if you're single, white and male with no dependents, you can forget the system looking out for you. Those are the guys footing the bill these days.

They can't afford to carry the minorities anymore and are finding themselves a minority with no voice.
Screenshot 2016-11-19 at 5.27.05 PM.png

behold, the average trump voter. fat, on welfare, and racist.

or, as other whites like to say, "economically anxious".



Well-Known Member
Making fun of overweight people "fat shaming" is something cowards do because they see overweight people as an easy target.
if you think i see her as just fat, you are limiting the scope in a rude manner.

she is fat, racist, a hypocrite, a dumbass, a pill popper, an alcoholic, and frankly she is the best that @cat of curiosity could ever hope for.
