What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

"economic anxiety" is a bullshit canard here. they don't care, they are doing fine.

racism and sexism drove the turnout of these uneducated shitheads.

We've heard a lot about the racism angle, but those who I've had a chance to talk to have said it was all about their economic situation.

Whether they made the right choice to that end is debatable, but I got a clear message that deserves attention.
Trump drove a clever social media campaign and more importantly his supporters drove it. HARD. Still are in fact..funny how they dont know his tax ideas, his love of a cheap minimum wage. Trump's tourism and gift line stuff is made in China for a reason. etc etc etc. Lots of outright lies, innuendo, general nastiness and at times crude and offensive. Was very nasty

Was very clever on his behalf, but very disappointing people voted in favor for this campaign style. If the same thing played out in the schoolyard with Trump as the school bully and the supporter's as the students..there would be hell to pay for the principal and school.
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i love that us lefties can come together, disagree, even get at each other a bit and fight about who was wrong...but it is all still evidence based and actually reflects what we need to do. we're not just sitting around and waiting for a racist orange liar to tell us whatever lies we want to hear.

and none of us here can be even accused of racism.

liberals are awesome people.

Well there's you calling people's daughter a "mudshark" because she is with a black guy and Lou running around calling people "guidos" not sure think thats a slur against italians but ya the rest or you so far for sure.
yeah, we should have seen how crazy they would be for the guy who stiffed his contractors over and over and over again.

"economic anxiety" is a bullshit canard here. they don't care, they are doing fine.

racism and sexism drove the turnout of these uneducated shitheads.
That is the actual canard: racism and sexism, and the social justice warrior takeover of the democratic party that calls everything and anything they disagree with "racist" or "sexist". A significant portion of the population are fed up with it. We've seen the same sentiment expressed at RIU. If you call everything racist, eventually the impact is lost on things that actually are racist. Eventually people just hear the racist criticism and chalk it up to liberal bias or media manipulation or whatever.

Make no mistake about it, the way the SJW culture of the left acts in this country played a big part of Trumps win.

"Economic anxiety" has been and continues to be a real threat for tens of millions of Americans for at least about a decade now, I think for the DNC and Clinton to underestimate that fact shows you how entitled they believed they were. Did you hear that story about the Clinton campaign toasting champagne early on election day?

This campaign will go down in history in political science books
I'm not interested in the opinions of voters who always vote republican and will never change. I'm curious about former Obama supporters who flipped & voted for orange hitler.
9% of democrats voted for Trump

So when they condemn third parties, let them know that even will all of Jill Stein's votes, Clinton still would have lost

Third party candidates didn't lose the election for her

I voted for Obama and didn't vote for her. To lend a food analogy;



9% of democrats voted for Trump

So when they condemn third parties, let them know that even will all of Jill Stein's votes, Clinton still would have lost

Third party candidates didn't lose the election for her

I voted for Obama and didn't vote for her. To lend a food analogy;



Blah blah.

In any other country in the world Clinton would be our President Elect with the massive popular vote lead she has.

There was no low turnout, check statistics (and sex tape).
Well there's you calling people's daughter a "mudshark" because she is with a black guy and Lou running around calling people "guidos" not sure think thats a slur against italians but ya the rest or you so far for sure.

funny how you and nitro got so upset over the fact that his daughter is a mudshark after you watched an avowed white supremacist call me a "mudscuttle"for months, and watched nitro harley call me a "nigger lover" too.

say, weren't you describing the president by a racial slur that whole time while saying that you oppose civil rights for "purples", because it would just make you "hate 'em more now"?

you just don't get the use of words sardonically, and are a total hypocrite, unreconstructed, white southern racist.
Blah blah.

In any other country in the world Clinton would be our President Elect with the massive popular vote lead she has.

There was no low turnout, check statistics (and sex tape).
Well, allow me to tell you something you told us when we voiced similar criticisms about the voting process during the democratic primary..

"That's how it works, if you don't like how it works, work to change it. Don't bitch about it."

Not because I'm a dick, but to show you how vacuous that response is, and was at the time and remains now. Hey, don't like the electoral college so much, huh? You knew about it before the election, before the candidate you supported lost, so, what gives?

That is the actual canard: racism and sexism, and the social justice warrior takeover of the democratic party that calls everything and anything they disagree with "racist" or "sexist".


Screenshot 2016-11-15 at 10.31.43 PM.png

evidence disagrees with you. but at least you got a like from an avowed racist who opposes civil rights.
Well, allow me to tell you something you told us when we voiced similar criticisms about the voting process during the democratic primary..

"That's how it works, if you don't like how it works, work to change it. Don't bitch about it."

Not because I'm a dick, but to show you how vacuous that response is, and was at the time and remains now. Hey, don't like the electoral college so much, huh? You knew about it before the election, before the candidate you supported lost, so, what gives?


so how's your men's rights activism going?
That is the actual canard: racism and sexism, and the social justice warrior takeover of the democratic party that calls everything and anything they disagree with "racist" or "sexist". A significant portion of the population are fed up with it. We've seen the same sentiment expressed at RIU. If you call everything racist, eventually the impact is lost on things that actually are racist. Eventually people just hear the racist criticism and chalk it up to liberal bias or media manipulation or whatever.

Make no mistake about it, the way the SJW culture of the left acts in this country played a big part of Trumps win.

"Economic anxiety" has been and continues to be a real threat for tens of millions of Americans for at least about a decade now, I think for the DNC and Clinton to underestimate that fact shows you how entitled they believed they were. Did you hear that story about the Clinton campaign toasting champagne early on election day?

This campaign will go down in history in political science books
Mostly agree with what you said except this idea that racism and sexism is somehow acceptable because people are "fed up" of doing otherwise. I mean, come on man, the dark haired, brown man who is told to go back to where he came from is a human being and deserves respect. Same with the woman who is groped in the work place. SJW, my ass. That label is intended to silence people from objecting to that behavior. Don't think anybody should be silenced by that tawdry label.

Where I agree; It is safe to say that Trump's main support and votes came from white vote and voters that were 40 and older. This is a major political voting block Democrats did not interest or show much interest in. Yes, this very large group is economically anxious. Most have already peaked in wages and are on the down side for all the reasons that Trump and Bernie talked about. Clinton's strategy "better together" seemed to me to be one of unifying all the other groups against this bloc. She should have known better. Her husband won on the slogan: it's the economy stupid. I don't know why but her team didn't seem to think that mattered this time.

In any case, goodbye Hillary. I'm really going to dislike this Trump administration but I'm glad that I won't hear any more "scandals" where you or your support team skirted or broke yet another rule and made yourself look bad.
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SJW's voting for Clinton would agree with the first graph if you replaced "Trump" with "Clinton", and third wave feminists voting for Clinton would agree with the second graph

Got a source? I'd like to read the methodology

yougov polling, 10/25-10/31.

SJWs and third wave feminists, eh? you must not be getting laid a lot lately.

you poor white men will get your full rights and enfranchisement one of these days, just keep fighting for it! maybe bernie can help you guys out and write another rape fantasy paper, if he's not too busy sucking trump's dick for a $10 minimum wage, after slamming hillary over a $12 min wage.

either one of which would be a substantial improvement for your lot in life.
so how's your men's rights activism going?
That's another reason Clinton lost, the kind of aversion to policy and attention to personal lives her campaign and the mainstream media focused on exclusively. It's the same feeling stay at home moms get when they watch the drama unfold on those New Housewives shows, except with politics and people like you.

You avoid policy because you know you won't win in a discussion of policy. Your policy is so bad, a conman convinced a majority of Americans to vote against it.
That's another reason Clinton lost, the kind of aversion to policy and attention to personal lives her campaign and the mainstream media focused on exclusively. It's the same feeling stay at home moms get when they watch the drama unfold on those New Housewives shows, except with politics and people like you.

You avoid policy because you know you won't win in a discussion of policy. Your policy is so bad, a conman convinced a majority of Americans to vote against it.

men have been disenfranchised and unfairly discriminated against for too long. i am glad there are fighters out there like you to fix it.
yougov polling, 10/25-10/31.

SJWs and third wave feminists, eh? you must not be getting laid a lot lately.

you poor white men will get your full rights and enfranchisement one of these days, just keep fighting for it! maybe bernie can help you guys out and write another rape fantasy paper, if he's not too busy sucking trump's dick for a $10 minimum wage, after slamming hillary over a $12 min wage.

either one of which would be a substantial improvement for your lot in life.

Tell me what you disagree with:

"White people have certain advantages because of the color of their skin"

Do you think people who voted for Hillary Clinton would agree or disagree with that?

"Women seek to gain power by getting control over men"

Do you think third wave feminists who voted for Hillary clinton would agree or disagree with that?

Mostly agree with what you said except this idea that racism and sexism is somehow acceptable because people are "fed up" of doing otherwise. I mean, come on man, the dark haired, brown man who is told to go back to where he came from is a human being and deserves respect. Same with the woman who is groped in the work place. SJW, my ass. That label is intended to silence people from objecting to that behavior. Don't think anybody should be silenced by that tawdry label.
I didn't mean to imply that behavior is acceptable, I meant that when so many people on the far left cry wolf about racism and sexism when it isn't warranted, it weakens credibility for the legitimate times when it does. Similar to the way when people falsely claim to have been raped, it deligemizes actual rape victims claims. All that does is empower those that disagree with that message.

There is a real problem within progressive circles with a kind of schism between those that respect free speech and those that want to stifle it and create "safe spaces" on college campuses and roast you at the stake if you make a joke about race or sex or gender. As has been said many times before, you don't have a right not to be offended by what someone says. So when people say their right to not be offended trumps my right to freedom of speech, I call bullshit, and I'm one of the most progressive members of this forum. Those aren't progressive values. True progressives value the freedom of speech.
