The Obama Doctrine

It isn't like you were much better, misshestermoffitt, about not using health issues to go after King Bong

Though if me wacking it is an abortion, does that mean every time you bleed for five days and don't die you're also having an abortion?
Unless you actually have a vagina you don't get to have opinions about vaginas.

Well, gosh ... that kind of ends the debate then, dosen't it?
What a clever way of eliminating the opposition. :clap:

By the same token, I've never been Black, so I can't make comments supporting civil rights.

I've never been Jewish, so I can't resist anti-semitism.

I've never been a Marxist, so I can't speak out against Marxism.

I did, on the other hand, suffer from PMS for 35 years.
Then I got a divorce and never suffered from it again. :bigjoint:

It isn't like you were much better, misshestermoffitt, about not using health issues to go after King Bong

Though if me wacking it is an abortion, does that mean every time you bleed for five days and don't die you're also having an abortion?

Masturbation is a choice, menstruation is a bodily function.

You really think women like menstruating as much as men like masturbation?
Lol, foolish question, I know that they don't, but that wasn't the point.

The point was is that you were trying to categorize ejaculation as an abortion, when if that were true the same could be said about menstruation. No, an abortion would be the destruction of a fertilized egg.

Though, I really think that abortion is none of my business. I don't care what you do with your body. Though partial birth abortions are something I disagree with. That's just barbaric.
I think partial birth abortions are bad as well. I'm just trying to get across the point that since the beginning of time men have had the option of impregnating a woman and then walking away from the responsibility. Now men are trying to say that women have no right to decide what goes on inside their own body.

Sorry but if a man can say "it wasn't me, if you had sex with me you had sex with others" then a woman has the right to say, "fuck it I don't want to do this."

I'm also trying to get across the point that if we educate and prevent we won't need to abort.

Planned parenthood is about education and prevention first and abortion last.
MissMoffitt: Planned Parenthood is a taxpayer funded business enterprise that makes HUGE profits from abortion. They make $ from the death of fetuses. They don't give condoms or anything else away for "free"-taxpayers pay for those "free" rubbers".
For you to say that whacking off is "abortion" is totally and factually incorrect. There is no life to abort in wacking off.
No, the "issues" are of the unborn, NOT of the mother. It is your unadulterated selfishness, blindness, disregard for our Constitution that force you to blather that this is a woman only "issue". You bring life and death down to an "issue". very very sad.

Alpha: No one was more promiscuous than I was in my youth. However, knowing that i wanted no children I took the personal responsibility and my respect for life and had a vasectomy.
The answer is NOT adoption..the answer is preventing pregancy in the first place.

Life is nothing but a blood sport to you people, be it abortion or euthanasia. You defend blood and death of the innocent. You are murderers and as all you Bible scholers here know, "..murderers... cannot inherit the Kingdom Of God."

Yes Garden, I DO know God. I DO know His name. I serve Him, not blood and death as you do.

What is the answer then? What would be your ideal solution to the problem of abortion? Would you outlaw abortion? If so, how would it be enforced? And how would it be punished?
There is no "answer", but it is something that the government shouldn't be legislating, either for or against. It should be up to individuals, and neither side should be shoved down our throats through laws banning it or making it okay.

If you believe it is okay, then go for it. If you believe it is sinful, that's your business and you ought to keep it to yourself.

This country was founded as a Republic where the majority was not supposed to be able to SHOVE its opinion down the throats of the minority.
I'm strongly strongly against abortion- but honestly- abortion is the symptom of the real problem, not the actual root problem itself...

anyways, in our country this should be a states issue, not a Federal one.
There is no "answer", but it is something that the government shouldn't be legislating, either for or against. It should be up to individuals, and neither side should be shoved down our throats through laws banning it or making it okay.

If you believe it is okay, then go for it. If you believe it is sinful, that's your business and you ought to keep it to yourself.

This country was founded as a Republic where the majority was not supposed to be able to SHOVE its opinion down the throats of the minority.

That is a respectable answer, and what Roe v. Wade upholds; the right to choose. The problem is that abortion opponents see legislating the protection of the right to choose from those that would take that choice away as a government endorsement of infanticide.
So, what do you think the real problem is?

The notion of self responsibility for oneself and one's choices- the repercussions of the things you do.. couple that with a total disregard for life itself.. look throughout society, those two things are the root of many many of our problems.. overall, there is an enormous lack of love.. not only for others, but for the self as well...
The notion of self responsibility for oneself and one's choices- the repercussions of the things you do.. couple that with a total disregard for life itself.. look throughout society, those two things are the root of many many of our problems.. overall, there is an enormous lack of love.. not only for others, but for the self as well...

I'm just a little confused about what you are driving out HNS.

What I think you are saying is that the problem is that because society is full of people that no longer respect themselves, and love themselves, they are incapable of being willing to accept the consequences of their actions, including the responsibility to raise the resulting child when they have unprotected sex.

Is that correct, or did I lose something in the translation?
Yup, pretty much.. add the lack of self responsibility with the low price we put on human life itself these days.. and yeah.. you get millions of dead innocent children..

Don't want kids? Think about that before you have sex.. and yes, that includes accepting the fact that birth control not 100%..
Yup, pretty much.. add the lack of self responsibility with the low price we put on human life itself these days.. and yeah.. you get millions of dead innocent children..

Don't want kids? Think about that before you have sex.. and yes, that includes accepting the fact that birth control not 100%..

That is a good point. We need to educate teens about this. The only education they get about sex is not to do it. Many, many uninformed young girls still believe to this day that you can not get pregnant the first time they have sex. As adults we know that is not the case, but when you are a teenager and you feel you can't talk to your parents, who are you supposed to talk to?

Many, many teenagers believe that if the guy pulls out before ejaculation that they won't get pregnant. That is also not true. The pre-ejaculate contains enough semen to impregnate.

I still think it is better to abort than to give birth and kill them by the age of 3. You see it on the news every day. Baby left in hot car to die. Childs body found in trash can. Starved children discovered in basement.
it goes on and on. Just because a person is able to reproduce doesn't mean they should reproduce.

Many people scream that abortion is so wrong, but do you see any of them adopting these unwanted children? No you don't, but you do hear those same people bitching about food stamps and welfare. Gonna have to pick a side.
That is a good point. We need to educate teens about this. The only education they get about sex is not to do it. Many, many uninformed young girls still believe to this day that you can not get pregnant the first time they have sex. As adults we know that is not the case, but when you are a teenager and you feel you can't talk to your parents, who are you supposed to talk to?

Many, many teenagers believe that if the guy pulls out before ejaculation that they won't get pregnant. That is also not true. The pre-ejaculate contains enough semen to impregnate.

I still think it is better to abort than to give birth and kill them by the age of 3. You see it on the news every day. Baby left in hot car to die. Childs body found in trash can. Starved children discovered in basement.
it goes on and on. Just because a person is able to reproduce doesn't mean they should reproduce.

Many people scream that abortion is so wrong, but do you see any of them adopting these unwanted children? No you don't, but you do hear those same people bitching about food stamps and welfare. Gonna have to pick a side.

I agree that these teenagers need to be informed about safe sex, and depending on the area of the country you are in and the values upheld in that community usually unfortunately reflects in the education the children receive, in heavily religious neighborhoods the education is usually just abstinence, while in urban areas it's very explicit and covers all forms of birth control options- but in the end, it really isn't the school's responsibility to make sure the children know about this. It is the parents'...

There are also a lot of women using abortion as a birth control method as well- this is just sickening and irresponsible to me. As there are many women fully aware of birth control methods but just choose not to use them, knowing full well 'if anything happens it can be fixed'.

Honestly miss to many pro-lifers those situations of neglect and murder seem just as horrifying as abortion itself- the only difference is that with abortion the reality is kept behind a curtain, no one has to hear those children's screams or be faced with their dead bodies..

I also don't think one has to pick a side with either abortion or welfare- as I believe the biggest root of the problem is a lack of self responsibility, I don't think anyone should have to pay taxes to support anyone else.

I don't really want to get into a mud slinging match over this issue (so please, before any mud is slung, can we have a civil discussion on this issue..), it's a very hott topic and everyone usually has a very strong opinion.. I respect your right to have your own opinion as I expect mine to be respected.
I'm not here to sling mud, that seems to be more of a male thing. Everytime a male disagrees with me on this forum I'm either a bitch, or a fat ass, or I need to be in the kitchen taking care of my kids. So trust me, I do know where you are coming from on that issue !

I agree that parents should educate their kids about birth control, but let's also face the fact that they just don't do it. Some parents are to busy, some are too embarrassed, some think it's the school's job. When the teen pregnancy issue is to the degree it is today it really is everyones problem.

I've done my part. My kids got so many sex ed talks that they can recite them by rote. I have a 23 year old and a 20 year old. There have been no pregnanices. Teen pregnancy is 100% preventable but everyone needs to get together on this issue.

There's that old saying "it takes the village to raise a child", I think it takes the village to help that child make informed decisions as well.
I'm not here to sling mud, that seems to be more of a male thing. Everytime a male disagrees with me on this forum I'm either a bitch, or a fat ass, or I need to be in the kitchen taking care of my kids. So trust me, I do know where you are coming from on that issue !

I agree that parents should educate their kids about birth control, but let's also face the fact that they just don't do it. Some parents are to busy, some are too embarrassed, some think it's the school's job. When the teen pregnancy issue is to the degree it is today it really is everyones problem.

I've done my part. My kids got so many sex ed talks that they can recite them by rote. I have a 23 year old and a 20 year old. There have been no pregnanices. Teen pregnancy is 100% preventable but everyone needs to get together on this issue.

There's that old saying "it takes the village to raise a child", I think it takes the village to help that child make informed decisions as well.

I hear you, lol.. I saw that idiot break out the huge fat ass argument on you, lasted like 2 pages or something completely ridiculous, nice to see him retract back into his hole after you proved him wrong.. lol. I'm trying to steer clear of the abortion thread in the politics forum right now for such reasons.. lol..

Self responsibility on part of the parents as well, they need to get involved in their children's lives and stop relying on society to do it.. my views anyways..

I'm glad that you took the time to actually raise your children and participate in their lives- though I am glad of the success you've had as far as no pregnancies, even with education that isn't always the case- I was pregnant with my daughter at 17 while on the pill, my Dr. shrugged and told me I was the .3%. Nothing is guaranteed 100%. (except for abstinence :roll: lol)
not that this matters..

but the woman who actually developed planned parenthood was a nazi sympathizer and believed poor people, convicts, and the mentally handicapped should be sterilized.

like i said that doesnt matter in the issue of abortion

its just a neat fact!