MissMoffitt: Planned Parenthood is a taxpayer funded business enterprise that makes HUGE profits from abortion. They make $ from the death of fetuses. They don't give condoms or anything else away for "free"-taxpayers pay for those "free" rubbers".
For you to say that whacking off is "abortion" is totally and factually incorrect. There is no life to abort in wacking off.
No, the "issues" are of the unborn, NOT of the mother. It is your unadulterated selfishness, blindness, disregard for our Constitution that force you to blather that this is a woman only "issue". You bring life and death down to an "issue". very very sad.
Alpha: No one was more promiscuous than I was in my youth. However, knowing that i wanted no children I took the personal responsibility and my respect for life and had a vasectomy.
The answer is NOT adoption..the answer is preventing pregancy in the first place.
Life is nothing but a blood sport to you people, be it abortion or euthanasia. You defend blood and death of the innocent. You are murderers and as all you Bible scholers here know, "..murderers... cannot inherit the Kingdom Of God."
Yes Garden, I DO know God. I DO know His name. I serve Him, not blood and death as you do.