Pile of curing weed


Well-Known Member
Just a shot of some weed I'm curing. Gave it 2 days at 100 F then turned it up to 125 and this is after a day of that. It's on a Sunbeam Expressheat heating pad with parchment paper over it, inside a plastic storage container. I actually have 2 heating pads in there to cover the whole bottom. After the 2 days at 100 F the volume had reduced enough from evaporation that I could fold the pads and parchment over the pile so that it was enclosed on both top and bottom. Sort of a hot weed sandwich.

Anyway, seems to be progressing nicely. I did a quick trimming before the curing, I'll do the rest after it gets drier so I can handle it more easily. I put the trimmings in another small container and sat it on the pad also, at one end of the container. That worked too, it browned up nice. Gotta mix it around, and the bud pile, when I open the main container to wipe out condensed moisture. That's how it gradually gets drier over several days.

BTW, turned out that heat setting 5 gave just the right temperature for the 125 F part. For the 100 F part I think I used setting 2. I also put a folded up blanket over the heating pads for that part to avoid overheating. I took the blanket out for the 125 F part. I also put several folded blankets over the top and sides of the container for the whole process. That blue thing in the image is actually one of the blankets visible through the container side.

The container is about 3'x1'x 8". I put the probe of a meat thermometer at the bottom of the pile to monitor temperature. It's the kind with a wire from the probe to the unit, so the unit sits on top the blankets and the wire goes in under the lid to the pile. As you can see, I even put the smaller buds in there. I'll sort it out later. Everything needs to be cured first. Uncured weed is pretty useless. Who can actually smoke that shit without hacking their lungs out? BTW when you extract oil from weed cured this way is comes out brown, not green.

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Heat curing? Why...
Because it works and works fast. I even dry it in there after I manicure it, same 125 F temperature, dropping it lower as it gets closer to 60% RH. With no weed out in the air there's no smell problems and no loss of terps, at least less than in open air. There can't be much volatilizing because there's not much smell. 125 F is not particularly hot anyway so I doubt it could cause any harm. It comes out plenty potent with nice aroma and flavor.
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Yeah it comes from flue curing tobacco. I just thought of using heating pads in a closed container myself. I don't water cure, because I want full weight. If people want to remove the water solubles they're welcome to do it themselves. If I was smoking it myself I would. I had to quit though because it caused serious infections from suppressing my immune system. I loved smoking weed too. The forced quitting sucks. I had to choose between getting high and having my face swell up from gum infections or not getting high and having a normally sized face. I have to stay inside for several days when it happens. My upper lip sticks out so much I look like a duck. Good thing I don't have to go to a job or anything. That's for people who don't produce anything.
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I was under the impression we are curing the trics which don't act like tobbaco leaves, your curing the substrate for thc with this method in my mind..

But to each their own as long as you don't look like a duck it works man!
I was under the impression we are curing the trics which don't act like tobbaco leaves, your curing the substrate for thc with this method in my mind..

But to each their own as long as you don't look like a duck it works man!
Yeah the duck lip is the worst. But no, the whole idea of curing is to get rid of the chlorophyll and convert starch to sugars. It does make the resin smell different though, like when you extract it. Smells like hash oil. It's actually good for making hash by mixing it with sifted trichs from extracted weed. It's easy to sift leached weed because it's not gooey. I just work the powder into the resin, very nice hash actually. Too bad I can't smoke it anymore. Maybe if I could take one hit and not go back to daily use, but it's hard to do that.
to each there own but this just seems like a pain in the ass compared to hanging it or putting it on a drying rack and just turning the buds every now and again
to each there own but this just seems like a pain in the ass compared to hanging it or putting it on a drying rack and just turning the buds every now and again
Indeed it is more work, which is why nobody else does it, and why I have no serious competition. It's about quality, not easiness. Anybody can produce mediocre green weed, but it's crap compared to my professionally cured brown weed. I wouldn't even pay money for the green weed you see in the jars in dispensaries. That's just for the suckers and Philistines. Mine is connoisseur grade.
Indeed it is more work, which is why nobody else does it, and why I have no serious competition. It's about quality, not easiness. Anybody can produce mediocre green weed, but it's crap compared to my professionally cured brown weed. I wouldn't even pay money for the green weed you see in the jars in dispensaries.

are you just smoking the bud or is gonna be made in hash/oil?

the color throws me off it looks like "dirty weed/mexican brick weed" as it's called around here
Yeah I'm good on making my nice pretty buds looking like shit you get out of a pack of brick pack mexican. Low and slow for me , to each there own but I doubt I'd be smoking any of it
Well the Mexican brick pack is at least cured. Too bad they started with crap genetics. But I actually don't recommend that anyone other than me do this. Too much trouble. Just keep making the green shitweed so people can cough a lot, they seem to enjoy it.
Well the Mexican brick pack is at least cured. Too bad they started with crap genetics. But I actually don't recommend that anyone other than me do this. Too much trouble. Just keep making the green shitweed so people can cough a lot, they seem to enjoy it.

i smoke green buds and i don't cough at all unless i over do it and any smoke overdone will make you cough