Million Women march in Washington


Well-Known Member
The group organizing the demonstration said it plans for protesters to “March from Lincoln Memorial to the White House to show our strength, power and courage and demonstrate our disapproval of the new president and his values in a peaceful march. ALL women, femme, trans, gender non-conforming and feminist others are invited to march on Washington DC the day following the inauguration of the President elect. This march is a show of solidarity to demand our safety and health in a time when our country is marginalizing us and making sexual assault an electable and forgivable norm. We align with all POC and LGBTQ causes, and we will show our support in a non-violent protest.” The New York Facebook group adds, “This is an INCLUSIVE march, and EVERYONE who supports women’s rights are welcome.”
I live 3 hours away from DC taking Amtrak, and I'm sure as shit will be there. Let the nation, and the world know that we have just elected a serial sexual predator to the most important position in the world, and a LOT of Americans are ashamed.


Well-Known Member
The group organizing the demonstration said it plans for protesters to “March from Lincoln Memorial to the White House to show our strength, power and courage and demonstrate our disapproval of the new president and his values in a peaceful march. ALL women, femme, trans, gender non-conforming and feminist others are invited to march on Washington DC the day following the inauguration of the President elect. This march is a show of solidarity to demand our safety and health in a time when our country is marginalizing us and making sexual assault an electable and forgivable norm. We align with all POC and LGBTQ causes, and we will show our support in a non-violent protest.” The New York Facebook group adds, “This is an INCLUSIVE march, and EVERYONE who supports women’s rights are welcome.”
I live 3 hours away from DC taking Amtrak, and I'm sure as shit will be there. Let the nation, and the world know that we have just elected a serial sexual predator to the most important position in the world, and a LOT of Americans are ashamed.
Grab em by the pussy


Well-Known Member
The group organizing the demonstration said it plans for protesters to “March from Lincoln Memorial to the White House to show our strength, power and courage and demonstrate our disapproval of the new president and his values in a peaceful march. ALL women, femme, trans, gender non-conforming and feminist others are invited to march on Washington DC the day following the inauguration of the President elect. This march is a show of solidarity to demand our safety and health in a time when our country is marginalizing us and making sexual assault an electable and forgivable norm. We align with all POC and LGBTQ causes, and we will show our support in a non-violent protest.” The New York Facebook group adds, “This is an INCLUSIVE march, and EVERYONE who supports women’s rights are welcome.”
I live 3 hours away from DC taking Amtrak, and I'm sure as shit will be there. Let the nation, and the world know that we have just elected a serial sexual predator to the most important position in the world, and a LOT of Americans are ashamed.
Well, seeing that 42% of women voters (overall - not just white) cast their ballot for Trump by the millions, I don't think a mere million disgruntled women would change anything by marching.

But let them if they want. They can hug and cry together some more, and move toward their inner healing that they'll need for the coming four years (possibly eight) of Donald Trump's presidency.


Well-Known Member
Well, seeing that 42% of women voters (overall - not just white) cast their ballot for Trump by the millions, I don't think a mere million disgruntled women would change anything by marching.

But let them if they want. They can hug and cry together some more, and move toward their inner healing that they'll need for the coming 4 years (possibly 8) of Donald Trump's presidency.
Reported for destructive misogyny.


Well-Known Member
Seriously good opportunity to grab some angry pussy fired up with ftest, if you're an orange utan or potus as he is now to be called
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Well-Known Member
I am in full support of peaceful protest!!!

BTW, it appears that Trump got about the same percentage of the women's vote as Romney. Another lie told to ya by the liberal media.

You can thank me later.