11/9 the day legal pot died

The last few days it's seems like some of these people are getting ready for civil war. :-?

Going off the deep end. :sad:

indeed lol

states have proven ending the prohibition works wonderfully well - we'll only see more and more states legalize each election cycle until it's no longer federally prohibited.

besides, it's not like hillary was about to legalize it xD
indeed lol

states have proven ending the prohibition works wonderfully well - we'll only see more and more states legalize each election cycle until it's no longer federally prohibited.

besides, it's not like hillary was about to legalize it xD
Hillary wasn't going to appoint Guilanni or Christie as AG......
it would be some WILD shit for them to try and take those rights away from the states. you won't see it happen, again, the momentum and the facts are in our favor.
You do realize that weed is still very much illegal on the federal level. So any time they need to make an example be sure you volunteer because "the momentum is so strong". They not making money off of taxing you, they sure as hell can make money busting you.
I don't have a way to generate much yet. If I did I would likely use most or all of it myself, and just use the grid for load balancing.

You could try building a small turbine, that's basically what I planed on & see how it goes.
Once you find a magnetic generator/altenator it's plain sailing.

There are small turbines on eBay, relatively cheap but they're not without their faults.
A 2kw turbine for £600 seems great value but the blades aren't long enough to drive the motor & the brake (incase it gets too windy, the brake will stop the motor incase it burns out) can be faulty if not cause more harm that good.

I've a few websites bookmarked, so I'll check out what will be usful for you & post them up.
I'll include wind turbines & vertical axis turbines.
You could try building a small turbine, that's basically what I planed on & see how it goes.
Once you find a magnetic generator/altenator it's plain sailing.

There are small turbines on eBay, relatively cheap but they're not without their faults.
A 2kw turbine for £600 seems great value but the blades aren't long enough to drive the motor & the brake (incase it gets too windy, the brake will stop the motor incase it burns out) can be faulty if not cause more harm that good.

I've a few websites bookmarked, so I'll check out what will be usful for you & post them up.
I'll include wind turbines & vertical axis turbines.

My home is not well situated for wind power, but there are places nearby that certainly are. Like Wyoming, lol

The northeastern part of Colorado is great for wind turbine generation. If I owned property there I would definitely have a wind farm- and use it!
My home is not well situated for wind power, but there are places nearby that certainly are. Like Wyoming, lol

The northeastern part of Colorado is great for wind turbine generation. If I owned property there I would definitely have a wind farm- and use it!

Well, you could charge a battery system & transport that, or hook her up to the grid.
You could look at a "vertical wind axis" instead of a wind turbine.
They seem to be just as effective, not as big or bulky but they do cost slightly more & might require more maintenance in the long run.

What about solar or hydro?
If you've a river or stream near by, you could build a small hydro system.
Basically the same concept as a wind turbine, only the water drives it instead of wind.

Seen a few vids on YouTube of guys making small hydro stations in the US using an old car altenator to power a refrigerator & a few lights, out in the sticks.

I broke off & wanted to generate my own power, because around here I've heard of guys being caught growing & an extra charge of "using electricity dishonestly", so it was more or less a way to avoid that.
Then I realised there was profit to be made haha.
"Dishonest use of electricity"??? FFS = Fucking Fascist Scum!

Is there an extra charge of "using public roads dishonestly" after one robs a bloody bank?!