At what time will the networks declare Hillary as the winner?

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The DNC has their heads so far up their asses it's embarrasing. 08, Obama promised change and he won in a landslide. 2012, Obama promised change and won again. Bernie was drawing Obama-like crowds because he was talking about change. Trump was the repub nominee because he was promising change. And who did the DNC back? A status quo career politician who embodies everything that the country is sick of. smh

Re-posted for truth
Fuck Hillary. People wanted change, not more of the same bullshit she peddles. The dems lost this election when they conspired against Bernie to get Hillary the nod. They got what they deserved.

Where's @londonfog now??
Don't fool yourself. Bernie would have lost this election too. Donald Trump was the ultimate conservative backlash to eight years of progressive social policies.

The right showed their numbers and got their country back. I wish em the best. I've got resources and means, I'm moving my business and my family to Canada before they backroll marijuana laws and obsolete my profession.

I ain't going back to the corner!
The DNC has their heads so far up their asses it's embarrasing. 08, Obama promised change and he won in a landslide. 2012, Obama promised change and won again. Bernie was drawing Obama-like crowds because he was talking about change. Trump was the repub nominee because he was promising change. And who did the DNC back? A status quo career politician who embodies everything that the country is sick of. smh
Can't help but agree with that.

I can genuinely say I actually preferred Sanders but thought he was unelectable...

I also thought Trump was completely unelectable...
Fuck Hillary. People wanted change, not more of the same bullshit she peddles. The dems lost this election when they conspired against Bernie to get Hillary the nod. They got what they deserved.

Where's @londonfog now??
Right here. Was here earlier, but still have businesses to check on.
We all shall see exactly what Trump will offer, as of right now no one evens knows...not even Trump
Yeah the war on drugs is coming back hard. Pence is gonna ring that law and order bell hard. They are not going to allow us to grow legally any longer. I'm meeting with a lawyer to find out which Canadian Providence will be easiest for me to move to and grow in. Any of you growers with cash that wanna keep doing this legally should do the same.
Pick any one their all the same, it's a federal thing here and unless you are a licenced by the feds grower or med grower good luck. Wait till February it's changing then hopefully, doubt it's gonna get better.
Don't fool yourself. Bernie would have lost this election too. Donald Trump was the ultimate conservative backlash to eight years of progressive social policies.

The right showed their numbers and got their country back. I wish em the best. I've got resources and means, I'm moving my business and my family to Canada before they backroll marijuana laws and obsolete my profession.

I ain't going back to the corner!
It isn't any better here re the "rules", better pick a different country lol.
Yeah the war on drugs is coming back hard. Pence is gonna ring that law and order bell hard. They are not going to allow us to grow legally any longer. I'm meeting with a lawyer to find out which Canadian Providence will be easiest for me to move to and grow in. Any of you growers with cash that wanna keep doing this legally should do the same.
First tax bill ya get you'll run back...the free health care, it ain't free lol.
hmmm... am I pig that I JUST now noticed the faces on the boobs of your avatar?
I was busy looking at the abs..
when did you change that?
I always thought I did well on noticing the details...
I have had @Gary Goodson and @mr sunshine on my chest since they were put on turtle mode many moons ago LOL @tangerinegreen555 made the bra for me and it's a one of a kind designer piece. :-)
It isn't any better here re the "rules", better pick a different country lol.
I got my lawyer pushing the paper work to figure out where I can get licensed and get a visa to move my business the easiest. My wife and I were gonna buy a house in Michigan this spring. But now were just gonna wait til we know where were moving then we gonna start looking for a house.

I got resources and an actual professional business record. It'll take close to a year before we can make the move after all the paper work, and real estate billshit gets settled but this isn't totally out of the blue for me lol. This is something I've thought about before.
Don't fool yourself. Bernie would have lost this election too. Donald Trump was the ultimate conservative backlash to eight years of progressive social policies.

The right showed their numbers and got their country back. I wish em the best. I've got resources and means, I'm moving my business and my family to Canada before they backroll marijuana laws and obsolete my profession.

I ain't going back to the corner!
I don't think so, Hillary literally under congressional and FBI investigation, hundreds of thousands deleted emails, pay for play, Clinton Foundation, falling over/bad health. Literally anyone could have beat Trump if they didn't have a mountain of dirt on them.
I got my lawyer pushing the paper work to figure out where I can get licensed and get a visa to move my business the easiest. My wife and I were gonna buy a house in Michigan this spring. But now were just gonna wait til we know where were moving then we gonna start looking for a house.

I got resources and an actual professional business record. It'll take close to a year before we can make the move after all the paper work, and real estate billshit gets settled but this isn't totally out of the blue for me lol. This is something I've thought about before.
Good luck, I hope it works out for you. Again all provinces are the same, all grow ops are federal regulated and there are 36 registered ones as of now I believe in the country so they ain't just handing them out to joe smoe lol. Better just to buy property and retire with one big field ;)
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